Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1555: Lava Land

  Chapter 1555 Lava Land

  The mother of the blood bath felt that the blood in the body was throbbing for no reason.

  The fire element of the lava land is so rich that it has flooded the air.

  The mothers of these fire-element blood baths feel very warm.

  In cognition, the feeling of fire is completely different.

  These fire elements cluster around the Mother of Blood Bath.

  Let the mother of the blood bath faintly feel the same feeling when she first saw the blood.

  Like a tender embrace.

  The mother of the blood bath knows that these fire elements are due to her own bloodline.

  Instinctively echoed.

  The mother of the blood bath is not a person who likes sentimental.

  The only one she shed a few tears was because of Lin Yuan.

  When I saw my father’s blood, the mother of the blood bath resisted it.

   did not let tears come to my eyes.

  But now I feel the feeling this fire element brings to me.

  The mother of the blood bath cried uncontrollably.

  Lin Yuan saw the mother of the blood bath, knelt and sat on the back of Slaughter Heaven Butterfly with a trembling body.

  Large drops of tears poured down from the eyes of the mother of the blood bath.

  Lin Yuan did not rush to let Slaughter Heaven Butterfly land, but squatted down.

   helped the blood bath mother wipe the tears from her face with her fingers.

  Lin Yuan has probably guessed that the mother of the blood bath was affected by the fire element of the lava land.

  The body of the Tianlun Jade Spider turned into a land of lava.

  The fire element does not disperse, but always gathers in the lava land.

   Explains that these fire elements, which are transformed from the heavenly jade spiders, must have special features.

  It is precisely because of the special nature of Lava Land.

  Lin Yuan feels that there is a high probability of success in collecting the soul of the Tianlun Jade Spider by using the soul whale.

  Now the fire elements in the lava land are gathering in the direction of the mother of the blood bath.

  The mother of the blood bath must be from these fire elements.

  Through the bloodline, it evokes the longing in the bloodline memory.

  The mother of the blood bath raised her eyes.

  Lin Yuan’s concerned look suddenly ran into the eyes of the mother of the blood bath.

  At this time, the mother of the blood bath can no longer bear it.

   directly reached out and hugged Lin Yuan in his arms.

  Lin Yuan simply patted the mother of the blood bath on the back, comforting the mother of the blood bath.

  Let the tears of the mother of the blood bath flow on her shoulders.

   Seeing this scene,   Slaying Heaven Butterfly said inwardly.

  Blood Bath Mother’s feelings for Lin Yuan have been hidden before.

  Now, even after feeling the mother, he broke the defense.

   made such an intimate move.

  But look at Lin Yuan’s appearance.

   Lin Yuan, a straight steel man, does not seem to understand the feelings of the mother of blood bath.

   just comforting the mother of the blood bath.

  For my husband, he is a straight guy.

  It doesn’t matter if you kill the butterfly.

  Isn’t my Zixiao just fine anyway!

  The Nirvana butterfly, although it is now with Zixiao all day and night.

  But the Nirvana butterfly is also a male butterfly.

  That’s why Killing Heaven Butterfly is so relieved.

   Otherwise, now the one who is frowning is afraid of killing the butterfly.

  Because of unrequited love, I am better than my boyfriend who cheated on me.

  After a while, the Mother of Blood Bath released her embrace to Lin Yuan and said softly.

  ”Lin Yuan, let’s go down and see the situation.”

  While speaking, a suspicious blush appeared on the face of the mother of the blood bath.

  After the slaughter-eating butterfly landed on the ground.

  Lin Yuan took the Slaughter Heaven Butterfly back into the Spirit Locking Space.

   Then he waved his hand directly, summoning the soul whale out.

  The current strength of the soul whale is in the legendary quality of the bronze rank tenth.

  Before Lin Yuan himself did not realize the will rune about the soul.

  The current level is already the limit of the dream whale.

  Lin Yuan immediately issued instructions to the soul whale.

  ”Mind the soul whale, use the skill soul knot.”

  ”Search for the breath of the soul here.”

  Hearing Lin Yuan’s instructions, the soul whale crowed.

   immediately collected the souls of this place.

  The result is under the collection.

  The soul whales collected are the souls of various spirit creatures such as pointed-eared fire fox, fire wolf, rattletail snake and so on.

  Besides, in the soul of these spirit creatures.

   is also mixed with the spirits of adventurers.

   Apparently an adventurer died here before.

  The souls of a large number of insects, even the souls of plants.

   is even more numerous.

  Lava Land is a completed ecological environment.

  Every moment, there are spirit creatures fighting each other and preying on each other.

  This is the law of evolution in nature.

  Although those weaker creatures die, their souls will soon dissipate.

  But there have been too many dead creatures in the past few days.

  The Soul Knife to cast the skill Soul Knot requires a soul fragment and a soul fragment for screening.

  Tianyun Jade Spider was buried in the lava place for too long.

  Even if the soul energy is present, it is very weak.

  In this way, I want to explore the soul of the Tianlun Jade Spider.

  The possibility is close to nothing.

  Even if Lin Yuan took the mind whale to stay here 24 hours a day, screening the soul.

  Unlucky, it may not be able to sift the soul of the Tianlun Jade Spider for decades.

  Because Lin Yuan, no matter how strong he is, he can’t prevent the spiritual creatures here from getting old, sick, and dead.

  Lin Yuan said to the hopeful mother of the blood bath.

  ”We are here on the edge of Copper Furnace City. The deeper we go to the lava field, the more intense the fire element.”

  ”The greater the possibility of collecting souls.”

  ”We headed all the way towards the center of the lava field.”

  ”While on the road, let the soul whale screen the soul power.”

  The mother of the blood bath nodded when she heard the words.

   groaned for a moment and said.

  ”Lin Yuan, after we get to the lava field, we will screen until dinner today.”

  ”If the screening fails, wait until the Huiyao Baizi sequence ends.”

  ”You will accompany me for another day of screening.”

  ”If this day’s time, it still can’t be screened.”

  ”Maybe the mother’s soul really disappeared.”

The mother of blood bath knows that Lin Yuan’s time is very precious.

  It’s already a certainty that Lin Yuan can become an envoy of Hui Yao.

  Two years later, Huiyao and the Freedom Federation still have a huge bet.

  In the past two years, Lin Yuan most urgently needed to improve his strength.

  So the mother of blood bath does not want to waste Lin Yuan’s time by going to IndoMTL.com for her own reasons.

  And the mother of the blood bath is very clear.

  To the central area, where the concentration of fire element is strongest.

  If there, I still can’t find my mother’s soul.

   can almost show that the soul of his mother has disappeared.

  How many kilometers have you walked?

  The concentration of the fire element has increased so much!

  In the central area, only extremely powerful creatures can survive.

  Therefore, there must not be many souls in the central area.

  It should not be too difficult to find out.

  Walking along, Lin Yuan found that the spirit of the aura professionals extracted by the mind whale had gradually changed.

  The souls of Reiki professionals are the easiest to dissipate.

  The soul can be extracted, which shows that these Reiki professionals have been dead for a few days.

  This made Lin Yuan realize that something was wrong.

  (End of this chapter)

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