Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1696: After the month! 6 stars!

   Chapter 1696 Months Later! Six stars!

  Ordinary people who have never heard of island whales.

  I don’t have the slightest idea in my mind about what I said after the month.

  But I also know that these things should be very valuable.

  Lian Shen made such a big bet with Li Yan after seeing the moon.

   Suddenly, there was interest in his heart, and said.

  ”In the treasure house of your Glory Federation, there should be many uncontracted goblin-type source creatures, right?”

  ”I want three hundred uncontracted fairy-type creatures.”

  ”For this, I can come up with one hundred and fifty copies of the whole goblin blood.”

  ”In addition, I took out two hundred different insect-like cancer artifacts, and five thousand copper-level epic-quality artifacts.”

  ”One hundred legendary copper-tier spirits, as a bet.”

  ”I don’t know what you Huiyao can take out, bet against me.”

  Pity God’s words, as soon as they were exported, the star network completely exploded.

  Island whale, a kind of spiritual material from mythology, and a kind of spiritual material from creation.

   is too unfamiliar for ordinary audiences.

  But there are such things as the epic quality of the bronze stage, and the legendary quality of the bronze stage.

   is closely related to low-level aura professionals, no one will not know how expensive a bronze-level epic-quality spiritual item can be.

  Three thousand to 45 million brilliant coins.

  Five thousand is already a gamble of 200 billion Glory coins.

  Epic-quality spiritual creatures of the bronze ranks are even more legendary.

  This kind of thing has always existed in legends.

  At that time, Chuci was exposing his own bronze-level fantasy species of Yao Iron Mad Bull.

   was once known as the first genius of Huiyao.

  【Fenglin Xueye: What? Five thousand Bronze Rank epic-quality artifacts! One hundred legendary quality spirits of the bronze rank! What level of spirituality is this? OMG! I am dizzy now! I can’t think of anything that can be worthy of these spiritual things. 】

  [Guan Haotian: Mom asked me why I knelt and watched! I also want to know why? The knee is out of control! 】

  [Peace is blessing: How confident the Free Federation is willing to put out such a large amount of supplies! After the month, the adults and the crown of this free federation are so confident. In the end, you can win, or they can win! 】

  [Glass Heart: With such a big bet to bet on the victory of this competition, I think for a while, Master Liu Yifan, black, high wind, and others, I am afraid they will be desperate! 】

  After a brief shock, the viewers of Starnet have thoroughly discovered the difference at this time.

  Before that, many people naively thought that the friendly match proposed by the Freedom Federation was intended to break the wrist with the Huiyao Federation two years ago.

  Now that the bet is out, no one will think so naively anymore!

  After all, no matter what, these priceless things as a bet cannot be so easily lost to the opponent.

  What’s more, the relationship between Huiyao and the Free Federation is not good at all.

The viewers of   Star.com changed their minds from watching the excitement into anger when they pulled down Liu Yifan, the shining envoy.

  So now, anger has completely turned into tension and heavy.

  Regardless of victory or defeat, in this competition, there are heroes who are working hard and bleeding for the Huiyao Federation.

  Pity God will make such a bet, mainly because Pity God wants to replace a batch of resources in his hands.

  Pity God has an interest in collecting goblin-derived creatures, and collect goblin-derived creatures into dolls.

  So pity the god, I want to get more fairy-type creatures that I don’t have.

   took out the one hundred and fifty copies of the goblin bloodline and used them for goblin-type-origin creatures.

   can have the opportunity to improve the bloodline of fairy-type source creatures.

  Of course, this is a way of elevating by using the blood of the goblin to induce the blood of the goblin itself.

   is often most effective only the first time!

  It takes exactly one hundred and fifty fairy bloodlines to induce an increase in the blood of the goblin.

  Cancer spirits have always been little toys for the gods of mercy.

  Lian Shen has done many experiments with cancer spirits.

  Among them, Lian Shen always feels that the worm-like cancer spirits are the ugliest.

   Therefore, I really want to replace some animal or plant carcinoid artifacts with insect-like cancer artifacts.

  As for legendary-quality spiritual things and epic-quality spiritual things, Lian God doesn’t need to come out.

  However, since a month later, I am using this method to suppress Li Yan and destroy the prestige of the Free Federation.

  Pity God does not mind to destroy the prestige of the Glory Federation.

  Pity God’s five-star creator is of extremely high standard.

  Before in the contest of the creator.

  Lian Shen easily defeated Zhu Jun.

  Pity God has put out so many creator resources.

  On the one hand, it is to make Huiyao embarrassed, and on the other hand, I want to take this opportunity to gain more.

  However, Pity God’s plan was miscalculated.

  There is no need for others to speak at all, and they have already spoken after a month.

  ”This level of bet, I have taken it!”

  ”You said that there is no problem with the fairy bloodline in exchange for fairy-type source creatures.”

  ”You took out two hundred insect-like cancer creatures and wanted to replace other cancer creatures. Some were too greedy.”

  ”The number of insects and cancer spirits is the largest in cancer spirits.”

  ”The value is far less precious than animal carcinoid artifacts and plant carcinoid artifacts.”

  ”I don’t take cancer artifacts either. I will exchange for the two hundred insect cancer artifacts you took out.”

  ”It’s just what I want to take out. Your bet is not enough.”

  ”We need to add another five thousand, bronze-level epic-quality spiritual objects.”

  ”And one hundred and fifty fairy bloodlines will do!”

  Lian Shen frowned slightly when she heard Yue’s words.

  But in my heart, interest came.

What are the things that will be taken out a month later?

  The price can be comparable to one hundred and fifty goblin bloodlines, 10,000 copper-tier epic-quality artifacts, 100 copper-tier legendary-quality artifacts, and 200 insect-like cancer artifacts.

  This material is equivalent to a five-star creator, and it has been more than a year’s workload.

  I want to hire a five-star creator for a year, working day and night.

  In the world, I am afraid that no one will dare to think about it like this.

  Because the five-star creator ~IndoMTL.com~ is the richest type of person in the world.

  ”In the next month, if what you bring out satisfies me, I don’t mind gambling with you.”

  ”Five thousand legendary bronze spirit creatures and one hundred and fifty fairy bloodlines are nothing to me.”

  Months later, he heard the words and said in a flat tone.

  ”I took out a clean eternal mind, you must agree.”

  A month later, he has decided to publicly declare his identity as the six-star creator.

  The entire dispute with the Free Federation will surely spread throughout the main world.

  This is the best time to define the six-star creator after the month.

  After the battle with the Free Federation Mission, Lin Yuan’s identity as his disciple will be announced to the world.

  At that time, even if Lin Yuan is dazzling again, his identity as a six-star creator will be revealed.

   can also make everyone’s eyes on Lin Yuan fall back to him.

  Even people who are pregnant with Lin Yuan are afraid.

  (End of this chapter)

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