Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1412: Lin Yuan’s method

Lin Yuan looked down at Xiao Hua’s eyes, and Lin Yuan saw the stubbornness in Xiao Hua’s eyes.

Thinking about the parasitic way of the Yin-Yang chaotic butterfly on the host, Lin Yuan moved his head and asked Liu Jie.

“Brother Liu, your worm mother can control worms and carcinogens.”

“Do you have a way to let the worm mother suppress the yin and yang butterflies that parasitize the host?”

“It only takes half an hour!”

When Liu Jie heard this, he immediately communicated with the insect mother.

After some communication, Liu Jie said.

“The suppression of the insect mother’s cancer-like artifacts must ensure that the spiritual power of the insect-like cancer spirits is far lower than that of the insect mother.”

“After the yin and yang chaotic butterfly parasitizes the host, it will steal the host’s thinking and memory, which is equivalent to absorbing the host’s mental power.”

“If the yin and yang sending chaotic butterflies are parasitic to two children, I will use some colorful angelfish fish coats to supplement.”

“Should be sure to hold on for half an hour.”

According to Lin Yuan’s questioning, Liu Jie has already guessed Lin Yuan’s plan.

It’s just that this method is too risky.

But it is undeniable that this method is undoubtedly the best ending for little girls and little boys.

Hearing Liu Jie’s affirmative answer, Lin Yuan asked Ji Feng again.

“Ji Feng, your predecessor that the water lily plant the soul seed in the soul, can it guarantee that the soul will be repaired when the soul repeatedly cracks?”

“It only takes half an hour!”

Ji Feng heard this and said confidently.

“If it is for these two little dolls, I don’t need to summon Linglian back.”

“Just let me cast the Soul Seed directly.”

“Don’t say half an hour, one soul seed is enough for the souls of these two little dolls to last a day.”

Hearing what Ji Feng said, Lin Yuan nodded.

If the worm mother can guarantee the suppression of the Yin-Yang chaotic butterfly, Ji Feng can guarantee that the soul of the little flower and the little grass will not disperse.

Lin Yuan is also sure to use Lily Lily’s skills to heal and intermittently in the process of wanton destruction of Yin and Yang chaotic butterflies, small flowers and grasses.

Even if their bodies are continuously destroyed, they can still grow and complement again according to the genetic template.

These three prerequisites are the basis for what Lin Yuan will do next.

Lin Yuan looked at the little flower, who pressed her lips tightly in front of her, and said without saying a word.

“I know that in your world, only the younger brother is the only one at the moment.”

“But now your brother has been controlled by a carcinoma insect, even if I have a way to take the carcinoma insect from your brother’s body.”

“The moment the worm cancer spirit left your brother’s body, it was the moment your brother died.”

Every time Lin Yuan said something, Xiao Hua’s eyes dimmed a bit.

Suddenly Lin Yuan’s words changed.

“But there is no way, but this way requires you to take risks.”

“If this method is successful, both you and your brother will survive.”

“But if this method fails, you and your brother will both die.”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s words, Xiao Hua grabbed Lin Yuan’s sleeves abruptly and pleaded shakingly.

“Big brother, Xiaohua is willing.”

“Please help Xiaocao!”

Hearing what Xiaohua said, the twenty copper-step hurricane noctuids that trapped the yin-mail chaotic butterfly suddenly dispersed.

The Yin Ji Randie that got out of control went straight from the back of Xiao Hua’s neck and into Xiao Hua’s body.

The little flower that had just been parasitized by the Yin Ji chaotic butterfly is still awake.

At this moment, a quicksand whirlpool also appeared under Xiao Hua’s feet.

The little flower was also held in the palm of a hand made of sand.

Lin Yuan told Xiaohua.

“Your brother will wake up soon.”

“If you can hold back the pain of the soul, you can try to encourage your brother.”

After speaking, Lin Yuan nodded to Liu Jie and Ji Feng.

Liu Jie snapped his fingers, and a long dark purple hair flew out of the Dimensional Lamp Moth, wearing a dark green beetle, and two pairs of fairies with dragonfly-like wings on its back.

This little fairy is the worm mother.

Incorporating the psychotoxin of Queen Blade Queen, the mutated insect mother is very different from the previous appearance.

But even if the worm mother now wears the beetle, she is still very shy and afraid of encountering strangers.

The character of the insect mother is really hard to think of, the war machine that can produce insect swarms at will.

Liu Jie said solemnly to the worm’s native language.

“Mother, you go and suppress the Yin and Yang chaotic butterflies in these two children as much as possible.”

“Through psychotoxins to reduce the activity function of the Yin-Yang Butterfly Butterfly as much as possible.”

Hearing Liu Jie’s instructions, the insect mother flapped her wings and flew towards the little flowers and grasses.

Chongmu stretched out her left hand towards the little flower and grass.

At this moment, the white index finger of the mother’s left hand suddenly turned dark purple.

The insect mother poked the dark purple finger into Xiao Hua’s neck and Xiao Cao’s right arm respectively.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of the worm mother turned silver.

A mental force with a special rhythm pounced on Xiao Hua and Xiao Cao.

This mental power is not aimed at Xiao Hua and Xiao Cao.

The bodies of Xiaohua and Xiaocao are like filters, and these mental powers penetrate into Xiaohua and Xiaocao’s bodies like a stream of water.

Motivated the index finger of Chongmother’s left hand, and just injected the psychotoxin into Xiaohua and Xiaocao’s body.

Looking at the Yin Ji Luan butterfly and Yang Ji Luan butterfly hidden in Xiao Hua, Xiao Cao’s body.

Efforts to suppress the Yin and Yang chaotic butterflies~IndoMTL.com~ But the suppression of the insect mother also attracted fierce resistance from the Yin and Yang chaotic butterflies.

Especially the Yin Ji Chao butterfly, which just got into Xiao Hua’s body, was the first to be caught by the spiritual power of the insect mother.

The little flower trembled like chaff in the palm of the huge yellow sand.

The lump on the original neck spread out in Xiao Hua’s body.

Xiaohua’s body quickly developed multiple ulcers, and pus and blood continued to flow out of the ulcers.

This is an action taken by the Yin Ji Luan butterfly in order to resist the suppression of the insect mother and want to quickly transform Xiao Hua’s body into a insect nest.

However, under the suppression of the worm mother, the movement of this Yin-Yi Chao butterfly became slower and slower.

Ji Feng saw the right time and planted a pre-ordered water lily in Xiao Hua’s soul, nourishing Xiao Hua’s soul.

At this time, there is no movement from Xiaocao.

It means that the Chongmother has not found the Yangji chaotic butterfly hidden in Xiaocao’s body.

Xiaocao’s body has been transformed into a worm’s nest, and he wants to catch the Yangsi chaotic butterfly in the worm’s nest.

It takes a little time and patience.

On the side of Xiaohua, because the Yin-Yi Chaotic Butterfly just entered the body, everything is still under control.

But Xiaocao is difficult here.

In the Worm’s Nest, the Yangji Chaotic Butterfly that stole the mental power of Xiaocao is enough to fight against the mental power of the Worm Mother.

Even if the worm mother has psychotoxins to help, it will take some time to fight.

Lin Yuan summoned Lily Lily, letting Lily Lily’s crystal-like ridge and emerald bud on the main flower head, personally use his skills to heal and heal the grass.

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Received Lin Yuan’s instructions, the ridge and green buds on the crystalline main flower head bloomed.

A green beam of light came from the bud of the mountain and fell straight on the grass.

Form a link that transmits vitality.

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