Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 269: Twin Fire Sacrifice and Disc

The four black wings absorbed the little light in the valley, as if a wave of ink swallowed up the light in the air.

If it is said that Lin Yuan had been vigilant and full of guard before being attacked by these three people.

Then these three people were caught off guard by Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan shakes the four-winged black wings, standing on the **** of the palm raised from the sand sea, which was broken by the offensive just now, controlling Yuan Sha to attack.

At this time, among the three Reiki professionals who were still struggling and attacking Lin Yuan just now.

The two aura professionals with the highest strength of the Golden Tier and the spiritual creature they contracted suddenly encountered some terrible attack at the bottom of the quicksand.

All the screams and shouts were instantly stuck in the abdominal cavity, lost their vitality and sank into the quicksand.

The professional with a platinum rank spiritual thing saw this and quickly shouted.

“Don’t stop killing me, leave me a way out, I can do whatever you ask me to do in the future!”

When Lin Yuan heard this, his eyes behind the mask were very cold, flashing with killing intent.

“You don’t even have a will rune. Why are you loyal?”

Lin Yuan’s words made the aura professionals who were struggling in the sea of ​​sand and possessing platinum-level spiritual objects suddenly unable to say everything they wanted to ask for mercy.

Because there is no will rune without the will rune, there is no credibility in what you say without the bound of the will rune.

Lin Yuan looked at the aura professional who had a platinum-tier spiritual thing struggling in the quicksand and the platinum-tier spiritual creature saber-toothed wolf, his eyes were full of coldness.

For anyone who wants to kill himself, Lin Yuan will not hesitate.

Even if the aura professional with a platinum-tier spiritual thing in front of him has a will rune and pledges allegiance to Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan will not hesitate to kill him.

Because Lin Yuan wouldn’t keep anyone who had acted to kill himself.

Neither will these people who have acted on them become their servants and stay with them.

The strength of the current source sand is far from the usual level of source sand due to the accumulation of the sand produced in this month.

The ordinary strength of the first-level fantasy one-change source sand of the golden rank is already equal to the spiritual creature of the platinum rank.

Then the strength that Yuansha shows by manipulating this unbounded huge sand grain has far surpassed the limit of the platinum tier spiritual creature.

As long as non-flying platinum tier spirit creatures fall into this boundless quicksand, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

Only land spirits that have reached the level of the diamond rank are trapped in this quicksand, can they break free.

The quicksand formed by a large number of sand grains produced by the source sand is not only a means of attack by spiritual creatures.

It’s that the element-type source items, through their own characteristics, accumulate to form a natural disaster.

Struggling in the sea of ​​sand and possessing platinum-level spiritual objects, due to the rapid consumption of spiritual energy in the struggle, there is not much spiritual power that can make themselves fight the downward quicksand.

This aura professional who possesses a platinum-level spiritual thing has accidentally swallowed several mouthfuls of sand while struggling.

The sand contains the characteristics of ferromanganese, so that the vocal cords of this platinum-level Reiki professional have been completely ground.

Now, this platinum-level aura professional doesn’t even have the ability to speak.

At this moment, this platinum-level aura professional only heard a cold voice.

“Am I the first one you killed?”

The boiling quicksand of Lin Yuan’s spiritual power is equivalent to Lin Yuan’s eyes.

Lin Yuan has already felt that there are still many aura professionals and spiritual things that have just died in this quicksand.

These aura professionals and spirit creatures were all attacked and killed in one shot.

Apparently, these three people had already ambushed many adventurers who came here before sneaking on themselves.

At this moment, the Aura professionals who have no strength to struggle with platinum-level spiritual objects have blood red eyes, and they stare at Lin Yuan fiercely with spite.

Lin Yuan looked at the resentment in the eyes of this aura professional who possessed a platinum rank spiritual thing, and moved his finger lightly.

The platinum-ranked saber-tooth archback wolf who was struggling to lift up the aura professionals struggling in the sea of ​​sand suddenly sank into the quicksand without a sound after only having time to let out a scream.

This aura professional who possesses a platinum-tier spiritual thing, saber-toothed wolf backed wolf, instantly painful forehead rolls down big beads of sweat.

The real world is not a star network. The spiritual backlash after the death of a spiritual creature has a great impact on the Aura professionals.

Lin Yuan said lightly.

“Those who want to kill will always kill them! Originally I wanted to ask why you want to ambush other adventurers, but your vocal cords have been broken after you swallowed the gravel with manganese-iron characteristics, and I can’t ask anything. “

Then Lin Yuan said softly.

Yuansha, eat him. “

As the aura professional who possessed the platinum-level spiritual thing, saber-toothed wolf, sank into the quicksand, now Lin Yuan was left alone in the cave just below the red vortex in the valley.

Lin Yuan let Yuansha expand the area of ​​the quicksand, turning the valley nearly two kilometers away from the entrance of the cave into a quicksand area.

