Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 2036: Pang Luo’s invitation!

Because I have been living short of water since I was a child.

   The water source is flooded in the rainy season, and because I am afraid of the duck-billed lungfish in Hanoi, I dare not always go to the river to fetch water for peace.

   Now finally realized the freedom of rain.

  The comfort of wearing a wolf leather jacket, walking in the drizzle of tidal rain.

   just let the tidal rain praying man condensed water element drop a light rain, which is equivalent to the speed at which Anle recovers its spiritual power on its own.

  The comfort of wearing a wolf-skin jacket in the rain is not only not hot, but also very comfortable.

  An Le just came to the gate of the big city without having to look for the Shade Rock.

The appearance of    Anle can be said to have directly caused a sensation in this big city on the mainland of Sunshine Reef.

   Inside the big city on the Burnt Reef Continent, there are a large number of rain teachers.

  All these rain teachers have the ability to produce water.

   It is precisely because of the ability to produce water that these rain teachers become so noble.

  In the big city on the Burnt Reef Continent, water is more expensive than any resource.

  A large amount of spiritual materials can be replaced with one ton of water.

  Water has no value at all where there is a source of water.

   can exist where there is a lack of water, but it is an indispensable existence for people to survive.

   is just a rain teacher in the big city, and they usually contract duck-billed lungfish.

   By consuming spiritual power, the duck-billed lungfish can pass through the glands on the body and secrete a liquid with a strong earthy smell.

   These liquids are distilled to precipitate the brown mucus inside.

   The water on it can only be drunk without side effects.

   Otherwise, drinking the liquid secreted by the duck-billed lungfish directly will cause swelling and suppuration of the body.

  During the dry season of the Zhijiao continent, any skin trauma may rot due to the high temperature.

   At a temperature of forty to fifty degrees, it is an excellent breeding ground for some bacteria.

  A silver-tiered duck-billed lungfish can produce only one hundred and fifty catties of liquid a day.

  After distillation and precipitation, one hundred and twenty catties of water can be produced.

   Even if the water produced by the duck-billed lungfish is drunk by ordinary people after distillation and precipitation, the whole body will still be itchy.

  Only on the continent of Zhijiao, ordinary people basically have no chance to survive.

   But even if you are a Reiki professional, you can still feel a clear itching sensation on your body after drinking the liquid secreted by the distilled duckbill lungfish.

   In a big city, any aura professional with strength and resources will not drink the liquid produced by the duck-billed lungfish.

   However, there are too few other spiritual things that can give birth to water.

   Every rain teacher who can produce high-quality water has a place in the big cities of the Sunshine Reef Continent.

   will be enshrined by the strong from all walks of life.

  The big city that Anle has always longed for is very mysterious for Anle.

   If Lin Yuan walks around in this big city, he will find that this big city on the Burnt Reef Continent is actually not much worse than Nanmu City of the Shenmu Federation.

   In this big city, the strongest only possesses a diamond-level duck-billed lungfish.

   Anle Platinum Tidal Rain Mango, a tenth-level fantasy species, can be said to be the strongest combat power in this big city.

   The most popular rain teacher in the big city, the contracted spirit is the platinum-level tenth epic-quality iron shield coconut tree.

  The platinum-tier iron shield coconut tree can produce fifty fruits every day.

   These fifty fruits will be scrambled by all forces.

   It’s just that compared with the rain that fell on An Le, the **** Shield coconut tree doesn’t look fragrant anymore.

  The coconut produced by the iron shield coconut tree has always had a problem, that is, it is too sweet.

   After drinking, I didn’t quench my thirst very much.

  In other continents, the sweeter the coconut, the better.

   can be on the Zhijiao continent, too sweet becomes a burden instead. Valley

  During the dry season, even powerful Reiki professionals cannot guarantee that they can take a bath once a week.

   Even if you take a bath, you can only use two buckets of water at most.

   And Anle actually has the ability to envelop yourself in the rain within ten meters of your body during the dry season.

The news that    peacefully appeared at the gate of the city soon spread throughout this city about the size of Nanmu City.

  All the forces are making a sensation at this moment.

  In a place where water is extremely scarce and dangerous, people do fight each other secretly for water.

   can be more harmonious in the general direction.

  Any Aura professionals living in the city is tantamount to improving the stability of the city.

   When there is extreme water shortage in the dry season, the wolves squads roaming the grasslands tend to gather together and become wolves, attacking the big city.

   There are many big cities that have fallen under these wolves due to insufficient internal strength.

  In order to improve the stability among the aura professionals in the big city.

  Daicheng generally holds a rain teacher festival every week.

   At the Rain Master Festival, Reiki professionals who have no water to drink in the city can take a copy of what they think is the most precious and worship the rain master in the city.

   If the rain master is lucky enough to get a response, the rain master will take away the treasure in the hands of the aura professional.

   In the next week, the Rain Master will provide this Reiki professional with water.

  This approach has reduced the crime rate in the big city, so that the aura professionals in the big city will not be thirsty and do some bad things.

   Erlai also further deepened the status of rain masters, allowing rain masters to provide water sources in exchange for high-quality labor.

  The big cities on the Burnt Reef Continent are basically practicing such ceremonies.

   Even if it is a rain teacher, facing a rain teacher who is more powerful than oneself, he will only admire him in his heart, but will not be malicious in his heart.

  The stronger the rain master, the more powerful people around him.

   This is the unchanging truth on the continent of Zhijiao.

   The forces in this big city all set off to greet peace at the gate of the city.

   There is only one thought in Anle’s heart~IndoMTL.com~That is how big the city is in front of you!

   In this city, you should no longer have to worry about finding a place to shade at noon.

   Peacefully walked towards the gate of the big city step by step, still quite worried.

   For those homeless who live outside the big city to discuss life.

  The big city is very sacred.

   Anle was about to knock on the city gate, and saw the city gate open directly from inside.

   A large number of Reiki professionals emerged from the city.

  The clothes on these Reiki professionals are almost better than Anle.

   But these spiritual energy professionals looked at Anle, but they were extremely admired.

  At this moment, a young man in leather armor stepped forward.

   This young man in leather armor is quite handsome.

   The young man walked closer to Anle, bowed and said.

  ”Welcome the distinguished Yushi Master to Oasis City!”

   “I am the lord of Oasis City, Pang Luo.”

   “I hope I can invite you, Master Yu, to stay in Oasis City for a few days.”

   “If you think Oasis City is good, on behalf of everyone in Oasis City, I implore Master Yushi to settle down in Oasis City.”

  The rain master of Oasis City is the absolute leader in Oasis City.

   The city lord and the city guard are just forces spawned by maintaining the stability of the city and safeguarding the rights and interests of the major rain masters.

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