Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1199: Growing Linghui Zizhi

In the state of immortality, your master does not need to make any compromises when making any decisions.

   doesn’t need to be tied up.

   After a month beyond the shackles of life, I can live forever with the mentality of a young man.

   This is exactly what Lin Yuan wants, and it can be regarded as a part of his heart for Master Yuehou.

   and the Shouyuan Mouse is probably not the only one.

  Before the Shouyuan Rat turned into a spiritual creature, that is, when Lin Yuan encountered the five withered cliff bandit spies.

   The spies of the Five Withered Cliff Pirates Group often disdain for the Shouyuan Rat before his body metamorphoses into a spiritual creature.

   This shows that there should be a lot of Shouyuan Rats in the Shenmu Federation.

   Even when the Shenmu Federation lacks furs, the members of the Dead Cliff Robbery Group, which can only wear vine armor, have no plans to capture the Shouyuan Rat.

   is also right, thinking of the sparse and easily broken fur quality of the Shouyuan Mouse before it metamorphoses into a spiritual creature.

   It’s weird to be seen by others.

   But now, the Shouyuan Rat that has transformed into a spiritual creature has changed a lot.

   The Shouyuan rat with orange fur is not much worse than the cleverness.

   Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and rubbed the small brain of the Shouyuan Mouse, and then solemnly packed the Shouyuan Mouse into a bronze trapped spirit box.

   Returning to the Shenmu Federation this time, Lin Yuan intends to make another Huiyue Palace.

   just gave this birthday rat to his master Yuehou.

   Then, when the celestial assembly is finished, I will return to the Shenmu Federation again.

   Lin Yuan plans to go to a town fifty miles away to see if he can get some more Shouyuan Rats.

   There are really many Shouyuan Rat Shenmu Federations that have not transformed into spiritual things.

   Lin Yuan feels that holding the Shouyuan Mouse in his hand is absolutely qualified to change the pattern of this master world.

   Lin Yuan, who put the Shouyuan mouse into the copper-step trapped spirit box, began to carefully select the completely jade-like wood on the wooden shelf in the spirit lock space.

   The spiritual material of the level like the heaven and earth spiritual thing Linghui Zizhi, if it weren’t for the cleverness and the identity of the disciple of the moon.

   Lin Yuan could never know.

  Even if smart can master all the knowledge on the star network, but in terms of the degree of circulation of star network knowledge.

  Linghui Zizhi will never be posted on the information of such heaven and earth spiritual things.

   Lin Yuan knows that Linghui Zizhi has such levels of spiritual materials because he has learned some materials in Yinyue Pavilion cleverly.

   The real data of Mobius’s skills can see through the essence of the creature, understand its skills and exclusive characteristics.

How to cultivate    magical things requires Lin Yuan to explore by himself.

   It’s like Lin Yuan has the spores of Linghui Zizhi, but these spores of Linghui Zizhi can grow faster with the kind of completely jade-like wood.

  , Lin Yuanlai needs to conduct experiments to verify it.

  Compared with the spiritual object of the world, Linghui Zizhi, the price of completely jade-like wood as a culture is not enough.

   After all, Linghui Zizhi is placed in the top power Miao Family Di Beast Garden, and only the core imperial-level powerhouses and emperor-level powerhouses are eligible to use it.

   Linghui Zizhi was originally used on Liu Yanshan.

   Now Lin Yuan needs a lot of Linghui Zizhi to improve the quality of intelligence from fantasy.

   So Lin Yuan did not hesitate to take out all the types of completely jade-like wood he had on hand and put them in front of him.

   There are twenty or thirty kinds of these completely jade woods.

   Lin Yuan cut every kind of completely jade-like wood, so that the volume and surface area of ​​these woods can reach the same degree as much as possible.

   in order to be fair and objective in the experiment.

   Lin Yuan carefully scattered the spores of Linghui Zizhi on these two dozen kinds of cut completely jade wood.

   then carefully observed.

  The growth rate of Linghui Zizhi is based on the degree of jade of the material and the concentration of the surrounding environment.

  The degree of jade of the wood in Lin Yuan’s hands has basically reached 100%, which is the best of the best.

   As for the concentration of aura in the spiritual lock space, there is nothing to say.

   I am afraid that there is no place in the world with a higher concentration of aura than the spiritual lock space.

   meets the two growth conditions of Linghui Zizhi spores, the growth rate of Linghui Zizhi spores will not be slow.

   should soon grow Linghui Ganoderma strains.

   The situation was exactly the same as Lin Yuan had expected. It was only half an hour later.

   Among them, the spores of Linghui Zizhi first grew into a small cluster of strains on the blocks of completely jade-like submerged wood, thuja, red sandalwood, and cassia wood.

   Upon seeing this, Lin Yuan took out the four wooden blocks individually.

   was going to select from these four types of completely jade-like wood, and the remaining wood was eliminated on the spot by Lin Yuan.

   But we are eliminated and eliminated, the spores of Linghui Zizhi on the completely jade-like wood can’t be wasted.

   After waiting for them to grow strains and the strains are strong enough, Lin Yuan still wants to transplant them.

   Among the four pieces of wood that Lin Yuan took out to observe, the Linghui Zizhi on Thuja cypress grows fastest.

   is ahead of the growth rate of Linghui Ganoderma spores on the other three wood blocks.

   However, Lin Yuan did not immediately decide to use the completely jadeized Thuja as the wood species for cultivating Linghui Zizhi.

   In addition to speed, Lin Yuan also considers how robust the Ganoderma lucidum strains grow on the four types of wood.

   Soon, Lin Yuan discovered the problem with the spores on the Thuja wood.

  The strains on Thuja cypress grow quickly, and the stems of the strains that can grow are too long.

   looks very thin.

   Lin Yuan used his hand to push the Linghui Ganoderma strain growing on the Thuja wood~IndoMTL.com~ to compare it with the strains on the other three types of jade wood.

  Lin Yuan found that the strains on the fastest growing Thuja tree shook the most.

  After thinking twice, Lin Yuan directly eliminated the Thuja cypress, which grows Linghui Zizhi the fastest.

   After all, growth quality is more important than growth speed.

   And the spores on these four types of wood can germinate almost at the same time, and their speeds will not differ too much.

In the observation of   , Lin Yuan discovered the problem of the growth of strains on bay wood.

  The completely jade-like laurel wood is the hardest of the four types of wood.

   This allows the strain to only absorb nutrients from the surface layer of Laurel.

   The nutrient Linghui Ganoderma strains under five centimeters from the surface have penetrated, and there is already a clear sense of effort.

   So the completely jade-like laurel was also excluded by Lin Yuan.

The strains on    Pterocarpus and Agarwood are equally robust and grow at roughly the same rate.

   It’s just that the canopy of the agarwood strain is larger than that of the rosewood strain.

  The nutrition of Linghui Zizhi is mainly concentrated on its purple umbrella cover.

  Linghui Zizhi with a larger canopy must contain more nutrients than a smaller canopy.

   Finally, the completely jade-like submerged fragrant wood was identified by Lin Yuan as the material for cultivating Linghui Zizhi.

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