Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1540: Black, there really is you!

Chapter 1540: Black, you really belong to you!

The black behavior stunned the host at the scene.

It also stunned the audience outside and inside the Star Net Arena.

This stunned, everyone on the scene was stunned for three minutes.

God’s toilet!

GodTM’s stomach hurts!

You can still diarrhea on the star network, and diarrhea is not possible?

When I was fighting with Lu Shuang just now, why didn’t you say that your stomach hurts and go to the bathroom!

How much time can you take to accept an interview?

And you just broke the history of two glories, now accept an interview.

The interview and the previous matchup were stored together in the ladder video room for people to watch.

This interview is a good opportunity for anyone to become famous.

You even said you don’t want it!

I also found such a strange reason to run away!

Black, you really deserve it!

Because he just won the reverse, the host looked at the two commentators and opened their mouths in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

Then temporarily rescued the scene, which drew the audience’s attention away.

Later, he was hacked on the Celebrity Rankings list, and his age was revealed.

Everyone is busy, shocked at the age of the black.

But when everyone recovered from the shock, their attention returned to the duel between Hei and Lu Shuang.

Questions sounded in the Starlight Arena one after another.

[That’s not right! What is the huge civet with only eight tails that appeared behind the black body? Is it a spiritual thing? 】

[Why is the black magic weapon so strange compared to other aura professionals? 】

【Hei is a healing reiki professional, why didn’t he see Hei’s ability to use healing? 】

【Said that the black does not use the healing power, is it because the brain is not good? When Hei climbed the tower earlier, didn’t he use the healing ability to heal the spiritual creatures? Now the battle is all about killing the opponent unilaterally, what do you do with the healing ability? 】

[I just saw the black silver mask come out! This silver mask certainly does not seem to be an ordinary accessory! 】

The sound of surprise in the Starlight Arena made the host and the two commentators embarrassed again.

Black, there really is you!

You are gone, none of us can get off work.

But speaking of it, the host and the two commentators really didn’t know what was going on with that huge ghost cat phantom.

There are many possibilities for this to happen.

That civet phantom may be a spiritual creature, a primitive creature.

It may even be something of the holy source.

Now facing the audience of Quanxing.com, the host and the two commentators dare not speculate and express their opinions.

Otherwise, you may make a joke and affect your career.

As for the black and silver mask, both the host and the two commentators thought it was just an ordinary accessory.

But now it looks like it’s obviously not the case.

The use of weapons is not allowed in the Star Net battle, because the best way of fighting for Reiki professionals.

It’s the imperial emissary who fights.

Instead of holding a long knife, personally hack and slash.

But a matching treasure is allowed to be brought to the star network.

Can be used in the ladder showdown.

It’s just that the treasure is a tool forged from the body of the dead holy source through the hands of the five-star creator.

These precious things have never appeared in the Star Net’s Ladder duel.

So what is on the black face is a treasure or something made from some kind of spiritual artifact.

It is open to discussion.

The audience in the audience stage had a heated discussion.

He did not leave the Starlight Arena directly after the competition.

The two star network’s gold commentators and ace host, had to accompany them embarrassingly here.

Added nearly an hour of class.

Faced with the fierce and curious atmosphere on the scene, there was no way to show the ability to control the field.

At the same time, this open match between Hei and Lu Shuang.

Synced to the ladder video gallery.

The time for the entire duel, from entering the court to leaving the game, was less than three minutes.

So those Starnet netizens who didn’t buy the tickets and didn’t go outside to watch the show, they watched the showdown very quickly.

For a time, the atmosphere in the Starlight Arena spread to the entire star network.

The black fan was shocked again.

For those Starnet netizens who have talked about hacking on Starnet, many of them spontaneously went to the hacked official post bar and apologized.

The official black post is now not only restored to its former glory.

A large number of Xingwang netizens gathered in the official post of Hei to discuss the content of Hei and Lu Shuang’s fight.

The popularity of letting the black official post bar is even better than ever.

Lu Shuang originally defeated Hei, and with the heat gained by Hei’s creation of history, he made himself soar into the sky.

Unexpectedly, the plan failed in the end.

The sense of the gap made Lu Shuang’s heart directly break the defense.

The huge gap made Lu Shuang never recover for a long while.

But after learning about the victory of Hei Zai, he didn’t accept an interview and gave any response.

Lu Shuang immediately refreshed.

I immediately opened my live broadcast room and started broadcasting.

Although he was a loser, now the winner is gone.

I, a loser, can always use the light of a winner to catch the heat.

Under the carnival of the entire star network, any aftermath of heat can make Lu Shuang full.

Lu Shuang’s original number of fans in the live broadcast room has been doubled.

Become the most popular host of battles below the imperial level.

The enthusiasm in the live broadcast room even faintly has the faint-hearted adult Que Yinluo in the face value area, and the posture of resisting courtesy.

In the face of the barrage in the live broadcast, all the questions were about black topics.

Lu Shuang, who knows everything about welfare, doesn’t care about it.

Just facing the questions from the audience, even Lu Shuang, who had fought against the black, didn’t know how to answer.

But not answering anything is tantamount to pushing the audience in the live broadcast room.

So Lu Shuang said something ambiguous.

Inquiry from the audience in the live broadcast room.

[Lu Shuang, do you think that the eight-tailed civet phantom that black defeated you is a thing of the holy source? 】

Lu Shuang replied.

“If the black civet phantom is reduced to the size of a house cat, it should be a very cute pet.”

Inquiry from the audience in the live broadcast room.

[Lu Shuang, next time you fight against the black, are you sure to prevent the black’s attack? 】

Lu Shuang replied:

“The black young man doesn’t speak martial ethics~IndoMTL.com~sneak attack on my old comrade, and don’t say anything in advance before the counterattack, but I shouted out before I want to attack!”

Faced the question in the live broadcast room.

[Anchor, are you stupid? What are we asking? What are you returning? 】

Lu Shuang replied.

“I’m hungry and want to have a plate of meat, egg, green onion chicken.”

In this hot event, Lu Shuang was called “Riddler” by the audience in the live broadcast room.

And this title will be called more and more louder in the future.

Master Duan Li, who was observing all this, felt that it was time for him to take action.

Master Duanli posted a post in the official black post.

The title of the post is “Four Star Creator’s Conjecture on the Black Civet Shadow and Mask”.

(End of this chapter)

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