Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 375: How to play with you?

Lin Yuan entered the Star Net this time to help Hong Thorn buy some of the flesh and blood of the dimensional creatures of the Golden Rank Water World.

In fact, Lin Yuan could see the number of dimensional creatures’ flesh and blood that his master had put in a leaf-shaped diamond-level trap.

The dimensional creatures in this water world are scarce.

When Lin Yuan got the leaf-shaped diamond-level sleepy box.

Whether it is the Zerg Dimensional Crack, the Abyss Dimensional Crack, the Swamp Dimensional Crack or the Earth’s Dimensional Crack.

In these four kinds of dimensional cracks opened on land, almost every dimensional creature has the same amount of flesh and blood.

It’s just that if you really want to compare it, it’s still slightly more flesh and blood of the Zerg dimensional creature.

Compared with the flesh and blood of these four dimensional crack creatures that have opened holes in the land.

There are only more than 300 flesh and blood of the dimensional crack creature in the water world.

Among them, there are more than 200 flesh and blood golden stage creatures of the water world, and nearly 80 of the platinum stage creatures.

The flesh and blood of more than two hundred water world creatures with a golden rank have been completely digested by the red thorns during this time.

The only remaining eighty platinum-level water world dimensional creature flesh and blood are still in the leaf-shaped diamond-level trap.

With the current stage position of the red thorn, the flesh and blood of other-dimensional creatures in the platinum water world cannot be digested.

If it is swallowed forcibly, it will not only waste the flesh and blood of other-dimensional creatures in the platinum water world.

At the same time, it will also cause a great burden to the mouth of the red thorn.

So the remaining nearly eighty platinum-level water world alien creatures are flesh and blood that the red thorns can only see but cannot eat.

Compared with the other four kinds of dimensional cracks that opened on land, the water world dimensional cracks only opened in the sea.

The sea has always been a world of sea creatures.

Even near the sea, human aura professionals are relatively less involved.

And the water world dimension crack hole opened in the sea.

The dimensional creatures of the water world gushing out of the cracks in the water world will soon be hunted by the sea creatures.

Therefore, the chances of human aura professionals wanting to find the dimensional cracks in the water world are extremely small in the coastal waters where they are encroached.

After Lin Yuan landed on Starnet, he first went to his own can’t-buy shop.

Lin Yuan found that he couldn’t buy it. Several newcomers joined the fan base of the shop.

Presumably, it should be the creator of the lotus flower or the aura professional of which force was purchased last time.

Lin Yuan didn’t care about the fan base who couldn’t buy the shop at a disadvantage.

This time, Lin Yuan showed ten plants of lotus beads in his Can’t-Built’s shop, and they still sold them in exchange for the brand.

I have learned the lesson from the last time I used a placard to exchange for the essence and blood of the Silver-Rank Flood Dragon Seed Spiritual Item.

This time, what Lin Yuan exchanged for his cards became the same as the first time.

In exchange for a strange flame.

The heaven and earth’s spiritual thing, Phoenix Phoenix Indus, and Yinyin absorb the one hundred and thirty mid-level strange flames enclosed in the Phoenix Phoenix Indus leaves.

Most of it has now been absorbed.

The bloodline Lin Yuan in Yinyin’s body can clearly feel a slight transformation.

Lin Yuan intends to simply exchange for more exotic flames, so that the sound quality can reach the level of fantasy three changes before he runs for the Hui Yao Baizi sequence.

By the time, the hidden blood in Shi Yinyin’s body was immediately stimulated.

Yin Yin will transform from Xiguang Xingbird into a new spiritual creature.

Lin Yuan can take the accumulated aura crystals and let Yinyin directly raise the ranks.

After the ranks were raised, Lin Yuan’s most powerful single method was the use of the exclusive characteristics of the dazzling body with the illusion of three changes.

So now Lin Yuan wants to use a lotus flower as a sickle.

Think of those mid-level strange flames as leeks.

