Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1935: I wonder if your Yijia can afford it?

When Lin Yuan heard this, he immediately thought of the Snake Blood Dark Rose pollen in the Hundred Flower Honey Rat.

   I want to come to Yi Huailong and propose to cultivate a batch of snake-like spirits, which should be for the owner of Snake Blood Dark Rose.

   It’s just that Yijia has a four-star pinnacle creator.

   The four-star pinnacle creator has the ability to upgrade the diamond-level tenth-level fantasy and five-change spiritual creatures to the lord-level mythical species.

   There is no need for Yijia to seek help from Sky Creation for this kind of thing.

   I want to come to this plant-like spirit with the blood of the holy wood, what should be special.

   Lin Yuan had previously observed two plant spirits with the blood of the holy wood.

   The more you know about the plant spirits of the blood of the holy wood, the easier it is for Lin Yuan and Mobius to make more realistic speculations.

   Therefore, Lin Yuan has decided to follow Yi Huailong’s deal.

   But before letting go, we still have to discuss the details and price clearly.

   Yijia is now a piece of fat to Lin Yuan.

   Just now Yi Lingxi has brought a surprise to herself, Lin Yuan is curious and looking forward to whether Yi Huailong can make herself happy.

   Yi Huailong has been observing Lin Yuan’s expression after making the request.

   Yesterday evening, the third master of the Shu family, Shu Han’s temptation on Lin Yuan, can be described as a side attack.

   This can explain from the side that Shu Han is a tactful person.

   and Yi Huailong is more straightforward.

   I want to make the spirit creatures change from the tenth-level fantasy five changes of the diamond rank to the mythical type of the lord rank.

  Except for using the regular spar in the spirit object to induce.

  , only a five-star creator can do it.

   Shu Han did not say what the plant-like spirits with the blood of the sacred tree were cultivated by Lin Yuan.

   So Lin Yuan can’t be sure whether he has the right regular spar.

   Facing Yi Huailong’s temptation, Lin Yuan smiled lightly.

   clearly proved Yi Huailong’s guess.

  ”What’s the rare opportunity for a spiritual creature to change from the tenth level of the diamond to the mythical species of the lord?”

  ”For the creation of the sky, it’s just something that can be done by raising your hand.”

   “Even if this thing is easy for the creation of the sky, the price is very high.”

  ”I wonder if you can afford it?”

   Lin Yuan’s words caused Yi Huailong’s pupils to shrink suddenly.

   Yi Huailong thought about countless possibilities before coming to the second floor.

   I have never thought that Lin Yuan would admit that Sky Creation has a five-star creator so easily.

   Lin Yuan’s directly surprised Yi Huailong.

   What Yi Huailong fears is that the sky creates the power to hide himself.

   At my eyes, the sky creates the willingness to show the power clearly.

   Explains that the five-star creators created by the sky are willing to cooperate with Yijia.

   Lin Yuan’s words also confirm this.

   just want to cooperate, Yijia needs a good blood.

   However, as long as he can obtain the resources of the five-star creator and put more blood, Yi Huailong is willing.

   Now that the situation in the Holy Wood City is everywhere, the Shu family’s thoughts can be said to be on the bright side.

   Inside the Shenmu King’s Court, the Yang family also invited many weird people.

   Yi Jia finally stood up amidst the turbulent wind and rain, and Shu Jia was far weaker.

   Once a disturbance occurs, the first thing Yijia needs to do is to protect itself.

   Yi Huailong has always been confident that the Yi family has the ability to protect themselves in troubled times.

   However, the emergence of the sky creation made Yi Huailong give birth to other thoughts while protecting himself.

   Under the premise of self-protection, you can still get a piece of the pie in troubled times.

   One hundred years later, the Yi family is definitely not the way it is now.

  Thinking about this, Yi Huailong said sincerely and earnestly.

   “Master Chu, my Yi family has been hoarding resources these years, and some are good things.”

   “If there is a price that my Yi family can’t afford, then other families in the holy wood city can’t afford it either!”

   Yi Huailong spoke boldly, and even put on a posture of being taken advantage of.

  This practice is very stupid in trading.

  Anyone with trading experience would never do such a thing.

   Yi Huailong did it because Yi Huailong knew it.

   Dealing with a big man like the Five-Star Maker, if you pretend to be poor, you will probably lose the chance that you finally got.

   And putting on a posture of being taken advantage of like this is, on the one hand, it is tantamount to showing good wishes to the five-star creators created in the sky.

   On the other hand, Yi Huailong knows clearly.

  All transactions, the five-star creators created by the sky have clear prices in their hearts.

   It is impossible to give less.

  Lin Yuan wanted to let Yijia bloodlett, so Yi Huailong decided to show Yijia’s arteries and let Lin Yuan put it freely.

   Yi Huailong’s attitude pleased Lin Yuan.

  From the information obtained by the Suyis, Lin Yuan knew that the Yi family was known as the Baibao family of the Shenmu Federation.

The fighting power of the    family is all supported by Yi Huailong alone.

   Yijia doesn’t develop the family’s combat power, but frantically absorbs resources.

   This makes Yijia the fattest piece of the Shenmu Federation.

   As long as Yi Huailong dies, Yi’s family will be chewed so much that there are no bones left.

   This is why Lin Yuan is willing to directly indicate to Yi Jia that Sky Creation has a five-star creator.

  ”Since you Yijia can afford the resources, I can help you cultivate these snake-like spirits that you have allowed me to cultivate to the epic quality of the bronze rank or the legendary silver rank.”

   “If I still need to upgrade again, I can continue to upgrade these spirits to the tenth diamond rank within a day on the original basis.”

   Hearing what Lin Yuan said, Yi Huailong was overjoyed.

   At this moment, Yi Huailong heard Lin Yuan continue to say.

  ”If Yijia~IndoMTL.com~want to contract this batch of spiritual creatures with aura professionals to have will runes.”

  ”It’s not impossible to change from the diamond tenth level fantasy to the lord level mythical species.”

   “It’s just that this is another price.”

   Lin Yuan’s words made Yi Huailong’s expression freeze for a few seconds, and then he couldn’t help laughing.

  Yi Huailong’s eyes showed a color called ambition.

   At this time, Lin Yuan didn’t know what he said, just like the devil whispered.

   makes Yi Huailong’s heart suddenly become ambition.

   “Master Chu, I have fifty snakes that need to be cultivated.”

  ”All of them have been upgraded to the legendary quality of the silver rank, and cultivated to the diamond rank tenth fantasy five changes.”

   “Ten of them continue to be cultivated to the tenth level of the lord rank myth.”

   “I wonder if it is convenient for you or that adult to come to my Yijia treasure house to see for yourself?”

   “If you have anything you want, you can take it all away!”

   Lin Yuan heard Yi Huailong mention that adult, and knew that Yi Huailong thought he was just a figure pushed to the stage by the five-star creator of the sky.

   Lin Yuan naturally wouldn’t explain anything to Yi Huailong.

   Lin Yuan is willing to talk about cooperation with Yijia, the main reason is to gather resources.

  The treasure house of Yijia, Lin Yuan is naturally willing to go.

  Lin Yuan wants to see how rich the collection of the Baibao family of the Shenmu Federation is.

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