The entrance of the cave in the valley is buried with sand.

Now, Lin Yuan walked on the boiling quicksand to the plant that caused the red vortex to contain great energy but was only the size of a fist.

Lin Yuan discovered that it was a fist-sized plant that caused this red vortex to contain a lot of energy. It turned out to be a red-red succulent plant.

The color on this red-red succulent plant is the purest red.

A bit more pure than the crimson color in cinnabar.

Seven or eight thick, fang-like leaves grow together one after another, creating an elegant lotus-shaped red-red succulent plant.

The thick, fang-like leaves are red and transparent, but they are not eye-catching.

Although it is extremely red, it should be as dazzling as a long rainbow, but at this time the red color is extraordinarily restrained.

Not as eye-catching as the flaming flame element absorbed.

These fang-like leaves Lin Yuan looked a bit like the teeth of a dragon spirit, but the combination of these leaves has an indescribable softness.

A succulent plant less than the size of a fist actually seems to have a maternal brilliance that embraces all living things.

Each dragon-tooth-shaped leaf is all red, and only the root of the leaf will produce a green color.

These greenery gathered together to form a cluster of green flames.

The green flames were all wrapped in the crimson flames without even showing a breath.

The red flame was burning fiercely, but Lin Yuan couldn’t feel the temperature when he walked closer.

The stream of flame-like fire elements absorbed from the flame vortex were all melted into the red flame.

But the red flame did not grow, only the center of the red flame, the green flame was constantly jumping.

The green flame is jumping around, as if it is becoming more and more crystal clear at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a burning jade.

Lin Yuan is almost certain now that the red succulents in front of him should be the fire sacrifice of heaven and earth.

And the green flames wrapped in the red flames should be the seventh-ranked creature sacrifice fire among all fire-attribute spiritual materials in the world.

Lin Yuan used the real data of Mobius to check and found that what he thought was really good. This red succulent plant is exactly the fire sacrifice.

It’s just that this red succulent plant is not as simple as an ordinary fire sacrifice.

Because under real data, the name of this red succulent plant is Twin Fire Sacrifice.

Lin Yuan took a closer look and found that this red fleshy heaven and earth spiritual thing fire sacrifice is really not only a flower head.

Looking from the roots, I found that the larger of the two flower heads had almost withered for unknown reasons.

Only in the center of the main flower head there is a very faint red flame.

In the red flame, there is a green flame that is thinner than a strand of hair.

If it weren’t for this auxiliary flower head, it has been protecting and warming the last fire of the main flower head.

I’m afraid the flame of the main flower head has already been extinguished.

Lin Yuan immediately discovered what was wrong.

As a founder, Lin Yuan has a deep understanding of the growth of everything.

In the natural environment, the heaven and earth spiritual things of the level of fire sacrifice will never wither the main flower head, but the truth is that the auxiliary flower head is still alive.

Lin Yuan first kept a distance from the fire sacrifice with his hands, and then released pure spiritual power.

Huojie felt the pure spiritual power. Suddenly, the red leaves lightened a bit~IndoMTL.com~ After a while, Lin Yuan tentatively touched the basically dry head of the Huojin master flower. , The pure aura was released from the flower head towards the main fire sacrifice.

All things have spirits. As a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, fire sacrifice naturally has its own intelligence.

As a plant-like spirit, the fire sacrifice has limited intelligence, but it can feel the help of others.

The growth of heaven and earth spiritual things is the process of fighting for fate with heaven.

For this kind of pure spiritual help, the Twin Fire Festival directly released goodwill to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan poured a lot of pure aura into the twin fire festival.

The Twin Fire Festival had already regarded Lin Yuan as his own.

However, the more pure aura Lin Yuan injected into the main flower head of the Twin Fire Festival, the more he felt wrong.

Because Lin Yuan pressed the palm of his hand against the Heaven and Earth Twin Fire Sacrifice, and found that the life sacrifice fire bred by the Twin Fire Sacrifice had already matured.

It is reasonable to say that the fire sacrifice should dissipate naturally after the heaven and earth sacrifice fire is conceived.

Because the fire sacrifice is a kind of spiritual thing that spends a lifetime to achieve a fire.

Now that the Twin Fire Festival has absorbed such a large amount of fire elements, it almost empties the fire elements in the controlled third-level abyss dimension cracks.

Then the fire elements absorbed by the twin fire offerings were not used to breed the life sacrifice fire. Where did they go?

Lin Yuan did not direct Yuansha to dig the roots of the Twin Fire Sacrifice. Instead, he personally digs the soil under the head of the Twin Fire Sacrifice of Heaven and Earth.

Since the Twin Fire Festival had already regarded Lin Yuan as his own, it did not make a defense.

After digging a bit, Lin Yuan found that the roots of the flower head of the Twin Fire Sacrifice were completely pierced on a delicate orange golden disc.

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