Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1191: Captain Honor

Lin Yuan felt that as long as the Sui were not stupid, he would definitely not give up this chance to survive.

   Even if this chance of survival will make him lose his freedom.

   After all, people who want revenge live with hope, and it is more important than holding freedom.

   As for the supplies for the Chengyi Chamber of Commerce, Lin Yuan had already prepared it before going to bed last night.

   Mr. Feng collected all the walnuts from the Chengyi Chamber of Commerce, and gave to Lin Yuan a total of 12 silver-ranked walnuts.

   there are 57 walnuts in total.

   The total area of ​​these walnuts is less than two thousand square meters.

   If you want the Chengyi caravan to develop quickly, the price of the materials given by Lin Yuan must not be too low.

  Of course, too high-priced materials are not suitable for Chengyi Caravan.

  A small caravan with too expensive resources can easily get into trouble.

   Before, there was the Kuya Pirate Group who was named the Chengyi Chamber of Commerce. Who knows if there will be other Pirate Groups looking at the Chengyi Chamber of Commerce.

   In the end, Lin Yuan put a large amount of materials produced in the second-dimensional cracks into the walnuts of the Chengyi Caravan.

   These materials produced in the second-dimensional cracks have some in each crack.

   Even if the Shenmu Federation hardly opens the next elementary crack, it does not matter that the Hammer Federation does not open the swamp dimension crack. .

  The Caravan of Sincerity and Righteousness travels back and forth between the Hammer and Shenmu Federation, and it is not impossible to get these supplies.

   These materials provided by Lin Yuan are all top-notch items for the current sincere caravan.

   is also the resource that Chengyi Caravan can control to the maximum.

  Everything must be done slowly. I believe that the Integrity Chamber of Commerce will soon expand the scale of the Chamber of Commerce with this capital injection.

  After Lin Yuan handed these contented walnuts to Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng’s eyeballs almost didn’t fall from their sockets to the ground as soon as Mr. Feng checked.

   It can be said that any material in the container walnut is not qualified to obtain the previous sincere caravan.

   can get one of them occasionally, which is enough to be regarded as a happy event for the sincere caravan.

   The walnut filled with supplies was held in Mr. Feng’s hand, making Mr. Feng’s hand tremble.

   According to estimates, these walnuts also contain materials worth 8 million deep Vatican coins.

How much is the original running water of    Chengyi Caravan?

   With this capital, sincere caravans want to develop, it is not a dream at all!

   After Mr. Feng expressed his gratitude to Lin Yuan, he immediately recruited all the members of the sincere caravan.

   told everyone that Lin Yuan had poured materials into the Chengyi Caravan without any concealment.

The members of    Chengyi Caravan heard this sudden good news with surprise.

   looked at the surprised people of Chengyi Caravan, then looked at Lin Yuan, and Mr. Feng said adeptly.

  ”Originally, our sincere caravan’s turnover was only one hundred thousand deep Vatican coins.”

  ”This is still the price of all of us, including our heads and lives.”

   “Now Lin Yuan’s capital injection for our sincere caravan has reached 80 times the original price of materials.”

  ”In terms of shares, Lin Xinghe would occupy more than 98% of the shares of the Chengyi Caravan.”

   “Now I suggest that Lin Yuan might as well be the captain of our sincere caravan!”

   Mr. Feng’s words made Lin Yuan raise his eyebrows.

   After a short silence at the scene, most of the people responded to Mr. Feng’s promotion.

   But Lin Yuan himself did not want to be the captain of the Chengyi Caravan.

  The materials that Lin Yuan poured into the Chengyi Caravan seem to be a lot in the eyes of everyone in the Chengyi Caravan.

  Almost all items are expensive things that you don’t dare to expect.

   But if you really want to calculate it, none of these materials are valuable.

   If Lin Yuan is not trying to keep the second level peak in front of the hole in the next meta crack, just go with Liu Jie to the second level peak in front of him to explore the next meta crack.

   Take out two source items from the Dimension Hub, and gather the materials that are easy to collect.

  The resources obtained are enough to inject funds for the sincere caravan seven or eight times according to the original standard.

   If you put it another way, Lin Yuan would produce a heavenly girl-level elemental pearl every 20 times he breathed.

   A celestial element pearl is enough to set off a stormy wave in a place where there are no five-star creators on the bright side of the horrified lands.

   has attracted the competition of the three powerful federations.

   Lin Yuan could imagine, on a continent without a five-star creator.

   How much a strong man on the continent desires for the materials that the four-star pinnacle creator can cultivate with great luck.

   Therefore, the capital injection provided to the Chengyi Caravan was nothing but a drop in the bucket for Lin Yuan.

  What everyone in the sincere caravan didn’t know was that they could have a few words with Lin Yuan.

  The time spent by Lin Yuan is already more valuable than the resources in the walnut.

   Mr. Feng has been secretly paying attention to Lin Yuan’s expression after finishing his proposal.

   Seeing that Lin Yuan did not agree, Mr. Feng knew that he had done something wrong.

   Ke Lin Yuan has provided so much capital injection to the Caravan, the Caravan has nothing to return.

   Mr. Feng also had no face to say that after selling the materials in the contents of the walnut, he would give Lin Yuan the money he earned.

   Because if Lin Yuan wants to circulate supplies, he doesn’t need to go through the caravan.

   Lin Yuan took these supplies and went directly to the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce behind the Chengyi Caravan, and he would immediately be treated as a VIP by the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

  The only thing I can do right now is to lead the whole caravan to show loyalty to Lin Yuan.

   On the one hand, it is tantamount to responding to Lin Yuan’s capital injection~IndoMTL.com~ On the other hand, Lin Yuan became the captain of the sincere caravan and completely integrated into the sincere caravan.

After   , Lin Yuan will definitely help the Chengyi Caravan again develop.

   It can be said that this is a good opportunity for Chengyi Caravan.

   The more uplifted the voices of other people in the sincere caravan, the more it made Mr. Feng feel unable to step down.

   At this moment, the voice of the youth Qingyue built a ladder for Mr. Feng.

  ”First of all, thank you all for your love.”

   “My original intention was to go out to experience, it is impossible to follow the caravan to go north and south.”

   “Therefore, no matter how you look at it, it is inappropriate for me to be the captain.”

  ”In addition, I will provide capital for the Chengyi Caravan. I also like the potential of the Chengyi Caravan. The capital of a caravan can be accumulated in a few opportunities.”

  ”But the hearts of the people gathered in the caravan cannot be exchanged for more capital.”

   Lin Yuan’s words made everyone in the sincere caravan including Mr. Feng warm their hearts.

   Mr. Feng, who had a ladder to borrow the donkey from the slope, asked Lin Yuan.

   “In this case, I still worry about the captain of the Chengyi Caravan.”

   “I wonder if you can be the honorary captain of the caravan of sincerity?”

  ”In the future, the materials earned by the sincere caravan will be returned to you in accordance with 98% of the shares.”


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