Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 2028: Phagocytosis homologous

After Zhizhen Touching Vine went through the bronze steps, three exclusive characteristics appeared directly in front of Lin Yuan.

   Lin Yuan looked one by one, only to see that the first exclusive characteristic of Zhizhen Touch Vine was double parasitic.

  【Double parasitism: Use vines to entangle the target. When the tip of the vine pierces the target body, two seeds are parasitized in the target body at the same time. The seeds will grow out after a certain period of time and cause damage to the target. 】

   This exclusive feature of double parasite seems to have a strong attack ability, but in fact it is useless at all.

   Zhizhen Touching Vine has bound the target and pierced the target with tentacles like vines.

   In this case, there is no need to release two seeds in the target body to damage the target.

   And this damage has a certain lag time.

   This kind of delayed damage skill, even if it can explode multiple attacks, is often not favored by Reiki professionals.

   wants to double parasitize through exclusive characteristics, parasitize two seeds in the target body.

   depends on the piercing ability to touch the vines.

   Zhizheng Vine is not an attacking plant-like spirit in terms of positioning.

   So Lin Yuan directly gave up the option of dual parasitics with exclusive characteristics.

   looked into the past with the second exclusive characteristic of Zhizheng Teng Teng.

   The second exclusive characteristic made Lin Yuan’s face a look of movement.

   [Dual-shaped deviceization: Two forms appear randomly during the process of deviceization. When using objects of these two shapes, it will consume twice as much spiritual power. 】

  Dual deviceization is obviously a variation of the exclusive feature of deviceization.

   has disadvantages and advantages.

The advantage of    is that two different forms appear immediately, reducing the uncertainty of deviceization.

  The two forms have a greater probability of appearing in an easy-to-use form.

  During the battle, different deviceizations switch between different situations.

   is very likely to get unexpected results.

   Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious.

   That is the double consumption of spiritual power.

  This kind of consumption of spiritual power does not only refer to the reach of the vine.

   Lin Yuan, who has reached the vine touch after being transformed into a device, also has to double his spiritual power.

   Zhizhentzuteng’s strength will continue to increase due to normal level skills and taboo growth.

   The higher the level quality of Zhizheng Teng Teng, the more it consumes when Lin Yuan uses the utensils transformed from Zhi Zhen Teng Teng.

  Don’t say that the perfect touch vine makes eternal.

   is to meddle in immortality, and Lin Yuan may not be able to use it for long when he unlocks the aura mark.

   However, compared to the first exclusive feature double parasitic, the second exclusive feature is undoubtedly much better.

  If the third exclusive feature is still useless.

  Lin Yuan can only choose the second exclusive feature, which is dualized.

   When he first saw the third exclusive feature, Lin Yuan couldn’t help taking a breath.

   It can be said that the third exclusive characteristic of Zhizhen Touching Vine is the most evil one that Lin Yuan has seen among the exclusive characteristics of all plant-like spiritual things.

   [Phagocytosis and homology: Each vine shares the quality of rank, but differentiates into independent individuals. Each vine can swallow an object, master the characteristics of the object, and the swallowed object can no longer be spit out, but It can be replaced by higher-level objects of the same type (with this exclusive feature, the vines will not be differentiated on the existing basis). 】

   This exclusive feature obviously has much more potential than dual parasitics and dual deviceization.

   I also know at a glance that the exclusive feature of phagocytosis of the same origin requires the investment of extremely high resources to be able to exert its power.

   If Zhizheng Vine chooses exclusive characteristics to phagocytize the same origin, Zhizheng Vine can use an existing vine to swallow Shiji’s blood.

  The touch vine transformed into the blood of the holy wood. Valley

   Shiji is now a medium elves, and there are high elves above the medium elves.

After   , if you get the blood of the high elves, you can also replace the blood of Shi Ji.

   Let the Zhi Zhen touch vine that has absorbed the blood of the elves rise again.

   Originally, there were only four vines in the Supreme Touching Vine, but four more vines grew when they were promoted to the Bronze Rank.

  The only disadvantage of choosing exclusive characteristics to phagocytize the same origin is that from now on, there will be only eight vines.

   But eight vines are enough.

   At present, scholars, psychic observers and psychic analysts do not have a clear classification of the exclusive characteristics of psychic creatures.

   But as Lin Yuan continued to strengthen the spirit creatures, he had an increasingly clear understanding of the exclusive characteristics of the spirit creatures.

   The exclusive characteristics of the spirit creatures are good or bad, if you let Lin Yuan divide it by himself.

   Lin Yuan thinks it is most appropriate to distinguish between gray, green, blue, purple, orange, and red.

  The exclusive characteristics like Lily Lily are intermittent, which can be attributed to the purple level.

  The imprint of life and the imprint of aura are similar to the level of discontinuity.

   At the purple level, they already have the ability to subvert the battlefield as a strategic exclusive feature.

  The exclusive feature of the small iron block is the disillusioning gaze, which is very useful in battle.

   But in a strategic sense, it can only be divided into the green level.

   was after cooperating with the elite sacrifice of the small iron and the physical fitness of the small iron itself.

   can reach the blue level.

  If you are in a team, there are special healing type Reiki professionals, and auxiliary type Reiki professionals assisting small iron nuggets.

The exclusive characteristics of    small iron blocks can reach the level of purple.

The first two exclusive characteristics of    Zhizhen Tzuru, the double parasitic can be defined as gray, and the double-type device can be defined as green.

  , and the exclusive feature of phagocytic homology is defined as orange~IndoMTL.com~ As for the evaluation of red, Lin Yuan specially left it to Mobius.

  Only the exclusive characteristics of a certain spiritual creature can reach the level of a spiritual space.

   Lin Yuan will define the exclusive characteristic of this beast as red.

   Ordinary Reiki professionals encounter the exclusive feature of phagocytosis, and since they cannot provide the Zhizheng Vine with too high-end objects for the Zhizheng Vine to absorb, it will not have a very good effect.

   Ke Lin Yuan has too many good things on hand.

   Lin Yuan directly chose the phagocytic homology, as the exclusive characteristic of Zhizhen Touch Vine.

   Then Lin Yuan thought for a while, took out a piece of ferromanganese and fed it to Zhizhen Touching Vine.

   Metal spirit materials from copper to diamond stages are available on the market.

   Above the diamond-level metal spiritual material is the lord-level metal spiritual material, and then the king-level metal spiritual material.

   Above the king-level metal spirit material, there is also the king-level position.

The metal spirit material of the rank of    the Great King is just a definition at present, and has not really been discovered.

  , but the metal spirit material of the king’s rank, my master has it in the hands of Moon Queen.

   was stored in the treasure house of the Hall of Bright Moonlight.

   has a very high upper limit for the Supreme Touching Vine to devour the metal spirit material.

  Secondly, it can be replaced continuously according to the different types of metal spirit materials.

   Lin Yuan has already tried this from Yuansha.

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