Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1263: Under the long lamp diadem with Anhe

Zongze dialed for a while before Gu Lang picked up the call.

“Hey, Zezi, when you called you last time you said you want to retreat. Are you out now?”

Hearing Gu Lang’s voice on the other end of the phone, Zong Ze immediately showed an unexpected look on his face.

Zong Ze was not surprised by what Gu Lang said to him.

It’s because Zongze can hear a deep sense of exhaustion from Gu Lang’s words.

And when Gu Lang picked up the phone, it was obvious that there was someone on the other end of the phone talking.

Just because the voice was not loud, Zongze couldn’t hear exactly what he was talking about.

Before Zong Ze could speak, Zong Ze listened to Gu Lang as if he had taken his cell phone away.

Then he chuckled in a bad tone.

“I’m on the phone, I’ll talk about something after I finish the call!”

After Gu Lang finished speaking, there was no voice beside Gu Lang.

Gu Lang took the phone and smiled apologetically, then continued to Zong Ze.

“Zezi, I have something to come to Frost City.”

“I thought there was a fifth-level marsh dimensional crack in the hole in Frost City. I could catch a few black marsh flies when I came over.”

“As a result, I not only rushed to the air, but also met Anhe.”

Zong Ze frowned upon hearing Gu Lang’s words.

Because Zongze approached Gu Lang to talk about shares.

So Zongze turned on the speakerphone, and Lin Yuan heard Gu Lang’s words.

An He Lin Yuan has never seen him before, but Lin Yuan is no stranger to the name An He.

Among the thirteen crowns of the Glory Federation, one of them is in charge of all life-type aura professional guilds except the Maker Guild.

The crown is under the long lamp crown.

Under the long light diadem, I act low-key in the thirteenth place, but under the long light diadem, you can’t be low-key.

Because the big apprentice under the long lamp diadem is the third shining envoy of this session.

Although the great apprentice of Chang Deng does not possess the talent of creating a teacher, he is a very talented healer Reiki professional.

And Anhe, whom Gu Lang just mentioned, is a little apprentice under a long lamp.

The young disciple Anhe under the long lamp diadem, like his brother, has a strong talent for healing aura professionals.

And Anhe has already received a Glory Medal, and he is very likely to be the seeded player of Glory in two years.

Although Lin Yuan and Anhe have never met, Lin Yuan understands Gu Lang’s temper very well.

Gu Lang has always been a gentle temper.

If it weren’t for being anxious, Gu Lang wouldn’t speak in a heavy tone at all.

There should be a lot of contradiction between Gu Lang and Anhe.

“Rangzi, are you fighting with Anhe again?”

Gu Lang said helplessly when he heard Zongze’s words on the other end of the phone.

“It’s not enough to fight, but I can’t let me explore the cracks in the fifth-level swamp dimension opened by Anhe’s hole.”

“The things of the holy source were robbed by the people led by Anhe. Fortunately, I grabbed three pieces of high-level marsh soil.”

“Otherwise, it really means coming here for nothing.”

Hearing Gu Lang’s words, Zong Ze’s fist clenched tightly.

Apparently Zongze also has a lot of opinions on Anhe.

Gu Lang didn’t have too much entanglement over there, so he turned off the topic and said.

“Zezi, what can you do with me?”

“If it is because I want to vent my fighting intentions and ask me to fight, I should not be there.”

“It will take me at least ten days to return to the capital.”

Gu Lang is one year older than Zongze.

Zongze’s personality was relatively withdrawn when he was young, and he didn’t like to talk to people.

Because the assassination of Zongze’s whole person became even less.

So basically every time between Gu Lang and Zongze, Gu Lang takes the initiative to find Zongze.

If it happens that Zongze has something to look for himself, then nine out of ten times must be for him to fight.

Zongze’s expression on his face softened when he heard Gu Lang’s words.

“Langzi, Ayuan has a way to solve my doom.”

“In the future, I shouldn’t ask you to fight again because of the intent to fight.”

Hearing Zong Ze’s words, Gu Lang’s tired face immediately showed a look of surprise.

After Gu Lang knew that his wife Wang Fuxiang had been given the elixir to relieve bad luck by the moon queen, Gu Lang immediately thought of Zongze.

Zong Ze suffers from bad luck just like his wife Wang Fuxiang.

Since the elixir given by Moon Queen can relieve the bad luck of Shi Niang Wang Fuxiang, it will certainly relieve the bad luck of Zongze.

Gu Lang wanted to talk to his master Zhu Jun more than once, but in the end Gu Lang couldn’t speak.

After all, the misfortune of Shimao Wang Fuxiang has not been completely relieved.

At this time, my idea of ​​going to get a panacea really seems a bit unfilial.

At this time, Gu Lang knew that Zongze’s bad luck could be cured by Lin Yuan, and Gu Lang was happy for Zongze.

As a disciple under the crown, Gu Lang has been flattered and flattered by all major forces since he was a child.

In such an environment, it is difficult for Gu Lang to make friends.

When he was a child, the only friend Gu Lang made was Zong Ze.

Lin Yuan gave himself the bamboo shoots of Golden Silk Emperor Bamboo unconditionally during the dinner.

It is tantamount to continuing on the path of creating a division for myself.

Now that Lin Yuan has rescued Zong Ze again, Gu Lang’s gratitude to Lin Yuan has deepened a bit.

Through Zong Ze just called Lin Yuan “A Yuan”, Gu Lang knew that Zong Ze had regarded Lin Yuan as a good brother like himself.

Just when Gu Lang was about to be happy to Zongze, he only heard Zongze’s voice on the other end of the phone.

“Langzi, I am here in Ayuan, and I have been driving the speakerphone.”

“I am calling you this time to talk to you about our power shares.”

When Gu Lang heard Zongze’s words, he thought that Zongze would allocate part of his shares to Lin Yuan.

Thinking of Lin Yuan’s help to himself before, Gu Lang said.

“Why not, we each gave 25% of the shares to Ayuan at once.”

Hearing Gu Lang’s words, Lin Yuan’s face once again showed a helpless expression.

Did the brothers’ disciples give away shares if they disagree?

Before Zong Ze reacted from Gu Lang’s words, Lin Yuan hurriedly interjected.

“Brother Gu, why do you both say you want to give me shares, what is this?”

“This time Brother Zong called mainly to talk about the cooperation between us~IndoMTL.com~ By the way, I just listened to the meaning of the words of Brother Gu. It seems that Brother Gu is looking for the black marsh produced in the swamp world. Flies.”

“If Brother Gu needs black marsh flies, I should be able to get a few.”

Black Marsh Fly is a very rare swamp dimensional creature.

The black marsh fly is somewhat similar to the moss sphagnum moss. The black marsh fly in its juvenile stage can’t even beat an ordinary Baiwen beast.

But the black marsh fly, a low-limit swamp dimensional creature, also has an immeasurable upper limit.

If the resources are sufficient, and can ensure that they will not be killed by natural enemies in the process of growth.

Black marsh flies are easier to advance to ranks than other dimensional creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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