Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 433: Creation species

It’s not easy for the spirits to communicate with people normally.

   Many spirits want to communicate with people normally, and even have to be promoted to the rank of lord.

When   Fengyuque is at the normal level, it is very rare to be able to use the wind to simulate sound to communicate with people.

  , plus Wind Whisper Sparrow, after being promoted to the Bronze Rank, it will evolve into Wind Chain Sparrow.

  The wind chain sparrow can manipulate the wind element to form a chain to restrain and pull the target, which is regarded as a kind of auxiliary spirit with strong control ability.

  The wind chain of the high-level wind chain sparrow can even help the contractor to grab the spiritual objects or spiritual materials on the seabed in the ocean.

   is a rare good spiritual thing for aura professionals who make a living by the sea.

   These five wind whispering birds stay here in Lin Yuan. Even if Lin Yuan can promote them to the epic quality of the Bronze Stage, they cannot help them grow better.

   So I found five good masters for them, white prostitutes five suitable will runes.

   can also be regarded as finding the best future for these five wind whispers.

   Lin Yuan mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and at the same time injected a large amount of spiritual energy into the five wind whisper finches.

   The level of these five wind whispering sparrows began to climb continuously, all the way to the elite epic quality.

   Lin Yuan found that the five little guys were obviously crowded with his palms.

   The feathers on the five little guys are not gorgeous, all of them are light blue in color, but there is an ink-colored backline on the bird’s back.

   When Lin Yuan broke through the ranks of these five Wind Whisper Sparrows from elite rank to bronze rank.

   These five wind whispering sparrows have undergone a rapid transformation.

   Lin Yuan saw that four of the five little guys on his palm were still light blue, but the feathers on his body had become as strong as bone plates.

   pointed mouth and sharp claws have also become sharper.

  A row of raised back feathers grow from the black backline on the bird’s back. The raised back feathers can greatly increase the speed of the wind chain sparrow like a blade.

   However, when one of the wind whispering sparrows was promoted to the bronze rank, his body color suddenly turned white.

   and other places are not much different from the other four wind chain sparrows.

   Lin Yuan knew that this wind whispering sparrow had mutated during its advancement.

   Lin Yuan first raised the level and quality of these five little guys to the tenth epic bronze level.

   Then, using the real data of Mobius’s skills, he checked the attributes of this white chain sparrow.

  [Name of the phantom]: Wind Netque

  [Spirit Species]: Muniaceae/Sparrows

  [Spirit Level]: Bronze Level ()

  [Spiritual Facts]: Wind System

  [Spiritual Quality]: Epic Quality

  After checking the attributes, Lin Yuan realized that this wind chain sparrow mutated into a wind net sparrow.

   It’s just that Lin Yuan doesn’t know if this mutation is good or bad.

   But if measured in real terms, the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages.

  The wind chain bird can usually use different wind chains according to the level of the level to control and attack.

   But the wind netting can throw a wind net composed of wind chains,

   Although the area covered by the wind net is larger, the strength is far less than the wind chain.

   But for fishing magical creatures in the ocean, the wind sparrow is undoubtedly more practical than the wind sparrow.

   Lin Yuan chose the most suitable one among the three exclusive characteristics that appeared for the four wind chain sparrows and one wind sparrow.

   Then Lin Yuan dragged his hand, and the five little guys fluttered into the sky.

   Lin Yuan found that these five little guys fly in the same way, and the wings stirred quickly so that Lin Yuan’s eyes could only see a cloud of phantom.

  The scene that happened immediately left Lin Yuan stunned.

   I just heard that these five little guys are using the wind element to simulate the human voice, and they are arguing in the sky.

   Lin Yuan is a little dizzy. Where did these five little guys learn so many swear words? Is it maternal-fetal inheritance?

   Lin Yuan hurriedly put the five little guys into the diamond-level sleepy chest.

   Lin Yuan originally wanted to find the same buyer for the five little guys so that they would not be separated.

   But now it seems that Lin Yuan feels that he really thinks too much.

   Where is the brotherhood of these five little guys!

   I don’t know how much hatred I have accumulated in the bird’s nest before!

   If Lin Yuan hadn’t stopped him quickly, I’m afraid these five little guys would have already started fighting.