Use a sickle to cut these leeks one by one.

Receive the leeks scattered in the market into one’s own pockets, and use them for the heaven and earth spiritual creatures, phoenix and phoenix trees, and Yinyin.

Lin Yuan’s can’t buy it. Xingwang shop once again publicly displayed ten lotus beads.

It is directly equivalent to sending a message to the outside world.

The news is, I have a lotus pearl here.

Lin Yuan had never contacted any forces after checking the news of any forces.

Because Lin Yuan has to wait for a suitable time.

After this time, the time is obviously ripe.

According to the speed at which Lin Yuan can’t buy a lotus flower at Chikui Star.

Lin Yuan will soon have a large backlog of lotus beads.

Lin Yuan no longer intends to sell these overstocked lotus beads by stamping.

Because these jinlianzhu lin Yuan intends to bundle, with every ten jinlianzhu as a unit.

Go and exchange with those forces and creators who desperately need a lotus flower, a level of resources more than a lotus flower.

Although the exchange of those forces and creators with Lin Yuan will undoubtedly be inappropriate.

But if you can get a lot of lotus beads at once, it saves a lot of time and effort to find.

There will still be many forces and creators willing to exchange.

After dealing with the matter in the Xingwang store that I can’t buy.

Lin Yuan went directly to the merchant who sold the flesh and blood of dimensional creatures and spiritual things that Zhou Jiaxin had introduced to him a few months ago.

After Lin Yuan arrived at the place.

I found a rough man sitting in front of the store with a frown, flipping through the books.

Lin Yuan said hello after hearing this.

“Brother Feng, what are you worried about?”

The rough man Feng Ge raised his head and saw Lin Yuan. He only felt that he had a vague impression of this young man in his mind.

Lin Yuan directly reminded him that Feng Ge, a rough man, didn’t recognize him.

“Brother Feng, I was introduced by Zhou Jiaxinxin before.”

A clear look flashed in the eyes of the rough man Feng Ge~IndoMTL.com~Close the ledger, stand up and say.

“I remember, I am not going to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The flesh and blood of the recent spiritual creatures have been sold well, and they have made a lot of money! But the flesh and blood of the dimensional creatures are pressed here, and the price can not be sold.” /

Lin Yuan just wanted to comfort him, but when he was about to say it, he was held back by Lin Yuan.

Because Lin Yuan really can’t comfort him.

It will be an active period of dimensional cracks once every ten years, and a large number of dimensional creatures will flow into the market by then.

So the dimensional creature flesh and blood in the hands of this rough man Feng Ge could not be sold years ago, and it should be even more difficult to sell after the year.

Lin Yuan directly stated the purpose of this visit.

“Brother Feng, I want to buy some flesh and blood of dimensional creatures.”

When the rough man Feng Ge heard this, the expression on his face obviously improved, and he asked directly.

“What kind of dimensional creature’s flesh and blood do you want, and what level is it? At the end of the year, I will sell it to you at a reduced price.”

“I will give you a 30% discount for the flesh and blood of the Zerg dimensional creatures, I will give you 50% off the flesh and blood of the swamp dimensional creatures, I will give you 40% off the flesh and blood of the next dimensional creatures, and I will give you 30% off the flesh and blood of the abyssal creatures. It’s cheaper.”

Lin Yuan didn’t expect this rough man Feng Ge to give him a really low price, but Lin Yuan didn’t want to buy the flesh and blood of these dimensional creatures.

“Brother Feng, I want the flesh and blood of dimensional creatures in the water world.”

Lin Yuan’s voice only fell, and suddenly he felt that the rough man Feng Ge’s face was stern, and he said angrily.

“You kid, play with me, right!”

Lin Yuan didn’t understand why this rough man Feng Ge said such words, and then Lin Yuan couldn’t help but mutter in his heart.

How to play with you?

Where are you fun?

I just want to buy the flesh and blood of dimension creatures!

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