Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 263: Green fires rising into the sky

The sky in the rift of the abyss is always dark red, black and white day and night.

It’s easy to forget the time when you experience this rift in the abyss dimension. Only when you are very tired will you remember that time has passed for a long time and you need to rest.

The land is also an endless purple-black color, with rugged rocky ravines and smooth zones formed by the flow of lava.

There is a strong smell of sulfur in the air, and the high temperature of nearly fifty degrees makes people need to constantly add moisture.

Time flies, Lin Yuan has been practicing for a full month in this abyssal crack.

Now Lin Yuan has long been accustomed to the harsh environment in this abyssal crack.

In a piece of boiling quicksand, a fourth-level demon horn horror is struggling violently.

The struggling horned horror is spitting out viscous and liquid, almost brown flames.

The fourth-level demon horn horror has the strength of a platinum-level spiritual thing.

The thick, liquid-like brown flame sprayed by the horned horror has a strong wilting characteristic.

Even if a platinum-level plant-like spiritual object is stained a little, its origin will be immediately damaged, and the affected area will wither locally.

If this flame becomes more contaminated, I am afraid that the overall vitality of the platinum-level spirit will be eroded by this flame with the extremely strong wilting characteristic and die.

Suddenly, in the small boiling sea of ​​quicksand, the life characteristics of the horned horror demon who was still struggling suddenly stopped abruptly.

It seems that something was directly covered by the thunder in the sand sea, killing him with one blow.

The fourth-level demon horned monster is an evolution of the second-level demon horned monster.

The second-level demon horned monster has a very high potential for evolution due to its complex genetic template.

Even some highly talented second-level horned monsters can evolve into fifth-level demon horn-burning monsters after they have evolved into fourth-level demon horns.

You need to know that the combat power of the fifth-level demon Horn Burning Demon is equivalent to a diamond-level spiritual thing, and it can be regarded as the highest level of combat power among the uncontrolled three-level abyssal cracks.

Like this fourth-level demon horn horror at the level of platinum-level spiritual things, it is still unable to block the core-piercing iron wire equivalent to the level of platinum-level third-level perfect quality spiritual things under the sand sea. Full blow.

Lin Yuan exhaled.

For this month, Lin Yuan has been practicing in this controlled three-level abyss dimension crack.

After this month of blood and fire, Lin Yuan has a clearer understanding of his own strength.

At the same time, Lin Yuan is now able to achieve a true fit with the source item Source Sand that he has contracted for the first-level fantasy.

With this fit, Lin Yuan can direct Yuansha to attack, defend or control with the greatest effect according to his own thoughts.

Just like when Lin Yuan directed Yinyin to fight against the Red Spurs.

For more than a month, Lin Yuan has been letting Yuansha make sand in this purple-black land with his instinct.

Even Lin Yuan doesn’t even know how many grains of sand the source sand, which the Jinjie 1st class still thinks about, has made without stopping in this month until the dizhi has made in the ground under his feet.

Although Yuansha’s strength has reached the level of fantasy at the first level of the golden rank.

However, as an elemental source item, Source Sand’s intelligence level is still not high even if it reaches the Golden-level fantasy species.

Gensha, who has reached the advanced fantasy species, can still only convey simple and vague ideas.

However, the gravel produced by the source material source sand is spread out in a large area.

Through the control of these gravels and the induction of spiritual power, Yuansha has discovered many spiritual materials with fire attributes.

As long as these spiritual materials are sensed by the source sand, the large amount of gravel hidden under the purple-black soil will flow out of the purple-black soil surface under the control of the source sand.

Wrap the sensed spiritual material in sand and bring it underground, and finally transport it to Lin Yuan’s feet according to Yuan Sand’s will.

In the past month, Lin Yuan can be said that in addition to exercising his own strength.

The harvest of the fire-attribute spirit materials in these three-level abyssal dimensional cracks is also quite abundant.

After the gravel made by Yuansha is spread out under the ground, the treasure hunting ability of these gravel is really not covered.

Of course, in this month’s time, Lin Yuan also understood some truths that he hadn’t really understood even since his two lives.

That is the principle that the human heart is upward and humanity is downward.

People are divided into good and evil, and so is human nature.

People always want to be better, so the human heart is always insatiable, so there is never an upper limit to the human heart.

And the downward human nature means that when a person wants to achieve a certain goal, in order to achieve the goal as much as possible, satisfying the greed in the heart will unconditionally lower the lower limit of their human nature.

So human nature has never been limited.

Lin Yuan was in these three-level abyssal dimensional cracks, except for the attacks of abyssal creatures.

I also encountered three waves of attacks from Reiki professionals.

The reason why Lin Yuan was attacked by these three waves of aura professionals was because Lin Yuan had no previous experience in the field.

When Lin Yuan took out the food from his amber button-shaped diamond-step trap, he was seen by other aura professionals.

