Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1624: The whole people carnival!

Therefore, the four currently dominate the strength of the spirit creatures.

Under the promotion of the Great God Hong Shen, they all reached the tenth platinum rank.

This is already a B-level aura professional, before using the astrological Zhitan pollen to roll the stage.

The limit can be reached.

Listening to Lin Yuan, I decided to sign up.

Gao Feng patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder and said.

“Lin Yuan, really.”

“My dream since childhood has finally come true!”

“Brother, thanks!”

Lin Yuan smiled at Gao Feng upon hearing this.

“What can I thank you for!”

“You are an auxiliary Reiki professional, others don’t take it seriously.”

“But in our team, you are a baby!”

Lin Yuan and Gao Feng are both idlers at this time.

There is no need to get resources like Anhe, and rush to improve his strength.

Because Lin Yuan and Gao Feng are now.

All have reached the fullest preparation state.

In the evening, Zong Ze and Gu Lang came first.

Liu Jie was also in Zongze, and Gu Lang returned shortly after his arrival.

An He left the customs ahead of schedule unexpectedly.

After the six people greeted them, they sat in the pavilion in the middle of Qianjiao Lake with serious expressions.

Xue Shuo, Bai Feng, and Blue Lotus, overlooking the center of Qianjiao Lake, several young people negotiating.

Secretly in my heart.

Now this conversation, no matter how you look at it, it smells like a young version of the Royal Council.

These six young people can definitely be regarded as the top arrogant talents.

There are only five positions for the Glory Envoy.

The old man Huiyao, but there is also a relative.

This prostitute is destined to participate in the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Therefore, the six people at the moment may not all be able to become shining envoys.

But even if you haven’t become a shining envoy.

In the future, these six young people will also become the crown of glory.

Protect the shining side.

With such outstanding young people, the glorious future is shining.


The wind is always biting high.

The ground is still a warm sunny March.

Apricot blossoms and peach blossoms bloom.

But the high-altitude currents can easily cut the iron plate.

The high-level royal court council opened for two days.

Lin Yuan and others are preparing for the battle.

But this year’s Huiyao Baizi sequence assessment was much more lively than in previous years.

In previous years, Huiyao Baizi sequence assessment.

They all competed inside the Huiyao Sanctuary.

Ordinary people cannot see the process of the Huiyao Baizi sequence evaluation.

Only the ten people selected last can be seen.

Go and Huiyao Baizi sequence, the original ninety-one and one hundred sequence members.

The duel.

But even so.

The excitement of this day in previous years was much higher than that of the S game.

The usual schedule.

Only the finals of the S game and the All-Star game.

The talent is on par with the final selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

But now, the selection of Huiyao Baizi sequence has been reformed.

This year is the first time in history that the Huiyao Baizi sequence has been selected and moved to the Star Network.

It is broadcast live for all people on the Star Network.

All the selection process, as long as it is a brilliant citizen who can be on the star network.

You can see all of them.

The personnel who participated in the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence are generally selected and sent by the lord of the 36 big cities.

That’s the city Baizi.

Like Chuci, in the city of Bauhinia before.

Ling Xiao, Lord Bauhinia, was appointed as a member of the Bauhinia Baizi sequence.

These hundred sons selected by the big cities are not well-known in other big cities.

But in this city, they are all well-known geniuses.

Represents the glory of the city.

This makes many people in every big city go crazy.

The hundred sons sequence selected by the main city.

As early as a month ago, when the hundred sub-sequences of major cities were selected.

The major cities are already lively.

Except for these Baizi sequence members selected by Dacheng.

Many of them go through the channels of trade union alliances.

The union federation will also recommend the right age and strong union members to the Huiyao Temple every year.

Let the talents of these major trade unions have the opportunity to participate in the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Besides, it’s like Lin Yuan.

Mixed with a certain reputation, I participated in the name of the gods.

The Huiyao Church is extremely strict in the control of quotas.

Therefore, there are usually only about 10,000 Glory Talents who can compete on the same stage every year.

However, this year, because it was conducted on the Star Network.

Therefore, the control of strength has been relaxed a lot.

In order to encourage the younger generation to understand the world’s differences and find the motivation to move forward.

Those who are under twenty years old and possess silver-tiered spiritual objects.

All are allowed to participate in the assessment.

Between 20 and 30 years old, possess a golden rank spiritual thing.

All were also selected.

Of course, the premise of all these choices.

We also need to investigate the character and details of this person in the Huiyao Temple.

This is also the case for Hui Yao Mian’s subordinates to discuss with each other to set the tone for the selection of the Hui Yao Baizi sequence.

On the Star Network, there is a dedicated team to design the selected virtual venues.

It was designed into a piece of land of 1,000 square kilometers.

There are some dimensional cracks in this land.

All those who participated in the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence will immediately plunge into the interior of the venue.

This kind of assessment method makes the original arena duel more comprehensive.

The test of the showdown is only one’s fighting ability.

But this kind of assessment can assess a person’s ability to fight at the same time, but also need to assess the person’s ability to adapt to changes~IndoMTL.com~Field survivability and adaptability.

And fighting wisdom.

There are even interpersonal skills.

These abilities, when expressing a person’s strength.

Although it is not as intuitive as force, it is extremely necessary.

This enables healing professionals with aura to appear in the Radiance Baizi sequence with a greater proportion.

Because of surviving in the wild, it is always easier for a team to survive to the end than to fight alone.

Moreover, in a difficult situation, the people in the team are in a competitive relationship with each other.

It is often possible to see through a person’s character more.

The assessment of the Huiyao Baizi sequence belongs to the inheritance of Huiyao.

This reform, you must not take it seriously.

With the breakthrough of Xuanyue’s strength, the star network is upgraded.

It has also perfected this, the venue of the Huiyao Baizi sequence assessment.

And rebroadcast.

At this time, everyone on the Star Network was discussing this matter enthusiastically in the post bar and group.

Even Lin Yuan can’t buy the fan base of Los Angeles Star.com, and there is no exception.

At this moment, in the glorious church, the old man inspecting the assessment venue.

I saw an elegant-looking man appeared behind him.

The old man turned around and said when he saw the person coming.

“Long Lantern, why is there a leisurely heart to shine on the temple at this time?”

“Are you going to explore the assessment venue with me?”

“Seriously, the design of this place is really good!”

“The dimensional crack is opened once, and the second is that it takes 72 hours to fully open the dimensional crack.”

“The three-day assessment will allow these little guys to fully reveal their character.”

Jie Chang Deng curled his lips when he heard the words.

I usually look the most amiable with the old man.

But this heart is simply an exquisite organ box.

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