Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 2044: The wounded **** of mercy!

Layers upon layers of waves hit an island formed by piles of spar.

The waves scoured the edge of the island, making the spar piled across the island smoother.

The sun shines on the island, and the spar absorbs the sunlight and blooms with brilliant brilliance.

Two women in fishtail dresses are on the edge of this island.

A brush made of animal hair washes the semi-blue moss planted on the surface of the island.

The two women looked very serious during the scrubbing process.

It seems that if these moss are not cleaned, they will be punished.

After scrubbing all the blue moss in this area, one of the women whispered to the other woman.

“Ajing, don’t you think it’s a bit weird recently.”

“Master Pity God has not executed any servants in this month.”

“In the usual month, at least ten servants on the island will be sunk to the bottom of the sea to feed the sharks.”

The woman who was about to stand up heard the words and nodded gently.

“Aying, indeed! Lord Pity has not lost his temper in this month!”

“The last time the two of us cleaned the coral under the island was half an hour late, which delayed Lord Pity’s time to swim on the seabed in the afternoon.”

“If we change as usual, the two of us will never survive.”

“You said, what happy things happened to Lord Lian Shen?”

“Master Qian Yu used to come to the island twice a week. Master Qian Yu, who was the patron of Lord Pity, was said to have died in Huiyao.”

“It stands to reason that Lord Pity should be angry. How could he be so happy?”

“It’s weird!”

As these two women in fishtail dresses were discussing, an old voice sounded.

“Ajing, Aying, you two work as you work, and don’t chew on Lord God’s tongue here.”

“My Lord Pity is in a good mood and won’t kill you, you have picked it up!”

“Master Pity God is moody, be careful when I sue you Lord Pity God!”

Ajing, Aying felt a chill in her back when she heard this old voice.

Hurrying back, he said to the old man who had been standing behind him for some time.

“Mother Coral, we have finished the work here!”

“Go to the bottom of the island to scrub the coral!”

“We promise not to talk nonsense in the future!”

The old man called Granny Coral glared at Ah Jing and Ah Ying.

“I brought you two out. I don’t want you two to disappear from this island someday.”

“Go and work!”

“In another one and a half hours, Lord Lian Shen, after bathing in the sunlight, it is time to swim on the bottom of the sea.”

In the center of the entire island is a castle-like palace built.

In the entire castle, I don’t know what source of power there is.

Seven waterfalls gush out from the inside, scouring the entire castle continuously.

Have half of the castle covered by water.

In front of the castle is a huge wind chime made of coral skeleton.

The skeleton of the entire wind chime is about ten meters high.

Hanging under the skeleton is one after another fairy-type creatures that have been made into dolls.

With the rapid rotation of the wind chime skeleton, the wings of these fairy dolls will go from open to closed under the blow of the wind, constantly going back and forth in this process.

A fairy-like source creature that has been made into a doll, and the sound of its wings colliding is extremely small.

Because there are nearly a thousand goblin-type source creatures, this voice has become louder, and the voice is very sweet.

Those who serve the pity on this island are all afraid to hear the sound of this wind chime.

Pity God is sitting on his throne, and the body of Pity God is wrapped in the water.

Pity God’s arm stretched out the water, and took a very gorgeous-looking fish from the throne.

Pity God placed this little fish in the water where his body was, and quickly stirred the water.

Appreciating how this happy little fish drowned in the water in two minutes.

Every day there will be young girls wearing fishtail dresses, carrying fish tanks full of these golden and red fish.

And Pity God every time after sunbathing on the throne.

Only half of the golden and red fish in the two tanks survived.

At this moment, Lian Shen only heard a somewhat apprehensive female voice from outside the temple.

“Master Lian Shen! Master Jing Shen wants to see you!”

“Look at…”

The sound hadn’t stopped, and Lian Shen used his slender fingers to flick the drowned golden-red fish.

The golden-red fish turned into a golden-red streamer, and the electric shot smashed in the direction of the sound.

A muffled hum sounded, and then it seemed that some high-speed flying liquid was spilled on the ground.

A man with long blond hair hanging down to his calf walked in.

This man’s face is full of frailty and brokenness.

As if a gust of wind could blow this man down.

It’s just that since the man appeared, Lian Shen’s brows have been twisted together.

“Mirror God, you are still the same when you come to my palace.”

“If you don’t even say hello, just come!”

Jing Shen said coldly to Lian Shen.

“Pity God, don’t target Nana and Li Yan anymore.”

“Nana will be awakened sooner or later and set foot on the road to heaven.”

“As long as Nana embarks on the road to the sky, she will become a six-star creator.”

“You have been targeting Nana, which is not conducive to the unity of the Free Federation.”

Pity God sneered when he heard the words.

“When did the Free Federation unite?”

“If the Free Federation were really united, when I broke through in the Sea of ​​Freedom, why did the deep-sea mermaids that I kept under the island disappear?”

“Isn’t I awakened to life, and set foot on the road to heaven, am I not a six-star creator?”

“Mirror God, your double mark makes me sick!”

The mirror **** didn’t talk nonsense with the pity god, he just flicked it.

Two strands of long golden hair shot at pity.

The pity **** fish’s tail was lifted, and the water flow all over his body instantly turned golden red.

The golden-red water flows towards two strands of long golden hair.

However, these two strands of long golden hair suddenly condensed into two mirrors on the surface in contact with the water after they hit the golden-red water stream.

At the moment when these two mirrors were broken~IndoMTL.com~There was a sound of two broken mirrors beside Lian Shen.

The long golden hair continued to shoot towards the **** of mercy from within the phantom.

At this moment, Lian Shen’s angry eyes suddenly turned into a pool of desire.

“Mirror God, don’t force me to use the holy source thing, Qixi Lu River!”

The Qixi Festival Yuhe has obviously been protected by the pity god.

In the blooming Qixi Festival, the River of Desire is winding with nine twists, and Pity God seems to be entwined with an ethereal ribbon in it.

Qixi Yuhe didn’t protect herself as Lian Shen expected.

A silver flame suddenly ignited on the two strands of golden hair of Mirror God.

The silver flame on the two strands of hair burned through Qixi Yuhe in a flash, hitting Lian Shen’s body.

Even though Pity God gritted his teeth, there was still a muffled sound in his throat.

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