Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1683: Real treatment!

  Chapter 1683 Real Healing!

  As a previous member of the Baizi Sequence, Li Nao not only has the strength far surpassing other younger generations.

   has a strong vision.

  So Li Nao could see how magical and powerful Hei’s healing power is.

  Healing professionals are scarce.

  Compared with combat Aura professionals, there are hundreds of Aura professionals.

   Only one or two healing professionals can be used.

  Healing professionals have no fighting ability in the early stage.

  The level of aura professionals is upgraded to C rank, and after the healing system spirit creatures are promoted to silver rank.

  The role of the healing professionals in the team can be highlighted.

  Otherwise, in the team, it is just the tail of the crane.

  Need protection, but there is not much healing power.

  This is why, in the guild alliance, so many teams need healing professionals.

   Knowing that there are few Reiki professionals in the healing department.

  Invite aura professionals who can meet the team’s requirements to join the team like an uncle.

  The reason why he is unwilling to lower the requirements.

  Currently, there are three Reiki professionals in the healing system in the Baizi sequence.

  Except for the white devil who still holds the Sequence Eighteen in the Hundred Son Sequence this time.

  The other two, one at seventy-six and one at eighty-one.

  The three Reiki professionals of the healing system who can enter the Baizi sequence have one thing in common.

  There are three people, none of them is pure treatment.

  The few healing spirits of the White Devil can all cause considerable attacks on the target.

  In terms of the healing ability itself, the White Devil is not even as brilliant as the two Healing Reiki professionals ranked at seventy-six and eighty-one.

  In Li Nao’s view, the White Devil is a power attack type aura professional wearing the skin of a healing type aura professional.

  Aura professionals like this highlight their personal combat ability.

  But the value in the team is greatly reduced.

  Gao Feng used his own strength to prove the value of pure support in the team.

  A pure treatment equivalent to Gao Feng’s strength.

The value of    in the team will only be higher than Gao Feng.

  Li Nao had never heard of any healing skills that could regenerate a severed limb.

  Even those powerful kings, after their limbs were amputated in battle.

  You can only go to the high star spiritualist, and use jade-like wood and metal spiritual materials to create some bionic limbs.

  Bionic limbs are too different from real limbs.

  In combat, strenuous activities can cause damage to the bionic limbs.

   Therefore, if a Reiki professional is disabled.

  Basically, it is difficult to join a team of equal strength.

  You can only follow a team that is much weaker than your own, and form a team together.

In the   Hui Yao Baizi sequence, there was a member of the Baizi sequence who lost a right arm when they went to participate in the experience.

  Losing an arm is much better than losing a leg.

   But even so, in the battle, this member of the Hundred Sons sequence lost his right arm.

  From the original fifty-eight, all the way down.

  Two years later, he fell out of the ranks of the hundred sub-sequences.

   and black, the method just used.

  Perfectly regenerate short limbs.

  Before, Li Nao had heard the rumors that Zhang Xiaobai’s arm was regrown under Mopan Town.

  Because there was no video at the time, it was all passed on through the mouth.

  Therefore, not many people believe in this rumor.

  Until the black is in the star-net duel, use the healing ability.

  Many people discovered how terrifying black’s healing power is.

  Can’t help but believe that the black has started, and it was really possible that Zhang Xiaobai’s severed limb would be reborn at that time.

  It’s just that no one has ever argued about this.

  Zhang Xiaobai, as if hiding something on purpose.

   did not go to accept any interviews.

  In Li Nao’s view, even if the black has a strong combat ability, he can rely solely on this one.

  Hei is qualified to call himself a healer Reiki professional.

  Compared with the white demon, the combat Aura professionals who wear the skin of the Healing Aura professionals are different.

  Black is a healing aura professional who wears the skin of a combat aura professional.

  In large-scale team battles, Black Ruo is willing to treat the team.

  When the whole assessment reaches three days, there will be at least 10,000 people in the team.

  Because of spirit creatures and aura professionals, when they are attacked by zergs and demons.

  The power of Zergs and Demons is there.

  The full blow of the fourth-level Zergs and demons can only severely wound the platinum-level spiritual creatures.

  But it won’t let the platinum-level spiritual creatures die.

  There are healing professionals with Reiki, and serious injuries can be recovered slowly.

  But if it was this blow, it shattered the bones.

  Blowed off a limb.

  During treatment, the bones and limbs that are broken in the body cannot be recovered quickly.

  This leads to disability as long as they are beaten by Zergs and Demons.

  Is a spiritual creature that relies on the elements to fight. Fortunately.

   can continue to pour elemental skills outward.

  You can meet those spirit creatures who rely on the flesh to fight.

  Then these spiritual things have become a horde of alien beasts, waiting to be eaten by zergs and demons at any time.

  If you say, the combat ability that the black used before.

   makes Li Nao think that black is a genius who cannot be compared.

  I realized the power of black treatment and its irreplaceable functionality.

   Let Li Nao discover the strategic significance of black.

  The strategic significance of black, to some extent.

  For the entire Federation, it is more important than Black’s strength.

  Somehow Li Nao felt that once Hei became a member of the Baizi sequence.

  If you can’t become a shining envoy, you will at least become a member of the shining knights.

  Li Nao is not qualified to see the strength of Mianxia disciple at this time.

  But Li Nao felt that Hei showed these three hands.

  No matter which hand, it should have reached the level of Mianxia disciple.

  The hands and feet have completely recovered, Li Nao quickly stood up.

   solemnly said thank you to Hei.

   Then, he looked down at his aura clothing that was basically in rags.

  Fortunately, I wore a waist armor made of metal spiritual materials.

  Otherwise, I would be too gaffey.

  Li Nao thought that everyone was a boy, so there was nothing to be shy about.

  After all, Li Nao usually visits public baths.

  Just when Li Nao was about to change clothes, Li Nao found out.

  Under the surging yellow sand, a fitting room helped me build it out.

  Li Nao didn’t expect ~IndoMTL.com~Black will be so thoughtful.

  At this moment, Li Nao suddenly remembered.

  Hei seems to be rumored to be just an aura professional who is less than twenty years old.

  I am now in close contact with black.

  Li Nao can faintly feel the youthfulness of the black body.

  Li Nao thanked the underworld again.

  He took the blue and white contrasting aura clothing that he gave him in black, and entered the fitting room made of yellow sand.

  Li Nao knew that Hei had dragged himself into the Yellow Sand Castle.

  Because the black wants to protect himself.

  Let yourself directly enter the Huiyao Baizi sequence like Gao Feng at the beginning.

  For this, Li Nao is very grateful.

  It can be said that the black casual room has given me a chance.

  In this year, I worked hard to improve my strength.

  Then cultivate the spiritual creature of the new contract.

  (End of this chapter)

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