Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 467: Master Master

The layers of ink clouds in the sky, and the sprinkling of snow falls in an instant.

These snow-like pieces of snow gradually become goose feathers.

Feather-like snow flakes fell from the sky, and it instantly iced the surface of the sea.

When the feather-like snowflakes fall, the air ignites pale icy flames under the extreme coldness.

The falling room is like a firework blooming in the extreme ice.

Jiao Hanzhong looked at the snowflakes coming from the sky toward the potted cold snowy pine in his hand.

Feeling this beautiful scene, Jiao Hanzhong suddenly felt a little ironic.

It is obviously a baptism of heaven and earth that I am preparing to look forward to day and night.

But now this baptism of heaven and earth that I have been looking forward to day and night has become my own funeral.

Jiao Hanzhong said to Lin Yuan in a deep voice.

“I won’t be able to live today, but you killed the people in the Master Zheng’s Nightmare Squad, you just wait for the revenge of the Master Zheng’s Thunder!”

When Lin Yuan heard Jiao Hanzhong’s words, he suddenly felt that Jiao Hanzhong, the imperial powerhouse, was a little sad.

The strength has clearly reached the emperor rank, and he has a mythical kind of spiritual object, but at the end, he still feels that the master of the Zheng family is always dependent.

Lin Yuan said coldly.

“If Zheng Family Master wants revenge, my Sky City will continue.”

Lin Yuan’s voice just fell, and suddenly there was a sharp shout from the horizon.

“Who is making trouble in the waters of Diancang City!”

The space fluctuates violently, and the fluctuating space tore a crack, and the crack becomes a portal.

Three men walked out of the door.

A man wore Indigo’s azure blue armor, but there were a few lines of bright silver waves on his clothing.

Looking at the bright silver wave pattern on the azure blue armor, Lin Yuan could see that this man should be the commander of Indigo Cangwei.

It is also in the city of Diancang, second only to the existence of the city lord of Diancang.

The two people next to each other are wearing Jinlingsi’s standard clothing.

The man in the blue armor of Indigo Cangwei looked at the situation on the desert island.

In particular, seeing the baptism of heaven and earth descending from the sky, frowned slightly and bowed to the other two members of the town spirit division.

“Two adults, I still hope you will take action to help this imperial powerhouse in the Zheng family of Indigo city tide over the difficulties.”

The middle-aged man, the commander of Dian Cangwei, obviously recognized Jiao Hanzhong’s identity.

Now that the Hanxue Cangsong who saw Jiao Hanzhong’s contract was facing the baptism of heaven and earth, he asked for help from the two strong men of the town spirit division around him.

The two members of the Zhenling Division did not summon a spiritual object, but when one of them waved his hand, a shield containing spatial energy protected the cold snow pine.

Temporarily help Hanxue Cangsong cut off the falling ice and snow.

Another member of the Jinling Division waved a burst of fire energy towards the baptism of heaven and earth descending in the sky.

The intensity of these two blows is well-kept, and they are not too strong.

But it is enough to help Han Xue Cangsong in its current state through this baptism of heaven and earth, and smoothly advance.

Lin Yuan was secretly surprised at the power of the two members of Zhen Lingsi.

These two people are obviously S-rank powerhouses, with mythical creatures.

Although no spirits were summoned, the power of two strikes at random has faintly reached the strength of the mother of the blood bath.

If the spirits possessed by the two strongmen of the town spirit division are summoned, they should be able to reach the three realms of the lord-level mythology, reaching the level of endless summer.

It would have been a good thing to be helped by someone casually, but Jiao Hanzhong was dumbfounded.

I originally planned to throw away the cold snow pine in his hands when the baptism of heaven and earth was the most violent, and then fully displayed the exclusive characteristics of cold snow pine, which was also considered to be the strongest blow before his death.

But now the commander of Dian Cangwei and two strong men from the Jinling Division have come together, so that his plan cannot be implemented again in any case.

But at the same time, there was hope in Jiao Hanzhong’s eyes.

If it is purely a personal grievance, the commander of the forces fighting Ding Cangwei and the two strongmen of the town spirit will not help themselves.

But if I put the matter in another way, the powerhouse of Jinlingsi would never allow the opponent to kill him now.

You can even let these people of the other party be investigated by Jin Lingsi.

So, Jiao Hanzhong decisively shouted to the incoming Commander Diancangwei and two strong men from Zhenlingsi.

“Two adults from Zhenlingsi, they have a cancer spirit in their hands.”

“Two adults, you see that this sea area has no life at all, because they have placed a sea burial lotus flower in the sea area.”

Hearing Jiao Hanzhong talked about the cancer spirit, the two strong men of Zhenlingsi felt a suspense.

But when someone heard that someone was using the whole sea area to cultivate cancer spirits and bury the sea lotus, the two strong men of Zhenlingsi frowned even more.

Immediately turned his head and looked at the strongest endless summer and the mother of blood bath.

When Lin Yuan saw this, he directly stepped forward and bowed his hand to the two strong men of Zhenlingsi.

Just as he was about to speak, one of the two strong men from Zhen Lingsi spoke first.

“The two of us are the leaders of the Zhenlingsi guarding the city of Indigo during the upcoming active phase of space. Do you really have cancer spirits in your hands? Are you really using the entire sea as he said? Cultivate cancer spirits to bury sea lotus flowers?”

The chief officer is second only to the existence of the chief in the town spirit division.

The chief officer must have served in the Zhenling Division for at least ten years and have a certain level of strength before he can apply.

Whenever encountering the danger of the active phase of the dimensional crack, these masters and the members of the Jinling Division rush forward to solve the problem.

For such a strong guardian of the Glory Federation, Lin Yuan naturally would not lie.

Simply directly took out the body of the cancer spirit buried in Hailianhua directly from the spirit lock space, and said.

“This cancer spirit burial sea lotus was indeed found in this shallow nearshore sea~IndoMTL.com~ but it was not that I placed the buried sea lotus in this shallow nearshore sea. I Nor will the entire sea area become dead for a Weeping Sea crystal.”

One of the chief envoys looked at the sea-buried lotus flower in Lin Yuan’s hand, and then looked at the shallow sea near the coast with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Chief Dian Cangwei stood aside, looking at Duan He who was standing dumbfounded.

Some doubts, Duan He usually doesn’t stay away!

What’s wrong, didn’t you wake up?

Dian Cangwei prepares to pass Duanhe to learn more about what happened here.

So I walked towards it.

Obviously for Duan He, Dian Cangwei’s Chief Guard is more familiar than Jiao Hanzhong.

At this time, Liu Jie stepped forward from behind Lin Yuan, watching Lin Yuan point to the mask on his face, and then prepared to take it off.

With Liu Jie as a member of the Hui Yao Baizi sequence, it is entirely possible to prove this to the two chief envoys of Zhen Lingsi.

Lin Yuan shook his head, took out a brocade box and handed it to Liu Jie.

The brocade box that Lin Yuan handed Liu Jie looked plain.

But when Liu Jie held it in his hand, he found that the section on the brocade box was very soft, and the plain white satin surface was illuminated by the sun.

It seems to be covered with a layer of Yuehua Qinghui that only appears on a clear night.

Lin Yuan said to Liu Jie.

“Brother Liu, hand me this brocade box to the two masters.”

Liu Jie held the brocade box that Lin Yuan handed him with some confusion, and strode towards the two envoys.

The two palm envoys suddenly constricted when they looked at the satin cloth on the brocade box.

A glance at each other, both of them saw a look of shock and disbelief in each other’s eyes.

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