Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1900: The Death of the Hammer!

Because the man in the golden robe is very scared, and because he doesn’t know enough, even if he says all he knows, he can’t reach Lin Yuan’s standard.

   Soon, the Sui appeared at the door of the president’s room.

   Seeing that the door was not closed, the Sui pushed the door and walked in.

   As the former Dark Envoy, plus I spent some time as a wanderer.

   Sui people are now more respectful than before.

  Suyi people usually dress themselves as much as possible.

   Sui space equipment contains a lot of aura costumes.

  These aura costumes are all made in accordance with the specifications of the federal envoy.

  After all, there are five-star creators in   Gloom and Darkness, and the level is higher than that of the Territory.

  The Sui people have a pink and purple Luo skirt. The skirt of the Luo skirt is inlaid with cat-eye-sized amethyst crystals.

The inside of the    Luo skirt is tied with a layer of very exotic skirt yarn.

   There are faint stars on the skirt yarn.

   Obviously, this layer of skirt yarn is spun with silk thread spit out by Xingluo purple silkworm.

   On the necklace worn on the neck and shoulders, the man in the golden robe didn’t know what material they used.

   But the huge spiritual rule spar in the middle, the man in the golden robe saw a real one.

There are three golden nicks on the spar.

   Obviously, this is a complete mythical three-level rule spar.

   This level of things, searched through the entire treasure house of the Jin family, and you may not be able to find a few.

   And the woman who entered the door turned it into a necklace, as an ornament, and wore it grandiosely.

   What kind of luxury is this?

   just when the man in the golden robe thought that this woman was the real person behind the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

   I saw the woman leaning slightly toward Lin Yuan who was sitting on the main seat, and said.

   “Master, I have kept you waiting.”

   “I’m a bit late!”

   The words of the Sui made the golden robe man’s three views burst.

   This woman with extraordinary clothes and stunning looks turned out to be just the maid of the young man in front of her.

   Dressing up the maid like this, how can I not take these rare spiritual materials seriously?

   A complete mythical three-level spirit system rule spar, if it is handed over to a spiritual creature of the three-level spirit system peak to be used.

   is very likely to give this spiritual creature a chance to be promoted to the creation species.

The appearance of the    Sui has already let the man in the golden robe know.

   When Lin Yuan’s subordinates, how much benefit can he get.

   If the emotions of the man in the golden robe were mainly fear.

   In addition to fear, there is more expectation and greed in the man in the golden robe now.

   Lin Yuan said directly to the Sui.

   “Iren, you come to ask him questions.”

  ”Until I can’t answer his question.”

  ”Then verify that his answer is accurate.”

  On the way the Sui came, Lin Yuan had already explained the situation through his letter paper and the Sui.

  The task arranged by Lin Yuan is nothing but trivial to the Sui.

   The Suy directly questioned the man in the golden robe.

   Lin Yuan and Liu Jie sat aside, listening to the question and answer between the man in the golden robe and the Sui.

  The first questions asked by the Sui were very simple.

   The man in the golden robe answered very pleasantly.

   Sui suddenly changed.

  ”Who is your Jin family relying on?”

  The question of the Sui people surprised the man in the golden robe.

   The answer that had already reached his mouth stopped abruptly.

   The man in the golden robe subconsciously glanced at the eyes of Suyi and Lin Yuan.

   Develop both, both watching myself playfully.

   The man in the golden robe was mentally prepared, he gritted his teeth, and without hesitation, he betrayed the Jin family and the backer behind the Jin family, and said.

  ”There is indeed a backer behind our Jin family, or all the hidden families have the same backer.”

  ”The name of this patron is called the Truth Society.”

   “I don’t know the specifics of the Truth Conference. Even the head of my brother Jin’s family is not eligible to participate.”

  ”Only the patrons of the first four hidden wealthy families can participate in the truth meeting.”

  ”Every time after attending a meeting of the Truth Society, the Patriarchs of the Four Hidden Powers will lead out and guide the direction of the major families of the entire Deep Brahma Federation.”

  ”There are several rich and powerful families, because they rejected the plan proposed by the truth.”

   “They have all been wiped out by the four hidden families.”

   The answer of the man in the golden robe made Lin Yuan and Suyi’s faces serious.

  The truth will be what Lin Yuan didn’t know when he was investigating the information of the Deep Brahma Federation.

   At the beginning of the Deep Brahma Federation, there were indeed only four hidden families.

   These four hidden tyrants are called the old hidden tyrants.

   Later, a four-star pinnacle maker appeared among the four giants.

  After a long period of accumulation, his background is far beyond that of other wealthy families.

   In the end, these four giants became the so-called four emerging hidden giants.

  The Jin Family is one of the four emerging hermit families.

  Neither Lin Yuan nor the Suyi questioned the authenticity of the words the man in the golden robe said.

  Because it is true or false, it will soon be clear.

  The Sui continued to ask.

  ”What is the task that the truth will assign to you?”

   The things that the man in the golden robe shouldn’t have said have already been said, and the Sui people ask these questions now, and the man in the golden robe no longer has the slightest worries.

   said like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

  ”There are two main tasks assigned by the Truth Society.”

  ”The first one is to collect all kinds of regular spars.”

  ”The second one is to mess up this horrified continent within four months.”

   “More than two months have passed since the command was issued.”

  ”There were so many gangsters who died before ~ ​​IndoMTL.com~ is what we did.”

  ”Half of those bandits were disguised by members of the Shenmu Federation and the Hammer Federation.”

   “It stands to reason that the King of Shenmu and the Court of Iron Hammer should have reacted to such a big event.”

   “But I don’t know why, Shenmu King Court and Iron Hammer King Court, all remain silent.”

   “It seems to suppress things deliberately.”

  ”Shenmu King Court can understand without speaking.”

   “In more than a week, the Holy Wood Secret Realm will be opened.”

   “But nothing major is about to happen in the Hammer Federation.”

  ”The weather in the Hammer Federation is getting colder, when food is needed most.”

  ”So many bandits of the Hammer Federation have been destroyed, the Hammer Federation will definitely be famine this year.”

  ”Although our major chambers of commerce are still establishing chambers of commerce in the Hammer Federation.”

  ”At present, all chambers of commerce are repurchasing grain, spirits and fur.”

  ”The resources of the Hammer Federation have reached the critical point of deficit.”

   “Within half a month, the Hammer Federation is bound to have major problems.”

   The words of the man in the golden robe made Lin Yuan deeply feel the viciousness of the Deep Brahma Federation plan.

   is also curious about what kind of problems have occurred within the Hammer Federation?

  Why did such a big thing happen? In the eyes of the scarce resources, King Hammer Court will not take any action! ?

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