Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 257: Duo Jinlianzhu, a spiritual creature that makes the creator crazy

Lin Yuan still needs to save a lot of rare wood.

In the future, as long as the wood in the spiritual lock space is completely jade-like, Lin Yuan can take out the completely jade-like wood and place it in this beetle-like diamond-level spiritual box.

Then put a new batch of ordinary lumber on the sycamore wood shelf.

This will not cause the slightest waste in the lock space.

For those precious spiritual things that will transform in a high-concentration aura environment, Lin Yuan has long planned.

I can’t buy it by myself. There are always only two kinds of spiritual things for sale in the silver-tier Qingluo and elite-level spiritual goldfish.

Now you can also add another category for buyers to choose.

Lin Yuan believes that when this spiritual thing that can only undergo transformation at the concentration of aura, appears in a shop where he cannot buy it.

At that time, people will directly be robbed by every means.

However, Lin Yuan does not intend to trade with Glory Coins for such a spiritual thing, but intends to exchange it for some spiritual materials that rarely appear in the treasure house.

For example, like gold-level metal spiritual material day and night silver.

Although such spiritual materials are also sold in the Treasure Pavilion, if you want to buy them, it is not so easy.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would not have thought of using any kind of epic copper-level spiritual objects to post exchange news in his own can’t buy it.

Lin Yuan went to the star network and ordered a large batch of intermediate energy ore under Zhou Jiaxin’s stunned expression.

Lin Yuan first mailed his beetle-shaped diamond-level ghost box to Zhou Jiaxin through ostrich logistics.

Zhou Jiaxin will fill the beetle-shaped diamond-step trap, and then mail it to Lin Yuan via Ostrich Logistics.

Otherwise, even if you want to ship such a large amount of energy ore through ostrich logistics, it is really not that easy.

Afterwards, Lin Yuan bought a large amount of precious wood at a price of nearly a hundred huiyao coins in a timber shop on Xingwang.

The wood that Lin Yuan prepared before is not very expensive.

Except for red sandalwood, which can be regarded as precious wood, other woods can only be regarded as relatively ordinary woods.

The more precious the wood is, the higher the price will be.

So this time, Lin Yuan chose only five kinds of precious woods in the Xingwang Timber Store.

Among them are yellow rosewood, wenge, ebony, green elm and golden nanmu.

These five completely jade-like woods are currently the most expensive in the market.

Since Lin Yuan wants to integrate resources, he naturally chooses to cultivate completely jade-like wood that is relatively expensive in the market.

Of course, Lin Yuan also bought a few large pieces of fine agarwood.

After these agarwoods were completely jade, Lin Yuan planned to use them as consumables for life in his manor.

As for the choice of spiritual creatures that will transform under high concentration of spiritual energy, Lin Yuan chose a spiritual creature that is very useful for creators.

This kind of spiritual creature is a kind of succulent, and the lowest grade of this kind of succulent is also the existence of the copper stage.

This kind of spiritual thing is called Jinshangzhu.

Jinshangzhu is the most unpopular existence in the copper-step succulents.

Although the Brocade Pearl of the Bronze Step is a kind of healing spirit, the healing skills of the Brocade Pearl on the Bronze Step are too special.

The Jinshangzhu will restore the injury by dropping the dewdrops generated by the plant itself on the wound of the target, although the skill looks similar to other healing spirits.

However, when the juice of the Jinshangzhu drips onto the wound, it will be accompanied by severe pain that is extremely unbearable.

So even if there is a shortage of Reiki professionals in the Healing System, if the Aura Professionals in the Healing System are only contracted with a Healing Beast like Jin Shangzhu.

It will immediately become the most unpopular existence among all healing professionals.

Many teams would rather wait for other Healing Reiki professionals or bring an auxiliary Reiki professional, rather than endure the deep bone marrow pain after being injured.

However, the unwelcome copper-level succulent Jinshangzhu, which is an unpopular healing spirit, will transform into a brand-new spirit, the flower of Jinshangzhu, in a highly pure aura environment.

A lotus flower will still produce dew drops, but the dewdrops produced by a lotus flower can be placed in the elixir made of many kinds of spiritual materials to increase the speed of the fusion of the spiritual materials in the spiritual fluid.

Of course, this rate of increase will not increase the level of builders.

But it can shorten the time for the creator to deploy the spiritual liquid.

The creators need to be highly concentrated when preparing the spiritual solution, and a little distraction will cause the spiritual solution to fail.

To a certain extent, the lotus flower can shorten the time for the creator to prepare the elixir, which is equivalent to slightly reducing the failure rate of the elixir.

Know that it is not so easy for the creator to successfully deploy the elixir once, and it often takes a lot of effort.

It is even possible to succeed once after failing several times and wasting a lot of spiritual materials.

So for any creator, as long as he sees it, he will try his best to buy it~ IndoMTL.com~ If anyone in this world earns the best money, that is undoubtedly rich. Founder.

Lin Yuan chooses Jinshangzhu, wanting Jinshangzhu to transform into a Jinshangzhu with high purity concentration.

One of the reasons is that the emergence of lotus beads is equivalent to increasing the success rate of the creator in preparing the elixir, and at the same time, it also gives more aura professionals the opportunity to treat the elixir and restore the original source of the elixir.

Be aware that the resources of the founders of the Radiance Federation are extremely scarce.

Even if the success rate of a creator in the deployment of spiritual liquids has increased by a little, then it is possible to spare more time to change the destiny of the damaged Aura professionals and earn more glory coins.

It also made it easier for Lin Yuan to cut the creator’s leeks.

Another reason is that although Jinshangzhu is a bronze-level spiritual creature, each of them is very small.

For this reason, Lin Yuan can increase the number of cultivation in the limited space in Lin Yuan’s Suling Space.

The price of copper-stage brocade beads is very cheap, and many Starnet stores have chosen to promote the copper-tier succulents brocade beads.

Lin Yuan bought a thousand bronze beads on the brocade, and only spent eight hundred shining coins.

Lin Yuan had to sigh with emotion that the bronze beads on the brocade are too cheap!

However, when the bronze tiered Jinshangzhu is transformed into a Jinshangzhu under the high concentration of aura, the price is not easy to estimate.

Because the golden lotus beads are too rare, they appear very rarely, and most of them are exchanged for objects, so there is no specific price to refer to.

After all, the creators never look at the price when buying things, just want to add money.

Who makes the creator rich, capricious!

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