Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 816: Regularizing the world

Chapter 817 Regularizing the World

When he gave the order to the prince, Lin Yuan’s face was full of solemnity, and he was no longer as confident as he was a few days ago.

Through endless summer’s consumption of the crystals of rules, Lin Yuan knew that he had already seen the difficulty of transforming mythological spirit creatures into creation spirit creatures.

But it turns out that I still don’t look high enough.

Although it hasn’t been long before endless summer has been promoted to the three realms of mythology, the foundation is much lower than that of the old three realms of mythology.

But the endless summer of Shusheng Erxin has made up for the lack of foundation in talent.

In terms of talent, endless summer is destined to be qualified to experience the catastrophe of creation after accumulation.

And from the catastrophe of creation, spell out an opportunity to transform into a kind of creation.

However, in the past few days, endless summer with such a high talent has accepted Lin Yuan’s more than 3,000 regular crystals.

Counting the regular crystals consumed before the endless summer, the total number of regular crystals absorbed by the endless summer has reached four thousand.

Even with such a massive supply of regular crystals, there is still an unbreakable membrane in Endless Summer Distance Creation Species.

The example of Endless Xia is here. The dark death rule engraved in the skirt of Wang Nv Luo is destined to be much harder than Lin Yuan’s expectations.

This made Lin Yuan feel a little heavy.

The literary ring, the martial arts ring and the civil and martial arts double ring of the night club can only participate in one of them.

There is no such thing as a world of dark death, even if you use the body super memory grass to become a master of martial arts.

Able to maximize the power of the spiritual explosion and hit the damage equivalent to the full blow of the diamond-level tenth-level fantasy five-variable spiritual creature, and still dare not say that he is confident of winning the cultural relic double challenge.

If the rules of the dark death cannot be successfully transformed into the dark death world before the night meeting, Lin Yuan has already planned to abandon the civil and martial arts competitions and go to Wenzhou to participate in the competition.

For Lin Yuan, just participating in the competition to win the championship is also a gamble.

If Wen Lei happened to be comparing the rank of a spiritual creature, then Lin Yuan would have nothing to do.

Although it is the competition of the literary competition of the night club, it will definitely create an environment where no one is disturbed by the creator, for the creator to deploy the spirit.

The creator can also use the spirit objects of his contract to assist himself in the process of preparing the elixir.

Lin Yuan can still be smart.

However, although the current cleverness can use the spiritual power to deploy the three-star spiritual liquid, he has not yet mastered the method of using the soul to deploy the four-star spiritual liquid.

The Glory Federation stipulates that the age range of the younger generation is within 30 years old, which means that all the top power builders under the age of 30 can participate in the literary competition of the night club.

It may be a bit reluctant to become a four-star maker at the age of 30, but it is not impossible to become a three-star pinnacle maker.

Long Tao, whom Lin Yuan knows, is only 26 years old this year, and he is already a senior creator of Samsung.

With Long Tao’s talents, it is safe to become a three-star pinnacle builder before the age of thirty.

The younger generation of other top forces may not be more talented in creating teachers than Long Tao, but there are always younger generations with similar talents.

Competing with such a Tianjiao, the ability that is equivalent to the Samsung Senior Creator is not enough.

What’s more, Mr. Zhu and Zun Chef also have disciples of the right age. Presumably, Mr. Zhu and Zun Chef’s disciples are always better than Long Tao in creating teachers.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Yuan felt that his pressure had become even greater.

After receiving Lin Yuan’s order, the queen stopped the absorption of the rule source crystal from the opponent.

Feeling the primordial power absorbed from the more than 4,000 regular source crystals in Luo skirt, the queen can’t help but become a little eager to try.

The main way to improve the star of the queen is to absorb the power of the rules in the regular spar, and use the source power in the source of the rules to strengthen the rules engraved in the skirt.

The queen has absorbed so many source powers in the regular source crystals but listened to Lin Yuan’s words and didn’t use it, which made the queen’s star rating never improved.

The next process of improving the rules of dark death will consume a lot of source power.

This process is also equivalent to improving the strength and star rating of the prince.

At this time, the original power in the queen’s skirt spread to the queen’s body, causing the queen’s snow-like skin to sway with crystal light.

The highest part of the sky in the Luoqun world, the dark night wreck crow represented by the rules of dark death, is fighting against the ghost bat, represented by the rules of dark death.

The two different dark attribute rules between chasing and collision outline the misty black sky in the world of the queen and daughter’s skirts, full of withering, perishing and perplexing.

At this moment, the prince and daughter Luo’s skirt made the world become illusory and true, and the source power actively entangled the dark night ravens in the sky that were ruled by dark death.

The primordial power is continuously injected into the body of the dark night crow, which makes the aura in the dark night crow continuously expand.

The status between the Dark Night Crow and the Ghou Meng You Bat has changed.

From the battle of the two to the dark night chasing the crow, Can Mengyou bat escaped.

The Dark Night Crow, which was transformed into the rules of Dark Death, kept getting stronger under the injection of source power, making the Canmengyou Bat, which was hit by the Dark Night Crow one after another, dare not resist.

The Gumengyou bat, which was transformed into the rules of the dead dream, had to sink from the highest point in the sky and sink to the sea level below the dark night crow.

As time passed by one minute and one second, the primordial power absorbed by the queen daughter Luo’s skirt was constantly being consumed.

Every minute that goes by, the source power from nearly fifty regular source crystals will be injected into the dark night ravens formed by the dark death rules.

One hour has passed, and the source power in the more than 3,000 regular source crystals finally brought the momentum of the Dark Night Crow to a critical point.

At this time, the dark night crow is like a tough balloon, and the injection of source power is like air.

The Dark Night Crow, incarnate by the rules of dark death, can no longer receive more air as a balloon.

Lin Yuan knew that as long as he pumped the source force into the dark night crow again, it would be possible for the dark death rule to overcome the extremely difficult hurdle.

Break through this hurdle~IndoMTL.com~The dark death rule that the dark night catastrophe turns into can evolve into the dark death world.

After experiencing the rules of dark death, Lin Yuan continued to give orders to the queen.

“The prince will directly inject the source power drawn from the 500 regular source crystals into the world of death.”

The prince hesitated slightly when she heard Lin Yuan’s instructions, and then she spoke.

“Master, I think the rule of dark death has now reached a critical point.”

“It is possible that another source force absorbed from one or two hundred rule source crystals is injected into the Dark Death Rule, and the Dark Death Rule can be transformed into the Dark Death World.”

Lin Yuan said decisively in a deep voice when she heard the words of the queen.

“Just use the source power of 500 regular source crystals.”

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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