Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 794: The ability to change the pattern of the builder

At this time, everyone who should be there is here.

  Since the Dragon Family Panlong Valley and the Li Family Li Yun Bird Niche are family friends, Long Tu and the Li Family elders are also familiar with each other.

   It’s a pleasure for everyone to talk casually.

   After chatting for a while, Lin Yuan waved his hand and summoned twenty-six pots of golden lotus plants on the old wooden table with a completely jade-like quality.

   The last pot of golden lotus was cultivated by Jinse ten minutes ago, but it was a coincidence.

   Twenty-six pots are covered with small golden round beads. The golden lotus plants with delicate pink brocade on the small round beads look very cute.

   Lin Yuan spoke to Long Tao and Li Xuan.

  ”It was agreed that 26 pots of golden lotus, 17 pots of Longtao, and 9 pots of Li Xuan. Let’s see and divide it by yourself.”

   Li Xuan, Long Tao, Long Tu, and Li Yun’s elders did not have any special reactions when they saw the layout of the Linyuan Manor.

   Everyone has known the identity of the followers of Lin Yuanyue for a long time, so no matter how luxurious the manor is, no one will be surprised.

   But now there are so many golden lotus plants shiningly in front of them, and there are several four-star pinnacle creators and dozens of four-star creators in the Dragon’s Panlong Valley and the Li’s Liyun Bird Niche.

   Since each pot of golden lotus and pearls can increase the spiritual material fusion rate of the elixir prepared by the creator by about 10%, it is equivalent to increasing the effect of the elixir by 10%.

   In this way, every ten pots of golden lotus plants in the Long family and Li family are not worth a four-star pinnacle creator, but it is enough to be worth a four-star creator.

   At this time, the four of them only felt that the two and a half four-star creators were living two and a half four-star creators instead of twenty-six pots of golden lotus plants.

   This feeling is really exciting.

   As the core members of the top forces of the Long Family and the Li Family, the elders of Long Tao, Long Tu, Li Xuan, and Li Yun Bird Niche are undoubtedly more aware of the preciousness and rareness of the resources of the creators than others.

   Although the top forces must have strong combat power as support.

   But unless they have five emperor-level powerhouses like the Five Emperor Mercenaries, their influence can be compared with the top power with three four-star pinnacle builders.

   Even if the number of top powerhouses in the Dragon Family Panlong Valley is definitely not as good as the number of five emperor mercenary powerhouses.

   However, the influence of the top powers alone is undoubtedly the Dragon’s Panlong Valley will overwhelm the Five Emperors’ mercenaries.

   It can even be said that the five emperors mercenaries are more thirsty for the resources of high-star creators because they have a large number of high-level aura professionals.

   also secretly build good relations with other top forces with a large number of high-star creator resources.

   If we compare it in this way, the 26 pots of golden lotus plants on the table can not only be regarded as two and a half four-star creators.

   can also be approximately equal to the favor of the emperor-level powerhouse in the invisible.

   Longtu took a deep look at the twenty-six pots of golden lotus plants on the table, and couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”After the month, the adults have cultivated such a treasure that is so helpful to the creator.”

  ”If there are more such treasures, it can completely change the current pattern of forces with creators as their main function.”

   Longtu’s words made the brows of the mother of the blood bath who was drinking Sanzhen tea slightly frowned, and she glanced at Longtu with some dissatisfaction.

  The most fundamental reason why the mother of the blood bath will become Lin Yuan’s protector is to repay her life-saving grace after the month.

  Before I met Lin Yuan, the kindness of the month after the month was enough to allow the blood bath mother to dedicate her freedom, and it was enough to show the blood bath mother’s gratitude and respect for the month after.

   When I first followed Lin Yuan, the Mother of Blood Bath also felt that all of Lin Yuan’s achievements came from the work of the month.

   But the longer you stay with Lin Yuan, the more the Mother of Blood Bath feels that Lin Yuan is a person who can perform miracles at any time.

   When Lin Yuan went to Huiyue Hall on weekdays, the Mother of Blood Bath followed him. After the month, he had to think of a way to find a reason if he wanted to give Lin Yuan something.

   It can be seen that the large number of creator resources in Lin Yuan’s hands are not entirely provided by the month.

   This makes the mother of the blood bath very confused.

   But standing there with a thin body before Lin Yuan Yu Tiandi’s baptism, he summoned a piece of white sand to rescue the mother of the blood bath.

  The mother of the blood bath knows that besides the kindness she owes after Moon, she also owes a greater kindness to Lin Yuan.

  The salvation of oneself after the month is just as casually, just as the month after the month has bestowed to herself a card that can withstand the catastrophe of creation.

   And Lin Yuan has an infinitely bright future as a moon queen, but he is willing to fight his life to save himself in times of crisis.

   This kind of warmth has never been felt by the mother of the blood bath, who survived as a wild beast in blood.

   After that, the Mother of Blood Bath no longer wanted to explore why Lin Yuan was able to create miracles at will. She just wanted to do her best to wait for Lin Yuan.

   These golden lotus plants in front of me were obviously something Lin Yuan had tinkered with, but they were cultivated by Longtu after the moon.

   This made the mother of the blood bath a little uncomfortable.

   On the contrary, Lin Yuan’s smile on his face became even stronger after hearing Long Tu’s words.

  For Lin Yuan, if he hadn’t been relying on his master to be a month later, he wouldn’t dare to take out Jinlian Jinshu, which can be equivalent to the resources of the high-star creator, so lightly~IndoMTL.com~ I think deeply that I am friends with Long Tao and Li Xuan, but if I don’t have enough identity, he is the contemporary Patriarch of Long Tao’s father Panlong Valley.

   and the great elder of Li Yun’s bird niche would not sit in front of him so peacefully.

   Even if the two of them don’t force themselves to trade Jin Lian Jin Zhu, they will become the eye of a typhoon when the news of Jin Lian Jin Zhu is released.

   will also become the target of all forces.

   Lin Yuan, a human being for two generations, is willing to believe that human nature is inherently good, but he also understands that the opposite of human nature is inherently evil.

  Good and evil are often opposed to each other.

   How warm is kindness, and how cold is maliciousness.

   Lin Yuan will be willing to announce his identity as a fellow of the moon at the night meeting. On the one hand, Lin Yuan does not want to let down the expectations of the moon after seeing the eyes of the moon.

   On the other hand, it is also because in the nearly eight months of development, Lin Yuan feels that he is no longer the weak boy in the Xia County shop who was panting for even moving a few shelves.

   In these eight months, every minute and every second, every breath I have been growing as much as possible.

  As a member of the younger generation, especially after embarking on the All-Star Game and feeling the attention.

   Lin Yuan also wants to go to the forefront of the tide of the times, taking the city of the sky to stand on top of the tide of the times in the torrent of the vast soup.

   Although Lin Yuan has nothing to do with the world on weekdays, Lin Yuan’s ambition is really big.

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