Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1661: The real household name!

  Chapter 1661 is truly a household name!

  Although the spiritual power in Lin Yuan’s body is exhausted.

  But the surge of Yuansha did not stop.

  Following the stream of spiritual power spitting out of the Spirit Spring Lily, it is injected into the body of the source sand.

  Stop the source of sand, let the sand sea jump.

  It’s not that difficult.

  It’s just the pulsating way of Sand Sea, for the Abyss Demon and Zerg.

   has no too strong restrictive force.

  Normal and elite demons and zergs.

   will sink under the sand sea after going out 100 meters.

  But the first-level Zerg, which is equivalent to the strength of the bronze-level spiritual creature, can already wade through the sand sea with great effort.

  It’s just that the speed of travel is extremely slow.

  To combat the sinking of sand currents.

  A Zerg or Demon can only travel tens of meters per minute.

  Second-level Zergs and Demons with silver rank strength are not going anywhere.

  The limit speed of one minute is about 300 meters.

  There is no ordinary person yet, and the extreme speed of running is fast.

  Zergs and demons of level three or four, but they can almost ignore the impact of yellow sand on themselves.

  Walk in the sand sea.

  But the changes that just happened are really too amazing.

  The demons and Zergs who are on the edge of quicksand at this time.

  I saw with my own eyes that the same kind in front of me fell into the vortex of quicksand.

   was ruthlessly swallowed by the quicksand vortex!

  Strong zerg and demons, can rule the tide of worms and demons.

  The fourth-level demons and zergs with platinum rank strength have already possessed a certain amount of wisdom.

  These four-level demons and zerg screams.

  Hurrying to let the team under his control stop moving forward.

  However, due to the second-level peak dimension, the cracks opened one after another.

  There are not a few fourth-level demons and zergs spewing out.

  This made the fourth-level demons and Zergs in front of them give orders, and they have stopped their pace.

  The demons and Zergs in the rear came up without knowing it.

   abruptly pushed the zergs and demons in front into the yellow sand.

  In the yellow sand, demons and zergs with strengths of level one or above have all their lives.

  Below the first level, all became the corpses buried by the yellow sand.

  Finally, the tide of alien beasts was abruptly contained.

  The crowded environment at the same time caused a fierce fight between the zerg and the devil.

  This scene was watched by Lin Yuan.

   is also in the core area and is in the eyes of the examinee who is responsible for investigating the environment.

  The first time to get information.

  These Reiki professionals who are in charge of exploration, will detect the situation.

  Reported everything to Li Nao.

   learned that the tide of strange animals was forced to stop at the edge of the sand sea by quicksand.

  For a while, there is no clear action yet.

  Li Nao immediately said to the candidates who were standing by around him.

  ”Two hundred of you, you are the team leader specially selected by me.”

  ”Each person is responsible for one hundred people on a ditch.”

  ”Now you go to organize manpower to strengthen the defenses of the territory.”

  ”Go to the yellow sand and dig out the zergs and abyss demons.”

  ”Pull out the carapace of the Zerg, and the bone horns from the Abyss Demon.”

  ”Just use these things to strengthen the defense of the territory.”

  ”In addition, each team sent 20 people, and a total of 4,000 people worked together.”

  ”Go and gather other teams coming to the center area as soon as possible.”

  ”The tide of strange animals has not passed this sea of ​​sand now.”

  ”But look at the pulsation of this sea of ​​sand, it has weakened a lot.”

  ”The cracks in the second-level peak dimension are still opening. Sooner or later, the tide of alien beasts composed of zergs and demons will make a Jedi counterattack against us.”

  ”The more time we prepare now, the larger the scale of the monster tide we will deal with then.”

  ”You must not take it lightly at this time!”

  ” Mobilize all the reiki professionals of the healing system to give priority to healing the spiritual creatures with auxiliary and healing abilities.”

  ”Temporarily prioritize the psychic creatures of the power attack class, and put them in a row.”

  In this kind of large-scale battle.

  Therapeutic Reiki professionals are the least populated.

  The auxiliary system of Reiki professionals has extremely strong functionality.

  In terms of assistance, the one-on-one assistance is often not adopted.

   is one person, which can benefit a group of people.

  So, think about the whole team.

  Preferentially guaranteeing the interests of auxiliary system Reiki professionals is undoubtedly the best choice.

  Although this approach is somewhat unfair.

  But in the battle, it is necessary to rely on the power attack type Aura professional of the auxiliary type Aura professional.

  There are often no big complaints.

  Because there is a good support system Reiki professional to help.

  The main object of benefit is the Reiki professional of the assault system who engages in battle.

  Even even assault-type Reiki professionals, in many cases.

   also depends on the protection of the defensive aura professionals.

  Under the command of Li Nao, the team quickly moved into action.

  For this, Starnet netizens gave a high evaluation.

  【Nicholas Zhang Qi: Li Nao’s on-the-spot response ability is simply too strong! Command a team of more than 20,000 yuan, and the whole team is commanded in an orderly and unstable manner. Before, I felt that Li Nao’s fortifications were well established. Now it seems that Li Nao is given some preparation time. The large forces in the central area can definitely It lasts for three days. 】

  【Going to Beijing: I also think Li Nao is very good. Everyone came to conduct the assessment together. Don’t say Li Nao came to the fore. In two days, he basically mastered the hearts of the people, although the newcomers Still dissatisfied with Li Nao, but these old people who followed Li Nao for more than a day have almost completely obeyed Li Nao’s command! This should be the charm of personality! 】

   [Ask Sansheng: You have been boasting about Li Nao. Why do I think Li Nao is not enough to look at when compared with Black? If it weren’t for the black, under the continuous collision of the strange beasts, I am afraid that the current team of more than 20,000 people should have been reduced to less than 16,000 now! 】

  【Hua Xin Little Carrot: I don’t know why I want to laugh so much? Li Nao probably didn’t know that the yellow sand castle in the sky, and the large-scale quicksand just now, were made in the dark! Even let people go digging in the sand! Dig those zergs and demons out and use them to build fortifications. 】

   Even if Li Nao’s performance is no matter how beautiful it is on Star Internet ~ IndoMTL.com~ the most discussed, it is still the black that just made a big scene.

  Du Meimei and Lu Shuang at this time also stopped talking.

  Just put the black on your lips!

  Black showed such strength, everyone knows that black is powerful.

  Put the black on the lips again.

  , on the contrary, will arouse a sense of disgust in the audience.

  It can be said that by this hand alone.

  Black has become famous in its true sense!

  The black circle of concern mainly focuses on heroic deeds.

  Among the people who follow the star-net showdown.

  Can now pass the assessment of this shining hundred sub-sequence.

   Let black break the circle directly.

   has entered, almost in the eyes of all glorious citizens.

   has become a real household name for Huiyao!

  (End of this chapter)

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