Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 633: I was drawn

When everyone saw Lin Yuan and Chu Ci, they also discovered that the person sitting next to Lin Yuan turned out to be Liu Jie, who was ranked 30th in the Hui Yao Baizi sequence.

Liu Jie was originally a hero of the Glory Federation, especially in Frost City with a high reputation.

Liu Jie’s reputation in Frost City is the same as Lin Yuan’s reputation in Mopan Town.

Even if Liu Jie has been silent for three years, the heat still hasn’t dropped much.

Now Liu Jie is back to take the top 30 seats directly, so that Liu Jie’s popularity can even be compared to the top 20 members of the Baizi sequence.

This made everyone start to guess the relationship between Lin Yuan and Liu Jie before they guessed the relationship between Chuci and Lin Yuan.

The interest in discussion has grown stronger.

Several rounds of coaching battles, and several clubs and guilds.

It wasn’t until it was the turn of the Snake Club guild that everyone’s eyes were pulled back to the arena.

After all, in the All-Star Game last year, the Wild Snake Club guild killed the lucky spectators who chose the challenge.

This matter is really too much trouble.

No one who came to the scene didn’t want to be selected as a lucky audience to take a walk.

Show a face in front of the people of Quan Huiyao Federation.

After all, in addition to the 200,000 spectators on the field, the All-Star Game is also broadcast simultaneously on Star Network.

But now it’s the Snake Club’s turn to draw lucky audiences, and everyone at the scene does not want to be drawn by the Snake Club guild.

Even if they were drawn, everyone was prepared to abstain immediately.

Otherwise, if the members of the Snake Club guild go crazy again and kill their own spirit creatures, that life will be ruined.

At this moment, the Snake Club guild had been drawn, only Huo Zeyuan shouted.

“Congratulations to the lucky audience A0217 for being drawn by the Snake Club Guild.”

The other audience on the scene heard Huo Zeyuan’s words and immediately began to look for the hapless A0217.

As a result, by coincidence, his eyes fell on Lin Yuan beside Chuci.

“Wow, the little brother beside the Iron Bull Valkyrie was chosen by the Snake Club Guild!”

“It’s really uncomfortable to be selected by the Snake Club Guild. Last year’s lucky audience chose to challenge the Xilinxi to be killed. Who can guarantee the safety of this year’s coaching battle?”

“You are all paying attention to the challenge for a while. Is it just me who thinks this little brother is a little handsome? Hey.”

Lin Yuan didn’t realize at this time that he was being discussed as unlucky.

As early as when Meng Xu, sent by the Wild Snake Club Guild, randomly selected a seat number beside Huo Zeyuan, Lin Yuan’s eyes narrowed.

Lin Yuan heard of Zhang Xiaobai’s experience before, although on the surface he did not show much hostility toward the Snake Club guild.

Neither did it clearly say that he would help Zhang Xiaobai solve the trouble of the Snake Club Guild.

After the White Devil said to help Zhang Xiaobai solve Xin Ying, Tan Ran, and Lu Pinru’s five senses that were stolen by Meng Xu’s sense of emptiness, Wang Gu, Lin Yuan did not mention anything about the Snake Club guild before Zhang Xiaobai’s face. .

It’s not that Lin Yuan doesn’t want to help Zhang Xiaobai.

If Lin Yuan doesn’t pay attention to the affection between Zhang Xiaobai and others, he will definitely not use the spiritual materials that can subdue the three-star pinnacle builder to heal the wounded Lu Pinru.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan, who has experienced too many human relationships and sophistication, knows what he should do when Zhang Xiaobai encounters a problem to make Zhang Xiaobai feel better.

Although Zhang Xiaobai has already terminated the contract with Extreme Club, the contracts of Xin Ying, Tan Ran, and Lu Pinru are still stuck in the hands of Extreme Club.

The dreams of Zhang Xiaobai and others have always been in the S competition.

For the career considerations of Zhang Xiaobai and others, Lin Yuan is undoubtedly the most unwise choice to make this matter directly.

But now Lin Yuan suddenly narrowed his eyes after realizing that he had been drawn by Meng Xu.

Since Meng Xu drew himself, then after the All-Star Game, there is no need for the White Demon to help Zhang Xiaobai get back Xin Ying, Tan Ran, and Lu Pinru to feel the five senses stolen by Wang Gu.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaobai’s heavy voice came from Lin Yuan.

“Lin is far better than simply abstaining. The Snake Club guild collapsed in popularity due to the behavior in the All-Star Game last year.”

“In the S game this year, the Snake Club guild played very hard against other club guild teams, and even caused several players to die directly in the battle.”

“The behavior of the Snake Club Guild has also attracted some extreme fans for the Snake Club Guild.”

“The Snake Club guild is likely to want to go further and further on this road. It is not safe even to choose a coaching game in this All-Star Game.”

When Zhang Xiaobai spoke, a deep worry was hidden on his heavy face.

Zhang Xiaobai knows the identity of Lin Yuanhei, and every time the star-net showdown between Zhang Xiaobai and Zhang Xiaobai, he will go to the Tianti Video Studio to see it several times.

So Zhang Xiaobai is very clear about Lin Yuan’s strength.

Besides, after a life and death battle outside Mopan Town, Lin Yuan undoubtedly showed his greatest strength at the time.

In the past six months, Zhang Xiaobai was quite emotional that Lin Yuan’s strength had improved rapidly.

However, Zhang Xiaobai, who had fought with Meng Xu, knew Meng Xu as well. Meng Xu had two platinum-level spiritual objects.

Two platinum rank spirit creatures and one is Stealing Wang Gu, who is good at mental attacks.

One is a Pan Armored Nightmare Scorpion who is good at physical melee combat. The skills are violent and poisonous, and it will cause the whole body to fester.

Moreover, if Meng Xuyu used the Pan Armored Nightmare Scorpion to fight in close quarters, as long as it did not launch a fatal blow, even a rescuer would not be able to block it immediately.

If Lin Yuan’s spiritual creature is stabbed by the Pan Armor Nightmare Scorpion, the guild alliance will be able to heal it later.

The body of aura professionals is far less powerful than a spiritual creature.

If Lin Yuan is stabbed by the pan armor nightmare scorpion, the toxin of pan armor nightmare scorpion invades the bone marrow.

Lin Yuan is very likely to damage his own origin, which will have a great impact on his future life.

Lin Yuan saw Zhang Xiaobai stand up.

He patted Zhang Xiaobai on the shoulder and said.

“Don’t worry, it’s safe.”

Lin Yuan’s “very safe” sentence made Zhang Xiaobai stunned~IndoMTL.com~ Then, Zhang Xiaobai listened to Lin Yuan asking himself.

“Are everything going smoothly at the Extreme Club Guild?”

Zhang Xiaobai pulled the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, and showed a sarcasm.

“Successfully, when the leader of the Extreme Club Guild heard that I was going to apply for withdrawal procedures for Xin Ying, Tan Ran, and Lu Pinru, they did not let me go back and wait for review in accordance with the procedures.”

“The green light was turned on on the spot, and all the withdrawal procedures were completed within an hour.”

Lin Yuan saw the sarcasm in Zhang Xiaobai’s eyes, feeling a little distressed inexplicably.

Lin Yuan understands that Zhang Xiaobai is not ridiculing others, but he who is full of longing for in the extreme club and struggles day and night.

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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