Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 170: Love to be the queen bee licking dogs!

Next, Lin Yuan would place the eggs of the acid-etched queen bee in the digestive cavity of the red thorn, and let the eggs of the acid-etched queen bee hatch.

Lin Yuan conveyed his thoughts to the red thorn through mental fluctuations, and the red thorn quickly understood what Lin Yuan meant.

The red thorn used the vine without thorns to entangle the eggs of the source biological acid-eaten queen bee in Lin Yuan’s hand.

It’s just that the red thorn did not place the worm eggs of the eroded queen bee in its own digestive cavity, but directly sent the worm eggs of the eroded queen bee into the mouth of the offering with a vine.

After the red thorn swallowed the worm eggs of the source organism acid-etched queen bee into the mouth of the sacrificial offering, Lin Yuan immediately began to feed the red thorn a large amount of blood and flesh from the dimensional creature in the diamond-level trap.

Lin Yuan selected a lot of blood and flesh of Grade 3 Zergs with strong acidity in the body and fed them into the mouth of the sacrificial offering of the red thorn.

After the Red Spur was promoted to the Bronze Rank, Lin Yuan had already begun to choose the third-level different-dimensional creatures in terms of food choices for the Red Spur, which was almost equal to the blood and flesh of the gold-rank spiritual things.

After Lin Yuan fed the blood and flesh of the third-level Zerg to the red thorn, he began to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, and fully urged the red thorn’s mouth of sacrifice.

Let the mouth of the sacrifice quickly absorb the energy in the flesh and blood of these third-level Zergs.

After hatching, the source biological acid-etched queen bee will build a nest as soon as possible.

Lin Yuan didn’t know how much energy it would take to build a nest for the acid-etched queen bee, and now it is safe to do so.

In this way, it took about a full day before the red spur stopped fast eating.

Instead, it changed to the normal rate of energy absorption for the blood and flesh of the third-level Zerg.

When Lin Yuan saw this, he stopped the operation of his spiritual power, and did not fully urge the mouth of the sacrifice to digest the flesh and blood of the dimensional creature.

For this day, Lin Yuan has been urging the mouth of the sacrifice to digest the blood and flesh of these third-level Zergs, which is really a lot of consumption.

At this moment, a gray bee the size of a thumb crawled out of the fleshy flower above the mouth of the offering.

At this time, the bee still looks very fragile, but the double thorns on the upper limbs and the stinger behind the tail are sharp enough to gleam with cold light.

Lin Yuan used real data to check the newly hatched queen bee.

Lin Yuan discovered that the acid-etched queen bee at this time was only one, an ordinary-level source creature of first-level ordinary quality.

However, Lin Yuan was quite surprised when he saw this ordinary grade 1 ordinary quality acid-etched queen bee.

Because the red thorn swallowed a large amount of the flesh and blood of the third-level zerg before, the flesh and blood energy absorbed in a day has exceeded ten times the usual.

In other words, the energy of such a large amount of the flesh and blood of dimensional creatures is used by the newly hatched acid-etched queen bee to build a nest.

Lin Yuan didn’t know what the nest built by the acid queen bee was born.

Because the nest of the acid-etched queen bee is in the mouth of the sacrifice, Lin Yuan can’t get into the mouth of the sacrifice to check.

But Lin Yuan can use the red spines to perceive that the nest built by the acid-etched queen bee is not small.

This nest is all constructed by the acid-etched queen bee by condensing the digestive juice of the red spines into acid crystallization, which can be described as a big project.

When the Etching Queen was just finished building the nest, Lin Yuan could feel that the red thorn connected with his blood had signed a contract with the Etching Queen.

Lin Yuan never knew what kind of contractual relationship the Etching Queen would choose to sign with Red Thorn after building a nest?

To what extent can such a contractual relationship be.

Now Lin Yuan found that the contract between the red thorn and the acid-etched queen bee was extremely harsh.

If the red thorn is the queen of the world, then the acid-etched queen bee is the servant who surrendered at the feet of the queen.

