Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 314: Exclusive feature Kurong

As long as the mouth of the offering is needed, it will instantly return to assist digestion.

If the mouth of the red thorn before the sacrifice looked a bit hideous and ugly, there are so many bag-shaped plant structures and the twelve delicate red flowers.

The red thorns have a strange beauty, hideous and charming.

At this time, the Red Thorn was also officially promoted to a fantasy species.

Now the level of the red thorn has reached the tenth level of the bronze rank.

But shortly afterwards, the massive flesh and blood energy in the mouth of the sacrifice completely burst out at this moment.

A violent roar was heard directly from the mouth of the red thorn, and the energy fluctuation formed by the digestion of energy from the mouth of the thorn made Lin Yuan feel a repulsive force.

The majestic flesh and blood energy drawn from the Demon Sea is directly absorbed by the red thorns under the full operation of the Flesh Forge of the Fantasy Red Spines.

At this time, the level of the red thorn is also evolving from the tenth-level bronze fantasy species to the silver-level fantasy species.

At this time, Lin Yuan noticed that a fist-sized, round bulge suddenly appeared on the mouth of the red thorn.

These bulges become bigger and bigger as the red thorn consumes a lot of flesh and blood energy, and finally split a crack.

Lin Yuan discovered that the bulging holes turned out to be a pair of eyes.

At a glance, nearly sixty fist-sized monster black and red eyes opened on the mouth of the offering, and each eye was full of vigorous flesh and blood energy.

Lin Yuan felt that in every eye that the red thorn now grows from the mouth of the offering, there is a half of the flesh and blood energy that the red thorn can currently store.

These sixty eyes of sacrifice are equivalent to increasing the energy storage capacity of the flesh and blood in the red thorn by nearly thirty times.

Moreover, flesh and blood energy is available at any time.

Although this nearly thirty times the stored energy can’t make the red thorn burst out of this energy into damage in an instant, and hit it out with one blow.

But I don’t know how many times the red thorns have increased the ability to spread the sea of ​​flowers and expand the size of the sea of ​​flowers.

Presumably, these eyes are new organizations with energy storage capabilities evolved by Red Thorn.

When the advancement came to an end, a vine suddenly grew from the bottom of the red thorn.

This vine is very smooth. This time the red thorn vine has grown to nearly ten meters long.

After the red thorn grows this vine, the red thorn has officially completed the evolution of the silver-tier fantasy species.

Lin Yuan checked the real data of the red thorn.

[Name of the creature]: Red thorn {predatory plant} {Thousand Eyes Sacrifice}

[Spirit Species]: Vine subfamily/Rafflesia

[Spirit Level]: Silver Tier {1/10}

[Spiritual Facts]: Source System/Wood System

[Quality of Spirituality]: Fantasy changes


[Mouth of Sacrifice]: It secretes a strong digestive juice, which is extremely corrosive and can quickly digest the energy in food.

[Remnant vines]: The hollow vines containing digestive juices and the sharp teeth growing on the inside of the vines can eat flesh and blood energy by scratching.

[Tongue of Sacrifice]: It doubles the speed of digestion, and can secrete acid with various characteristics in the flesh and blood.

[Eyes of Sacrifice]: Eyes formed by consuming flesh and blood energy, each eye contains a large amount of flesh and blood energy. When the number of eyes of Sacrifice remains below sixty, the eyes of Sacrifice are only It can store energy. When the eye of the sacrifice reaches more than 60 eyes, the eye of the sacrifice of more than 60 will not be stored on the mouth of the sacrifice, but can become an energy ray at any time.

Exclusive features:

[Spore Multiplication]: The spore cavity spit out a large number of spores, and the spores can absorb the energy supplied by the red spines or the energy of flesh and blood to rapidly multiply and grow daughter plants and slave plants controlled by the mother plant.

[Kurong] Red thorns can quickly absorb energy from the ground and inject it into the sea of ​​flowers. As long as the roots of the seed and slave plants remain in the ground, the ruined sea of ​​flowers will reach its most prosperous state.

Lin Yuan swallowed as he looked at the red thorns that had changed their fantasy after being promoted to the silver rank, and was stunned for a long time.

The current red thorn has recovered after it has evolved.

Red Thorn has reached the level of a seven or eight-year-old child at this time.

The glorious vine that suddenly grew from the red thorns hovered and turned into a wicker chair, standing in front of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan felt the sentiment of Red Thorn that he became more attached to himself after his spiritual intelligence improved.

Lin Yuan directly sat on the chair woven with red thorns.

The chair formed by red thorn vines is elastic and very comfortable.

If the red thorns spawned a sea of ​​flowers to fight, sitting on this vine-woven chair, I would sit a little bit idle and watch the sea of ​​flowers slaughter.

As usual, Lin Yuan took out a red ribbon from the diamond-level sleepy box and tied it to the vine that formed the wicker chair with red thorns.

The red thorn immediately “babbled” very happy.

It’s just that there is no vine dancing in the red thorn now, but this is not difficult for the red thorn and Lin Yuan to interact.

The twelve red double-petaled flowers of red thorns blooming nearly one meter in bloom, shaking, can still whistle.

Like in Chuilaba, Lin Yuan stroked his forehead with his hand. Does this red thorn also start to develop his musical talent like Yinyin?

But I have to say that Redthorn’s B-box is very strong.

Lin Yuan sighed~IndoMTL.com~The red thorn is different from other spiritual things.

Because of the attack mode of the red thorn, if you want to know the true strength of the red thorn, you need to have a look at it.

Later, Lin Yuan let the red thorns give birth to subordinate plants.

As a result, the red thorn directly gave birth to two subordinate strains, each of which has its own characteristics.

A vine is composed entirely of dark green and almost blackened vines. The vines have sharp teeth inside and are very powerful.

This slave strain probably has the strength and level of a silver-tier spiritual creature, which is equivalent to the strength of a second-dimensional creature.

Lin Yuan felt this slave strain, and found that this slave strain was terrifying cruelly.

This vine is completely hollow inside.

The inside contains the digestive juice from the rose-shaped digestive cavity of the previous plant.

The sharp teeth under the vines are equivalent to mouths for feeding.

Now Lin Yuan understands that after the evolution of the red thorn, it has not only increased the combat ability of the sub-strain, but has also easily lost the digestive cavity.

Through hollow vines and independent feeding by vines, the ability of vines to digest and obtain flesh and blood energy is increased.

You can kill two birds with one stone.

The form of this slave strain is obviously the form of the red thorn’s ability to eat vines.

At this time, the mother plant of the red thorns has no vines, so the ability of the red thorns to eat vines is reflected in those slave plants in the sea of ​​flowers.

Previously, the skill of the red thorn was not called the stubborn vine, but the thorn armor vine.

However, it is obvious that the cannibal vines are more lethal at this time, and the characteristic of digesting while killing is also very consistent with the fighting aesthetics of the red thorn.

The other slave strain is a little strange.

The other slave plant is a fleshy flower nearly half a meter high. This small fleshy flower is just a simple spore cavity.

Eighth more

End of this chapter

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