Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 665: Here is the smashing place

Lin Yuan’s words caused a commotion on the scene.

The fast-moving people are already preparing to grab the letter of fate hidden on the star wheel behind the clouds.

As long as you grab the letter of fate with a white card inside, you can get a chance to customize the epic-quality Bronze artifact at the cost of three source items.

Such a price is faintly equivalent to buying a finished copper tier epic-quality spiritual object on the market, and it is much lower than the price spent on ordering from other creators.

And there is no need to collect spiritual materials by oneself, which is simply too cost-effective.

However, Sun Ningxiang glanced at Lin Yuan deeply and exclaimed.

“What a salesman!”

The price of one hundred and eight letters of destiny for each 300,000 Glory Coins adds up to the high price of 32.4 million Glory Coins.

Adding three source items, this price is far higher than the prices of other four-star creators.

It’s just that, the young man wearing a mask in front of him used his luck to spread a part of the price one person needs to 108 people.

Everyone who feels that he is the emperor of Europe is lucky enough to be willing to take a gamble.

This sales method using psychology and humanity made Sun Ningxiang feel that her own Ninglu Fairy Garden might also be able to learn from this.

At this moment, a slightly arrogant voice came from the entrance.

“Hold on.”

The sound made the brows of those present frowned.

However, after all the people present looked at the clothes on the coming person, no one really dared to take a step forward to extract the letter of fate.

Sun Ningxiang frowned when he saw the person coming.

Then Lin Yuan, who was wearing a weird mask at the table, showed a worried look on his face.

Lin Yuan saw a young man in a purple robe walking in with his hands behind his back.

The purple robe youth’s clothes are tattooed with agile and mighty beast patterns, and the collar is embroidered with green bud patterns.

At that time, Wen Yu was looking at the Zheng family’s information and involved the Miao family behind the second youngest of the Zheng family.

Although Wen Yu hadn’t gone to the Yinyue Pavilion of the Huiyue Palace to conduct a detailed investigation of the Miao family’s information.

But when sorting out the information about the top powers, the Miao family’s information has already been sorted out.

As a top power, the Miao family runs an organization called Di Animal Garden.

Because the Miao family has a large number of creators, most of its core members have the talent of creators.

Therefore, the core function of Di Beast Garden is to strengthen the rank and quality of spiritual things.

To some extent, it can be compared to the creation of a division in business.

The purple robe tattooed with wild beasts worn by this stalwart young man is the iconic aura costume of the top power Miao Jiadi Animal Garden, “the new seedling dress of the beasts.”

The green bud pattern embroidered on the neck of the new Miao dress worn by the children of the Miao family often indicates the status of the children of the Miao family.

The bud pattern embroidered on the collar of the strong young man only halfway around the neck.

Based on the information on the Miao family, Lin Yuan knew that this strong young man should be a collateral child of the Miao family.

Most of the collateral children who are eligible to wear the new beast outfit are highly valued by the descendants of the Miao family.

Lin Yuan watched the purple-robed youth who was still at the door walking towards the inside of the hall step by step, his expression unchanged.

Lin Yuan knew that before Sky City released the function, he knew that after he released the function, there would be power to smash the scene.

Every function is a big cake.

This big cake was originally well divided by others, and I inserted a stick in and wanted to share the cake, which would naturally cause other forces to suppress it.

Although the direction of the function of the Sky City is to customize the high-quality spirits of the bronze step according to the will rune, it is taking the high-end route.

However, the function of the Sky City is essentially included in the foundation of all aura professionals, the great function of spiritual things.

After all, no aura professional can leave the contract and strengthen the aura.

Under the great function of spiritual things, the Miao family is not the only top force to divide the cake.

Even the Miao Family’s Di Beast Garden is not the strongest top power among them.

But I didn’t expect that at this time, it was the first time that the Miao family jumped out and hit the ground.

Because of the conflict between the three lines of the Zheng family and the Linglu Chamber of Commerce, the second young master of the Zheng family was involved.

Miao Zhi, the mother of the second youngest of the Zheng family, was born in the Miao family.

Since Lin Yuan was assassinated by Jiao Hansong and Nightmare Liu, the enmity between Lin Yuan and the two young masters of the Zheng family has not been resolved.

In the age of respecting martial arts, how could Lin Yuan be soft when others want to kill himself.

In Lin Yuan’s view, it was a matter of time before he and the Miao family behind the second youngest of the Zheng family were confronted.

It’s just that Lin Yuan didn’t expect that he and the Miao family would meet so early.

After the strong man in purple robe walked in, he was slightly startled to see the layout of the hall.

Especially when he saw the copper-step legendary quality lily of the valley on the table next to Lin Yuan, the sturdy purple-robed man took a bit of contempt in his eyes.

Suddenly the sturdy man in purple robe laughed loudly and said to Lin Yuanzhong full of anger.

“Brother, you, the private power Sky City just announced the function~IndoMTL.com~, but let all visitors grab an opportunity to customize the epic-quality Bronze artifact.”

“Is it a bit too insincere and too shabby?”

Lin Yuan raised his eyelids when he heard the words, looked at the sturdy purple-robed man and said loudly.

“Since you know that the visitor is a guest, then you should also know the difference between the subject and the guest.”

“Customers have always been casual.”

Lin Yuan’s words changed the complexion of the sturdy purple-robed man, and made everyone present, especially Sun Ningxiang, staring at Lin Yuan tightly for a long time.

Sun Ningxiang found that she couldn’t see the masked youth in front of her.

Sun Ningxiang had been paying attention to the changes in Lin Yuan’s eyes, and naturally saw Lin Yuan’s eyes fall on the purple-robed man.

Furthermore, his gaze stayed for a while on the bud pattern of the purple-robed man’s neck.

According to Lin Yuan’s gaze, Sun Ningxiang could be sure that Lin Yuan knew the identity of the man in the purple robe.

But even so, what Lin Yuan said was not at all polite.

The difference between the subject and the guest is equivalent to the name of the brother who just hit the purple robe man.

And just now, the man in the purple robe yelled “Slowly” at the door, this kind of behavior of being a guest.

The smile on the face of the strong purple-robed man suddenly closed.

He looked at Lin Yuan sharply and said.

“It seems that Sky City is not hospitable!”

Lin Yuan shrugged upon hearing this.

“The main yake is coming.”

“The visitor is not an elegant guest, why is it hospitable?”

If Lin Yuan had just said it was the blade hidden in the sheath.

At this moment, the blade has pierced the scabbard and revealed its sharp edge.

It’s just that the sharp edge that Jianfeng showed at this time was cold, making everyone present only feel a bit chilly in their backs.

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