At this time, Lin Yuan could feel that the newly born acid-etched queen bee has been releasing a pleased mental signal to the red thorn.

This kind of mental signal is even more humble than peerless licking a dog.

Lin Yuan is unable to complain about the acid-etched queen bee that has just hatched, because Lin Yuan’s main task is to raise the level of the acid-etched queen.

Lin Yuan lowered his heart, and the red thorn directed the newly hatched acid-etched queen bee to fly onto Lin Yuan’s palm.

Lin Yuan brought the acid-etched queen bee to the lock-spirit space, and also strengthened the very immature acid-etched queen bee at this time.

With the help of the high concentration of aura in the spiritual lock space, the acid-etched queen bee evolves very quickly.

Normal, Elite, Epic, Bronze, Legendary, and Silver.

Promoting the acid-etched queen bee to the golden rank all the way, Lin Yuan stopped.

At this time, Lin Yuan finally had a golden rank spirit creature, and it was not until this time that Lin Yuan truly had the combat effectiveness of a young generation of top powerhouses.

Evolving this way, even if it is to evolve the source creature acid-etched queen bee all the way to the golden rank in the spiritual lock space, it still takes a long time.

Lin Yuan looked at the time on his mobile phone, and it took nearly twenty days for a spiritual creature to be promoted all the way from the ordinary level 1 ordinary quality to the golden level 1 legendary quality.

This is the result of Lin Yuan’s full evolution in the Soul Locking Space.

When Lin Yuan wanted to raise the level of the acid-etched queen bee from the first level to the golden rank, Lin Yuan realized that he would really not be able to do it for a while.

Lin Yuan knows that if you want to upgrade the level of a gold-ranked spirit thing, you should only be able to do it easily if you are promoted to a b-level aura professional.

However, Lin Yuan was already very satisfied with being able to promote the Acid Etched Queen to the first-class legendary quality of the Golden Rank.

The legendary quality acid-etched queen bee can exert great combat power even if it is only a gold rank.

Only the legendary quality is placed here, even if it is only the first level in combat power, I am afraid it can be compared to the sixth or seventh level of the same level of epic quality.

Now Lin Yuan can’t help but feel a different kind of emotion when he sees the acid-etched queen bee who has been promoted all the way to the golden rank in his hand.

The acid-etched queen bee is Lin Yuan’s first source creature that has advanced from the ordinary level to the first level of ordinary quality all the way to the gold level~ IndoMTL.com~ This sense of accomplishment of evolutionary life directly washes away Lin Yuan’s Twenty days of fatigue.

Because the sense of accomplishment of this evolutionary life is a kind of sublimation of the soul whenever you experience it.

At this time, the size of the acid-etched queen bee has grown to a length of about fifteen centimeters.

The body is long and slender, with a dark red metallic luster, but the dark red metallic luster hides strange dark green markings, revealing a hideous beauty.

The upper limbs of the acid-etched queen bee have two rather strong bee needles, and the tail of the acid-etched queen bee also has two long slender stings one after the other.

The bee needles are strong and the stinging thorns are sharp and slender. The bee needles and the spikes are all with a strange green glow.

The acid-etched queen bee flew up in Lin Yuan’s palm, flew around Lin Yuan kindly, and then landed on Lin Yuan’s hand.

Afterwards, Lin Yuan felt that the acid-etched queen was eager to see the red thorns.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

What a licking dog!

Simply Lin Yuan left the Spirit Locking Space with the Acid Etched Queen, who was promoted to the golden rank.

Even if the acid-etched queen bee has advanced to the golden level, after seeing the red thorn, she is still as cautiously pleased as before.

The landlord, Hong Thorn, is obviously indifferent to his tenants.

But the acid-etched queen bee doesn’t care, as if the red thorn just pays attention to it a little, it is a great gift.

The queen bee happily flies among the vines dancing with the red thorns, and occasionally rests on the rose-like red flowers that fall on the digestive cavity of the red thorns.

At this time, Lin Yuan carefully checked the real data of the original biological acid-etched queen bee after she was promoted to the legendary gold rank.

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