Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 777: Exclusive feature Hermit dead servant

Seeing that Yinhua had broken through to the bronze level and had three exclusive characteristics, Lin Yuan couldn’t help taking a breath.

   Yinhua is indeed a creature transformed from a cancerous creature, and in essence it is still a spiritual creature that lives by extreme killing.

   These three exclusive characteristics seemed to Lin Yuan to be a paradise that needs to be built by killing.

  Lin Yuan saw these three exclusive features:

  【Soul of the Nightmare】: The target soul killed by the bone lotus will be imprisoned in the nearby bone lotus and become the bone soul in the bone lotus. The bone soul has a curse effect and can be used on the living with the power of the dead Curse, use the dead energy of the dead to offset the vitality in the living.

   [The Hermit Death Servant]: The Bone Lotus will swallow a physical target while killing the target. At the same time, it melts 1% of the strength in front of the target into the soul of the target and breeds the soul into a dead soul, forming The dead souls will swallow each other, and eventually they will be refined into thirty-six hermit dead servants in the bone lotus, and each hermit dead servant can deepen a layer of hermit mist that sways over the bone lotus.

   [Seed of Bone Sending]: Convert the sea of ​​weeping crystals condensed by the sea-buried lotus flower into a seed that can be parasitic in the bones. When the seed blooms under the urging of the sea-buried lotus flower, the seed can be used The internal energy is attached to the bone, increasing the hardness of the bone.

   These three exclusive characteristics, Lin Yuan’s careful products and Yuepin, the more they feel that they are all the best.

   In contrast, Lin Yuan immediately discarded the third exclusive feature of Sending Bone Seed.

  For any creature coming from the body, the bones in the body play only a role of support and protection.

   When the bones hardened by the exclusive characteristic of the Bone Bone Seed face external physical damage, they can use hard bones to resist cruel offensives, which can greatly enhance physical defenses.

  If Lin Yuan chooses the exclusive feature of Bone Sending Seed, it can indeed make Lin Yuan’s most lacking physical defense supplement.

  The combination of smart skill expansion and ethereal jellyfish skill space conversion can make Lin Yuan’s defense system perfect.

  On the premise that every Bone Sending Seed needs to consume a Weeping Sea Crystal, the Bone Sending Seed is too tasteless.

   Lin Yuan also took the Weeping Sea Crystal in his hand to improve the quality of Lily Lily.

   And even if you don’t consider consumption, Lin Yuan just parasitizes a seed in his body.

   Even if the exclusive characteristic of Bone Sending Seed is a support ability, Lin Yuan still feels awkward how to think.

   While the first two exclusive characteristics, Soul of Nightmare and Death Servant of the Hermit, look similar to Lin Yuan, but the similarities are quite different behind them.

   It can be said that no matter which Lin Yuan chooses based on these two exclusive characteristics, it is destined that the sea lotus will be used as a spiritual creature that relies on the formation of a sea of ​​flowers to form a sea of ​​flowers for battle.

   But the battle method of Buried Sea Lotus is very different from that of Red Thorn.

  The sea of ​​flowers spawned by the red thorns is more flexible and can be thrown into any battlefield immediately.

   However, the sea of ​​bone lotus flowers spawned by the cancer spirits buried in the sea lotus flower sea needs to absorb the soul by absorbing and killing a large number of living people in an area, thereby enhancing the strength of the whole sea of ​​bone lotus flowers.

   If the sea of ​​red thorns is compared to a weapon, then the sea of ​​flowers buried in the sea is more like a defensive offensive built around the base.

   It happened that Lin Yuan was planning to go to the Shenmu Federation. By then, Lin Yuan could completely plant a large number of bone lotus around the Shenmu Federation’s own base.

   made his base in the Shenmu Federation a forbidden place.

  There is always no shortage of adventurers in forbidden places.

   There is an old saying in the world that curiosity kills cats.

   It is rumored that cats have nine lives and are inherently dead. They are still aura professionals.

  As long as the name of this forbidden place becomes famous, there will always be people who will help the sea of ​​flowers to bury the sea lotus to improve their strength.

   And if the title of Forbidden Land wants to be successful, more people need to be buried in the sea of ​​bone lotus flowers.

   When the strength of the White Bone Lotus Flower Sea increases, there will be stronger lives to explore the Forbidden Land.

   Lin Yuan, who gave birth to this idea, suddenly felt like a big demon in the forbidden area, waiting for the brave to find and defeat him.

   In fact, cultivating Yinhua’s exclusive characteristics does not necessarily require the life of a Reiki professional. There is also a very good way to find an active zone of dimensional cracks.

   The base was built in the middle of multiple first-dimensional cracks, but the source items in these first-dimensional cracks were not taken out.

   rely on a steady stream of dimensional creatures to feed the sea of ​​flowers of the white bone lotus.

   When Lin Yuan gave birth to this idea, he had already decided in his heart which of the two exclusive characteristics: Soul of the Suspense and Death Servant of the Hermit would choose.

  In Lin Yuan’s mind, compared to the exclusive characteristic of the Soul of Suspense, it is the dead servant of the hermit that is more in line with Lin Yuan’s vision for the Yinhua combat system.

  Exclusive characteristics: The soul of nightmare is not weak, on the contrary, the effect of cultivating soul is much higher than that of the hermit dead servant.

  The soul of the dungeon can imprison the soul of the living in the bone lotus after killing the living. What is the excessive loss of the souls of the non-living~IndoMTL.com~ But the dead servant of the hermit can only Melted one percent of the target’s strength into the soul, and was refined into a dead soul by the bone lotus.

  In comparison, it must be that the Soul of Nightmare is more efficient in upgrading the entire sea of ​​bones and lotus flowers.

   However, although the efficiency of cultivating bone souls by the souls of the nightmare is high, it is not as good as the dead souls cultivated by the hermit servants.

  Since Lin Yuan wanted to plant a patch of bone lotus outside of the Shenmu Federation’s own base, he turned his Shenmu Federation base into a forbidden existence.

   Naturally, there must be powerful units guarding it.

  Compared with the endless bone souls cultivated by the soul of the exclusive characteristic, it is undoubtedly that the 36 dead servants of the hermit finally cultivated by the exclusive characteristic of the dead servants are more powerful.

   And as Huahai kills more living beings, the individual strengths of the 36 hermit dead servants will continue to increase.

   can form a good assistance and circulation with the sea of ​​flowers in Bone Lotus New City.

   And what Lin Yuan values ​​more is that every dead servant of the hermit can create a fog of war over the sea of ​​bone lotus flowers.

  The fog of war can completely cover the sea of ​​bone lotus flowers and hide the sea of ​​bone lotus flowers under the shadow of layers of war fog.

  The reason why the forbidden area is called the forbidden area is because the forbidden area has always been very mysterious.

   If you can see the whole picture at a glance, then such a place will only be called a fierce place no matter how dangerous it is.

   instead of forbidden ground.

   Lin Yuan made a decision and said to Yinhua who was waiting for her choice.

  ”Yinhua, choose the exclusive characteristic Hermit Dead Servant!”

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