The means by which these three waves of spiritual energy professionals wanted to kill themselves also made Lin Yuan truly understand the dangers experienced in the rift in the dimension.

For these aura professionals who want to kill themselves, Lin Yuan has no mercy.

People who want to kill will always kill them.

Since Lin Yuan was intercepted by Chen Fu and Chen Rui on the outskirts of the capital, Lin Yuan has already made a decision in his heart.

Lin Yuan’s current self is still the same as before.

The heart is like a flower and tree, growing towards the sun.

But for those who want to kill himself, Lin Yuan will also use the harshest means.

Fate is his own, no one can take it away. If you want to take it, it is death.

These Aura professionals who wanted to kill people and find treasures were all buried in this endless underground gravel.

Lin Yuan knew that these auras who explored the rift in the dimension wanted to kill him, but because he was fancying his own wealth.

So after these aura professionals were swallowed by Yuansha, the wealth in their hands was naturally in Lin Yuan’s hands.

Lin Yuan really looks down on the wealth in the hands of these Aura professionals who want to kill themselves.

These miscellaneous spiritual materials and those shining coins, which add up to less than a hundred thousand dollars, are nothing but a fraction to Lin Yuan now.

Lin Yuan will not keep these resources, but intends to get them in Zhou Jiaxin’s Xingwang store after the experience, and let Zhou Jiaxin sell them on his behalf.

Lin Yuan is now the majority shareholder of Zhou Jiaxin’s Xingwang store. The profit of Zhou Jiaxin’s Xingwang store is even more than that of Zhou Jiaxin.

Since this period of time, Lin Yuan’s own inability to buy the profit of the shop has become a fortune.

But if Yinyin sees that Lin Yuan can’t afford to lose the wealth of the small shop, and then looks at the income of his live broadcast room, it will definitely indicate that there is nothing that can play.

The first killing initially made Lin Yuan feel uncomfortable in his heart.

However, this discomfort slowly dissipated after Lin Yuan digested it on his own.

Lin Yuan looked at the purple-red sky in the cracks of the third-level abyss dimension, and said softly.

“If you want to shake the world with one body, you must make waves on the ground.”

Since Lin Yuan has decided to establish his own personal power before.

Then the process of the rise of one’s own personal power will inevitably be accompanied by killing.

The rise of a power is never peaceful.

However, Lin Yuan also has his own ideas about the development of his personal power.

Lin Yuan always knew where his strengths lie.

My advantage is the high concentration of inexhaustible spiritual energy in the spiritual lock space, and the ability to strengthen spiritual things.

So Lin Yuan’s personal power plans to start by collecting resources and accumulating wealth.

Lin Yuan did not want to build a large private power.

I want to build a force composed of absolute elites for everyone in that kind of power.

Lin Yuan also watched a lot of anime when he was a teenager.

Like the “Akatsuki” organization in Naruto.

The “ten edge” in the realm.

This kind of power is what Lin Yuan wants to build.

Lin Yuan’s own personal power was built on the back of a floating island whale.

Floating island whales are hidden in the clouds all day long, just like the floating clouds in the sky~IndoMTL.com~The floating clouds in the sky are always dusty, and rarely have an impact on the world.

It’s not like a powerful thunderstorm, which is so powerful that everyone knows it when it rains.

However, no matter how powerful the thunderstorm is, it is only a momentary force.

But if there is anyone who dared to offend the flowing clouds hidden in the sky, then the sky will change as the flowing clouds turn.

At this moment, Lin Yuan’s eyebrows suddenly raised.

Because based on the perception from the source item Yuansha exploring the spiritual materials underneath, Yuansha seems to perceive an object with a very large spiritual energy.

And this object seems to be a plant.

Because Lin Yuan knew from Yuansha’s perception that this object had extremely long roots underground.

Feeling the induction from Yuansha again and again, Lin Yuan finally confirmed that the plant body, which contained a very large aura, was very small.

Small, maybe not as big as Lin Yuan’s clenched fist.

So Lin Yuan gave an order to Yuansha, and asked Yuansha to try to bring this plant with a huge spiritual energy.

Yuan Sha felt Lin Yuan’s will and immediately began to act according to Lin Yuan’s command.

At this moment, Lin Yuan could feel the unusually strong barrier Yuansha was receiving.

Lin Yuan immediately poured spiritual power into the source sand, let the source sand directly use the exclusive characteristic gold swallowing type, and precipitated the feathers formed by the gold-level metal spirit material day and night in the sand sea, and began to chisel against the solid barrier. Hit, dig.

Just as Yuansha broke through the barrier, a green flame suddenly rose into the sky in the distance. .

The green fire light that soars into the sky is amazing.

I directly stained the purple-red sky that has not changed from the controlled third-level dimensional crack with a layer of green.

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