Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 2015: You can’t see how many hole cards you have!

The moment Shu Jian saw Lin Yuan, he knew how strong the sky was.

In front of the energy just now, I’m just a trivial reptile.

It’s not that Shu Jian has experienced the power of his grandfather Shu Zhenlin and grandma.

Under the momentum just now, his grandfather and grandma, as immortal powerhouses, are just slightly larger reptiles.

Not even the ability to resist.

The injured white crocodile turned into a man beside Lin Yuan.

The strength is better than his grandfather and grandmother.

Under this situation, my family has imprisoned the five-star creator of the sky.

The original Shu Jian was blindfolded by profit.

Shu Jian, who is now being taught by reality, knows how stupid his original decision was.

According to the third brother Shu Han, the current Shu family should be able to maintain a friendly relationship with the sky.

Shu Jian is not sure if Zhai Wanmi, the five-star creator of the sky, is under the control of the Shu family, whether he is acting.

Also, as a five-star creator, Zhai Wanmi is indeed inferior to his grandfather and grandma in terms of strength.

So I couldn’t resist at the beginning.

In short, regardless of the reason, even if the Shu family defeated the Yang family and succeeded in becoming the king.

In the end, it will eventually create a battle with the sky.

And the Shu family is destined to be impossible for the sky to create an opponent.

It can be said that Shu Jian’s heart is completely desperate.

Not even the slightest desire to struggle.

Lin Yuan walked in front of Shu Jian and Bai Dong, and looked at Shu Jian and Bai Dong condescendingly.

Said in a rather playful tone.

“My five-star creator of the sky creator, who has been in Shu’s house for so long, I think I should trouble you Shu’s family!”

Shu Jian smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

Shu Jian, who has always been awkward, doesn’t know what he should say at this time.

What’s the use of hiding the past now?

After going out, I still have to be seen through.

The Shu family has no ability to make a five-star creator forget everything that happened before.

Furthermore, Lin Yuan’s tone made Shu Jian feel that Lin Yuan knew everything.

It’s just watching all this with cold eyes behind the scenes.

But if this is the case, what purpose does Lin Yuan have?

Suddenly, Shu Jian’s heart shook.

Immediately, he raised his head and stared at Lin Yuan’s eyes suddenly, and asked.

“It was you who kept pushing our Shu family to fight against the Yang family!”

“Those Titan air moss were created by your sky and helped my Yang family cultivate.”

“What is your purpose for doing this!”

For an instant, Shu Jian thought of many things.

I just feel that when the Shu family first came into contact with the creation of the sky, they were caught in a trap.

When Lin Yuan heard the words, he cast a glance at Shu Jian.

“Everything that the Shu family does is your own choice. I didn’t force you.”

“But if you say that I am contributing to the flames, I do mean it.”

“I need your Shu family to help me open up the situation in Sacred Wood City.”

“You should be curious now, the result outside!”

“The Shu family and the Bai family have joined together, can they bring down the Yang family and enter the royal court smoothly.”

“If you want to know, I can tell you the result now.”

“The Shu family and the Bai family have become the history of the Shenmu Federation.”

“Except for the two of you, and Bai Qinghuan, who is still in the tree fort in my sky.”

“None of the Shu family and the Bai family have survived.”

Lin Yuan said these words not to scare Shu Jian and Bai Dong.

It’s because Liu Jie just passed on the letter paper to Lin Yuan about the situation of the outside world.

Mind letter paper communicates through mind, not space.

Even in the Secret Realm of Sacred Wood, Lin Yuan can understand the situation of the outside world in the first place.

In fact, when Lin Yuan first learned of the Shu family and the Bai family, he attacked the Wang Court.

Then in less than half an hour.

The bodies of everyone in the Shu family and Bai family were hung on the vine wall outside the palace.

He sighed that there was such a huge combat power hidden in the Yang family.

Since it was possible to easily kill the three immortal powerhouses of the Shu family and the Bai family in seconds.

It seems that the Yang family is the one that hides the deepest in Sacred Wood City.

It is no wonder that the Yang family was in charge of Shenmu Wangting.

However, the entire army of the Shu family and the Bai family was annihilated, which indeed helped Fang Mu open up the situation in Holy Wood City.

Bai Dong also recognized who Fang Mu was.

Hearing Fang Mu’s words, Bai Dong’s face instantly turned pale, and he yelled loudly.

“Impossible! Don’t talk nonsense here!”

“If the Shu family and the Bai family work together, even if they lose to the Yang family! How could it be solved directly by the Yang family!”

When Lin Yuan heard this, he smiled at Bai Dong and said.

“You have a good question. I am also curious about how many hole cards the Yang family hides.”

“But no matter how many hole cards the Yang family hides, neither of you can see it.”

After speaking, Lin Yuan held Bihaisheng Chaoxiao with his backhand.

Two spirit fishes, one left and the other facing Bai Dong and Shu Jian.

Under the attack of the two swimming fishes, Bai Dong and Shu Jian became the last nourishment before this small world broke up.

After dealing with Bai Dong and Shu Jian, Lin Yuan began to re-sealed those spiritual springs and stored them in Zhenhai Jinzhong.

These springs have no effect on the Earth Mother Shihe Elf.

But it is an important way for Lin Yuan to realize the freedom of elemental well water.

Now it can be said that Lin Yuan is the poorest time since he obtained the Spirit Locking Space.

Lin Yuan basically used all of his resources to help the Earth Mother Shihe Elf transform.

However, with the pure concentration of the spiritual energy in the spiritual lock space, the spiritual lock space has materials produced every minute and every second.

It only takes half a month of accumulation, and the material reserves in Lin Yuan’s hands can be completely recovered.

It’s just Lin Yuan’s material reserve, which can be easily recovered.

Ke Linyuan’s depleted mermaid royal bloodline needs to be warmed up for at least half a year.

Lin Yuan felt that within half a year, he should have no chance to use the blood of the mermaid royal family.

Therefore, the recovery period of six months did not have much impact on Lin Yuan.

After killing Shu Jian and Bai Dong~IndoMTL.com~ other local members of the Shenmu Federation forces who entered the sacred wood secret realm.

Lin Yuan did not intend to clear it.

Because only Shu Jian and Bai Dong have witnessed the transformation of the Earth Mother Sihe Elf up close.

In order to keep secrets, the two of them are not allowed to stay anyway.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan didn’t have to, he directly killed Shu Jian and Bai Dong.

After all the Lingquan spring eyes are sealed in Zhenhai Jinzhong and collected.

Fang Mu is ready to patiently wait for Shi Ji to complete her transformation.

When the Shu family and the Bai family acted on the Yang family, Zhai Wanmi summoned his main battle spirit and broke the ban on the ruling dung beetle.

Under Shu Han’s horror, he turned Shu Han into a nutrient for his body.

Zhai Wanmi, the mother of the blood bath, all returned to the tree fort created in the sky and put on a defensive posture.

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