Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1400: Luo Ya’s changes

In less than half an hour, Luo Ya put on a whole diamond-level purple plum jump deer fur, a large cloak of fur, and purple velvet boots made by the Luo family tailor.

Putting on a costume made of diamond-level spiritual creature fur makes Luo Ya look much better than before.

After all, the fur of the diamond-level purple plum jumping deer is comparable to the white fur worn by Jian Li.

It might even be better than the fur that Jane wears.

Led by Luo Ya and Luo Luo, Lin Yuan did not ride Xiao Hei.

Riding in a low-key hurricane night moth produced by Liu Jie.

Four hurricane night moths used wind elements around Lin Yuan, leading Lin Yuan forward in the air.

Like Lin Yuan standing brilliantly in the air.

In Lin Yuan’s view, this is a very low-key way of traveling, but in Luo Ya’s view, it is only shocking.

Along the way, Rod and Luo Ya kept amazed at the details of Lin Yuan and Liu Jie’s group.

The three people used twelve diamond-level moths to travel, although these twelve moths were not fantasy species, and were not as good as the black giant scorpion.

But it is absolutely unimaginable for Lord and Luoya who live in Nanmu City.

Is this the life of the children of the Hidden Family?

Two sets of clothes of immeasurable value a day, and two travel methods involving diamond-level spiritual things a day.

This is simply too luxurious, too luxurious!

Jian Li, Zhang Tong, and the head of the Zhang family all waited outside the auditorium to welcome Lin Yuan.

On the resume of this cocktail party, Zhang Tong and the head of the Zhang family have all changed into Chinese clothes that they only wear when attending grand gatherings on weekdays.

After seeing Lin Yuan, Ji Feng, and Liu Jie, Jian Li, Zhang Tong and others suddenly felt.

This cocktail party makes no difference whether you wear Chinese clothes or not.

Yes, my own Chinese clothes can’t even compare to the normal clothes that others wear during the day.

There is nothing shameful to be inferior to Huafu now.

The dressing and travel style of the three Lin Yuan who came to this cocktail party made everyone present know who the real guests are.

Zhang Jiajia argued that Xin was very disappointed with Jian Li’s actions after receiving Zhang Tong’s call.

Zhang Xin himself has been weighing the gains and losses of the big tree in the Jian family during this period.

From the case of the poisonous snakes, it is enough to see that backing on the Jane’s family is not reliable at all.

At the critical moment, the Zhang family is likely to become the abandoned son thrown out by the Jian family.

The Zhang family backs to the Jian family to seek development, if the Jian family cannot meet the expectations of the Zhang family.

Even if the Jian family is strong, the Zhang family has no need to rely on the Jian family.

Of course, face work is still to be done, and what should be done is to lick Jianli.

It’s not easy for Jian Li to realize what it is.

The night is diminished, and the spiritual energy released by the golden pearl beads inlaid on Lin Yuan’s white boots is infiltrated with thirty-four tiger-shaped totems embroidered with white sandalwood embroidered with completely jade-like hem.

Lin Yuan’s feet were like thirty-four white tigers crawling.

Every step Lin Yuan takes, he has an unspeakable aura.

It seems like a white tiger is accompanying him.

Seeing Lin Yuan, Zhang Tong is ready to welcome Lin Yuan as the host.

As a result, just as Zhang Tong wanted to move forward, Jian Li reached out and stopped him.

Jian Li quickly stepped forward and walked to Lin Yuan’s side and said.

“I don’t know what the son is called?”

“The son is really a bit abrupt in Nanmu City, even in the city of Sacred Forest, the costume of the son is absolutely this.”

While speaking, Jian Li gave Lin Yuan a thumbs up, with a bright smile on his face, making it clear that he wanted to make friends with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help but raise his brow.

This set of Chinese clothes can only be regarded as a middle-to-high-level existence among all of my dresses.

Wen Yu has made a lot of clothes for Lin Yuan recently, and those clothes are directly embroidered with pearls of the heavenly female element.

Compared with those, this costume is much inferior.

In Jian Li’s words, there must be a bit of suspicion of making friends with him.

But Jian Li’s words were enough for Lin Yuan to understand the living conditions of the great nobles in the capital of the Shenmu Federation, Sacred Forest City.

Jian Li is ranked eighty-three in the Shenmu Baizi sequence, and the people he meets must not be the top players of the Shenmu Federation.

What Jianli said just now shows that Jianli has seen similar Chinese clothes.

This is enough to prove that the noble children of the Shenmu Federation are extravagant.

However, the more extravagant the noble children of the Shenmu Federation, the better.

The more extravagant the children of these nobles, the more expensive the ability to sell the walnuts of the epic copper ranks in Lin Yuan’s hands.

Lin Yuan didn’t ignore Jian Li’s goodwill, and said.

“My name is Lin.”

Jian Li heard the words and said with a smile.

“Mr. Lin, we all misunderstood everything in Nanmu Square today. Please don’t take it to heart.”

“If Master Lin goes to Holy Forest City later, please let me know.”

“There are certain things that I can do to help Young Master Lin.”

Jian Li’s words are straight to the point, and he expresses his purpose straightforwardly.

Because Jian Li knows that people who can wear such Chinese clothes have no intention of chatting with him here.

If you don’t get into the subject anymore, you’ll get bored if you’re not sure.

In this sentence, Jian Li did not clearly indicate his identity.

But she wanted to come to her own identity, Luo Ya had already said that she had listened to Lin Yuan.

In this seemingly acquaintance with Jian Li, it shows that if Lin Yuan befriends himself, what he can do for Lin Yuan~IndoMTL.com~ This type of communication is very popular among the nobles of the Shenmu Federation.

Lin Yuan originally thought about how to get in touch with Jian Li at the reception.

It’s okay now, since I haven’t done anything yet, Jian Li will come to meet herself automatically.

“I will go to Sacred Forest City in the future. Lin will naturally not be polite if something happens, and will trouble Young Master Jian.”

Seeing Lin Yuan’s response to him, Jian Li hurriedly turned to one side and said.

“The reception of Zhang’s family was well organized. I made several dishes deliberately made by Zhang’s family. Young Master Lin, please see if it suits your appetite!”

In the process of turning sideways, Jian Li’s gaze caught Luo Ya.

Just one glance, Jian Li could see how extraordinary the purple fur cloak on Luo Ya’s body was.

The dark purple cloak that Luo Ya wore before was rough and dry, like a country girl.

But now Luo Ya’s lavender fur is set against the starlight in the night, and it actually emits a faint light purple soft light.

It seems that the lavender fur worn by Luo Ya must have come from a diamond-level spiritual creature.

It’s impossible to obtain such a fur family by yourself, and a platinum-level beast is enough to destroy the Luo family.

Luo Ya just invited Lin Yuan to visit Luo’s house in the morning, and now she is wearing such a diamond-level lavender fur.

The origin of this lavender fur is self-evident.

Jian Li secretly sighed that Luo’s family was really lucky.

Such a diamond-level leather fur of this kind would require more than one million deep vanity coins to be photographed.

As a direct member of the family in the Holy Forest City, the furs used are only of this level.

(End of this chapter)

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