Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1860: The crown formed by almost 1 point!

The four long horns of Huashangyan Ghost continue to extend and overlap.

A crown of thorns is formed on the head of Huashangyan ghost.

On the inner side of the crown, two bulges faintly grew on the head of Huashangyan ghost.

It seems that something is about to grow out of these two bumps.

The crown of thorns formed by overlapping the four long horns is firmly stuck on top of Huashangyangui’s head.

At this time, the Huayangyan ghost is drunk in his own blood.

Lin Yuan’s eyes stared at the two bumps on top of Hua Shangyan ghost’s head.

Lin Yuan felt that once these two bulges grew something.

The blood of the great demon of Huashangyan ghost will be transformed again.

For the bloodline of the Great Devil Huashangyan to transform again, what Lin Yuan needs is probably one or two.

A new spiritual thing that can produce pure elemental energy.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan clenched his fist.

Soon Lin Yuan will go to the Shenmu Federation for experience.

During this period, Lin Yuan is going to the Shenmu Secret Realm, and must go to the capital of the Shenmu Federation, Holy Wood City.

Lin Yuan intends to see if he can find two new spiritual things that can produce pure elemental energy in Holy Wood City.

At this time, Hua Shao Yan Gui suddenly dripped black ink from the corner of her eyes.

The black ink slid from Huashangyan’s cheeks and landed on the ground.

Become two black diamonds haunted by ghosts.

Lin Yuan saw this and hurriedly asked the Void Shadow Demon to pick up the two ghostly black diamonds.

In the world, it is the most difficult thing to get from the devil.

That will undoubtedly count the tears shed by the devil.

The devil is a creature that can hardly shed tears.

Basically all demons have no chance to shed a tear in their lifetime.

How the devil shed tears has always been a problem that the founders of the Free Federation have tried to overcome together.

Just like when the Void Shadow Demon was educating the Huashangyan ghost.

The Void Shadow Demon has tortured the Huashangyan ghost to the end of the ghost, and only knows how to obey and fear.

Neither Huashangyan Ghost shed a single tear.

Knowing that the hard ones have no effect on the devil.

The Huashao Yangui has been contracted by Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan can perceive the Huashao Yangui’s mood through his soul.

If you have to use an emotion to describe the Huayangyan ghost.

The emotion of the Huayangyan ghost at this time is the tears of joy and weeping on the basis of the bloodline improvement.

Lin Yuan looked at the hands of the Void Shadow Demon, the ghostly tears of the big devil haunting him.

The two big tears of the devil were collected directly in the ring space.

The more a devil with a higher bloodline, the higher the value of the devil’s tears she shed.

The effect of the tears of the big devil, Lin Yuan heard from the **** of mercy.

It is said that it can be used to resurrect the devil who lost his life within eight hours.

The blood of the resurrected devil must be lower than the strength of the blood contained in the tears of the devil.

At this time, the blood of the Huashangyan ghost is about to break through the limit of the big devil.

If you want to come to the blood of Huashangyan ghost, it should be at the peak of the great devil.

In other words, the two drops of devil’s tears that Lin Yuan put away can resurrect two big demons.

Or resurrect a big devil twice.

At present, these two drops of Devil’s Tears are far from useable.

But Lin Yuan feels that these two drops of devil’s tears are always available to him.

Lin Yuan stepped forward and touched the nine blooming flowers in the flower basket with the palm of his hand.

Speaking softly to Huashangyan ghost.

“Now I have no way to make your bloodline go further.”

“But these six elemental energies, you can enjoy them every day in the future.”

“You can use these pure elemental energies to quickly increase your rank.”

“Raise to the diamond-level fantasy species as soon as possible.”

“To strengthen the corresponding effect of Satan’s power.”

“Although for now, I cannot improve your bloodline again.”

“But then, as long as I find the corresponding materials, it will not be difficult to improve your bloodline again.”

What the devil hates most is the source of power for others to touch themselves.

Like the big devil of Lu Ou contract, even if Lu Ou is the contractor, he cannot allow Lu Ou to touch his abdomen.

But under Lin Yuan’s fiddling with Hua Shang, Hua Shang Yan Gui did not show any unhappy expressions on her face.

On the contrary, the whole flower basket was handed to Lin Yuan.

At this time, the Huashangyan ghost looked at Lin Yuan’s gaze more and more pure.

Successful surprises, let Hua Shangyan ghost know her ghost life, ushered in the peak.

Feeling the strength of the blood in the body, the Huashangyan ghost knelt on the ground respectfully, and bowed to Lin Yuan Yingying.

Said respectfully.

“My lord, I beg your mercy from now on!”

“Sir, would you like to try to fit me now?”

Lin Yuan shook his head when he heard this.

Mixed with the devil is the most basic method for Reiki professionals to use the devil.

The main reason is because, if not for the devil who leads the contract with himself.

The devil would never listen to the words of Reiki professionals and show up to fight.

After Lin Yuan, he can summon the Huashangyan ghost.

Let Huashanyan ghost transform into a satanic power like a spiritual creature.

Of course, being together with the devil is good for the Reiki professionals themselves.

But being in harmony with the devil will quickly consume the physical energy, soul power, spiritual power and aura of the aura professional.

Lin Yuan still has important things to do next.

Simply, Lin Yuan decided to wait for a battle in the future~IndoMTL.com~~ He will join Hua Shaoyan ghost again.

Try to combine with the Huashangyan ghost of the peak bloodline of the Great Devil, how powerful you will be.

Hua Shangyan Ghost Forest thought about it for a while, but she didn’t keep it in the spiritual lock space.

Instead, he received the big devil Huashangyangui into his own spiritual space.

The ghost spirit on Huashangyan ghost has no harm to herself, the contractor.

However, once the Huashangyan ghost fails to control the ghost energy, it causes the ghost energy to escape.

It is very likely to affect other creatures in the lock space.

Causes other creatures to be infested, withered or died by the ghost gas of the Huayangyan ghost.

After receiving the Huashangyan ghost into the spiritual space.

Lin Yuan summoned the sea monster who had awakened the water of life as the heavy water of purple cold.

The siren is not as temperamental as the devil.

The character will not be as bad as the devil.

But even so, Lin Yuan knew that he wanted to contract this sea monster who had awakened his life as the Purple Cold Water.

In addition to tempering himself with the top different water, he also needs to communicate with this great sea monster.

Get the approval of this big sea monster.

However, I didn’t wait for Lin Yuan to communicate with this big sea monster who had awakened his life as the Purple Cold Water.

This sea monster, after seeing himself and the Void Shadow Demon next to him.

There was a scream of horror.

It’s like seeing the scariest sight in the world.

Lin Yuan was slightly startled when he saw it.

At this moment, Lin Yuan saw the Void Shadow Demon embarrassedly scratching his head and said.

“Master, when I taught Huashangyan ghost, I didn’t avoid this sea monster.”

“This siren saw me educating Huashangyan ghosts.”

“Maybe this sea monster is a little scared in his heart!”

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