   When Lin Yuan left the Lingling Space, he found that the sun on the horizon of Indigo City had risen.

   Lin Yuan, who came out of the Lingling Space, could clearly feel the dampness in this Indigo B&B.

   But in the air, it has the salty taste of the ocean unique to coastal cities.

   Lin Yuan was about to find Liu Jie, and found that Liu Jie was standing in front of his door neatly dressed like a guard.

   Seeing Lin Yuan come out, Liu Jie passed the glass of milkshake in his hand and said.

  ”This milkshake is blended with the antelope milk of the Golden Order Spiritual Treasure Mountain Leaping Antelope, and it also contains snow rice. It is nutritious and full of a cup.”

  ”It’s much better than the seafood porridge in this homestay. I just saw that the oyster meat in the seafood porridge was taken out last night at least, and it’s not fresh anymore.”

  While Liu Jie was talking, Lin Yuan noticed that the squinted boss wife and the squinted boss looked at each other.

   Then when the squinted lady proprietor poured porridge to a guest, she deliberately poured a few more pieces of oyster meat.

   This makes Lin Yuan feel a little weird.

   After leaving the hotel quickly with Liu Jie.

   Lin Yuan and Liu Jie went directly to the old house of the Linglu Chamber of Commerce on a flying beast.

   At this time, Lin Yuan and Liu Jie both wear weird masks made by Hu Quan using completely jade-like wood threads.

  The characteristics of the completely jade-like wood thread processed from the body of the weaving wood scorpion are somewhat different from that of the completely jade-like wood.

  Completely jade-like wood will give off a light jade-like luster even if it is not infected by aura.

   However, the completely jade-like silk thread produced in the body of the weaver wood scorpion will not change significantly in a low-concentration aura environment.

   When encountering high aura concentration.

The completely jade-like silk thread produced in the body of    weaving wood scorpion has a stronger jade-like luster than the completely jade-like wood itself.

   At this time, Lin Yuan suddenly heard the strange and pleasant voice of the Mother of Blood Bath ringing in his ears.

  ”In the city of Indigo, if there are spiritual materials containing blood energy, you can help me buy more, and I am ready to hit the three realms of myth as soon as possible.”

   Lin Yuan said without hesitation.

   “Well, if there is any spiritual material you like in Dian Canghai City, please tell me directly.”

   Lin Yuan would naturally not refuse the request of the Mother of Blood Bath.

   Lin Yuan remembered that it hadn’t been a long time since the Mother of Blood Bath broke through the second realm of myth.

  In such a short period of time, the mother of the blood bath is actually preparing to start attacking the three realms of mythology.

   Is this speed too fast?

  The Mother of Blood Bath lurked in Lin Yuan’s hair and made a decision.

  As Lin Yuan began to form her own personal power, the Mother of Blood Bath found that her strength was still a little too weak.

   There is an obvious watershed between the second realm of mythology and the third realm of mythology~IndoMTL.com~If you face the enemy of the third realm of mythology, you can only be killed.

   However, as Lin Yuan continued to develop his power, one day the enemy he faced may be the existence of the imperial peak!

   If I was still at this level by then, not to mention that I would not be able to help Lin Yuan.

   may not even be able to perform the duties of a protector.

  The Mother of Blood Bath has always had a secret, that is, she can increase her strength by devouring blood energy infinitely.

   It is precisely for this reason that the Mother of Blood Bath did not stay in the Diamond Stage Fantasy Five Changes for long, and when she entered the Lord Stage, she directly began to attack the mythical realm.

  ’s entry into this country caused him to be almost wiped out under the baptism of heaven and earth.

  This painful lesson caused the Mother of Blood Bath to be higher than Endless Xia’s level, but was left behind by Endless Xia.

   But now Everlasting Summer is already the third realm of mythology, and I might have the opportunity to try to see if I can go through the baptism of heaven and earth with the help of endless summer to advance to the third realm of mythology.

   If you successfully promoted to the three realms of mythology, you can reach the pinnacle of the mythological spirit by quickly devouring blood energy.

   is also the level of an imperial peak powerhouse.

   At that time, I will be qualified to nurture the rules of blood into a small world of blood.

  , as a myth, go to meddle with the creation of the world!

   has become a creation species!

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