Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1159: First ascend to the sacred tree

Finally, the crack expanded to form a huge arch three meters wide and two meters high.

The power of the space on the arch has condensed into a magnificent silver symbol after another.

There are more and more magnificent silver symbols, which directly condense the huge arches formed by space cracks here forever.

At this time, the space tunnel from the Radiance Federation to the Shenmu Federation finally opened.

Lin Yuan can finally make his first journey to the Shenmu Federation.

Lin Yuan currently doesn’t have much space in his hands, so Lin Yuan can’t be an empty car driver on this journey.

Lin Yuan needs to put Hu Quan and Liu Jie in the treasure made of the skin and stomach pouch of the Golden Toad in Baodong.

And look at the size of the surplus area, and then install a few more sages as appropriate.

So Lin Yuan spoke to Hu Quan and Liu Jie.

“Uncle Hu, Brother Liu, you will be wronged in this treasure for a while, otherwise there will be no way to pass this space tunnel.”

“After the Shenmu Federation, I will let you out immediately.”

As soon as the words were spoken, Lin Yuan suddenly thought that Feng Shuang, Lao He and Hu Tian, ​​the three four-star creators who had been collected from the Zheng family were still carrying the treasure-dong golden toad treasure.

Even Feng Shuang, Lao He, and Hu Tian swear to themselves with the will rune.

But the three of them only followed themselves, and they didn’t win Lin Yuan’s 100% trust.

In order to ensure the safety of Liu Jie and Hu Quan, Lin Yuan immediately let the Void Shadow Demon escape into Liu Jie’s shadow.

Then Liu Jie and Hu Quan were allowed to enter the treasure made from the skin and stomach pouch of Baodong Golden Toad.

After that, he called in a few smiths selected by Hu Quan in advance at the entrance, and let these smiths also enter the treasure.

After reluctantly loading ten people, Lin Yuan took out the ethereal jellyfish gold rank skill to freely catch the condensed space crystals.

During the time when the ethereal jellyfish was promoted to the tenth level of the legendary quality of the diamond rank, twenty-four spatial crystals have condensed.

Lin Yuan threw a space crystal into the space corridor that had just formed in front of him, and after waiting for a while, he found that the space corridor did not show the slightest response.

Lin Yuan knew that this was because a space crystal could not satisfy the conditions for activating the space corridor and transmitting.

One, two, four, when Lin Yuan threw it to the eighth, the silver symbol on the space corridor seemed to move away.

A huge suction directly sucked Lin Yuan into the space corridor.

When Lin Yuan came out from the other end of the space tunnel, he sat down on the ground.

I just feel that the world is spinning around, as if there are a hundred little ducks flying above me.

Still in dizziness, Lin Yuan couldn’t help but explode.

“Gan! Ultra-long distance space teleportation is too uncomfortable!”

After a delay of about five minutes, Lin Yuan recovered from the dizziness transmitted from the super long distance space.

Lin Yuan can recover so quickly, thanks to Lin Yuan who has washed away impurities in his body.

If ordinary people cross the space tunnel, they will faint directly during the ultra-long-distance teleportation.

Lin Yuan, who recovered from the vertigo, immediately released Hu Quan, Liu Jie, the three four-star creators of the Zheng family, and five spiritual masters from the treasure-dong golden toad treasure.

The ten people in the treasure cave golden toad treasure have their bodies close to each other.

If you are not wearing clothes, the distance under squeeze is likely to become a negative number.

This situation is simply suffering.

Lin Yuan didn’t want Hu Quan and Liu Jietai to suffer in it.

After releasing everyone from the treasure cave golden toad treasure, Lin Yuan finally had time to detect the foothold Xuan Yue had found for herself.

That is where I set up a space corridor in the Shenmu Federation.

Lin Yuan looked around and saw solid stone walls all around.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Lin Yuan really couldn’t see why for a while.

But Lin Yuan knew that he should be in a crypt at this time.

Regardless of whether Xuan Yue is satisfied with the place Xuan Yue found after Lin Yuan went to the surface to investigate, just the arrangement in front of her can tell Xuan Yue’s dedication.

I looked up and found that there seemed to be something blocking the entrance to the crypt above.

There was faint sunlight falling from above.

It is with this faint light that Lin Yuan can see the surrounding environment clearly.

The surrounding walls are almost filled with platinum-level metal spirit materials and hollow tungsten steel.

The hollow tungsten steel is a kind of metal spiritual material that can isolate space detection, which is a special product of the Huiyao Federation, and is mostly used in the creation of phantom vehicles.

Or embedded in the wall of the Gaoxing Creator Training Room to isolate and detect.

Although the hollow tungsten steel is also a metal material for shielding and detection, the hollow tungsten steel and the hollow soft silver are not at the same level.

The effect of the space soft silver is to crush the space tungsten steel from all sides.

In the Huiyao Federation, space-based metal spirit materials rarely circulate in the market.

Any ordinary space-based spiritual material can be sold at an absolute high price in the treasure house.

Lin Yuan deeply understands this.

It is said that the price of the spiritual materials of the Huiyao Federal Space will be so high, it is said that it is mainly because of the monopoly of ostrich logistics.

Anyway, Lin Yuan wants to scan the space spirit materials in Xingwang Treasures Pavilion.

Xuanyue will arrange hollow tungsten steel on the wall, presumably she is afraid that someone will detect it when the space tunnel opens.

Looking at the dim light cast down about forty meters above his head, Lin Yuan felt that Xuanyue’s hole was very good.

The space corridor hole is opened underground, and the base of the Shenmu Federation can be expanded with this hole as the core.

Hu Quan looked at the hollow tungsten steel on the wall and clapped his hands.

“Lin Yuan, the hollow tungsten steel on this wall is less than two thousand catties.”

“At that time, I will ask my jade sword man to cut these hollow tungsten steel into pieces, and mix the hollow tungsten steel pieces into the soil to form stones.”

“Using these stones mixed with hollow tungsten steel to build the underground palace is enough to achieve the most basic shielding and detection effect.”

“If you want to strengthen the shielding effect later, just find some corresponding spiritual materials and insert them into the wall.”

While speaking, Hu Quan has already begun to reach out to touch the rock wall, to feel the quality and composition of the rock wall.

Preparation for a big fight.

Hu Quan, who was exploring the wall, shouted to the five spiritualists standing behind him~IndoMTL.com~You five little boys come and help, and dig some stones from the rock wall in five directions. “

“Look at the ratio of sand, earth, rock and crystalline material in this rock wall!”

“I feel the sand content in the rock wall is too high when I touch the rock wall.”

“If the underground palace is to be built, these stone walls cannot be expected to bear the weight, and metal spirit materials must be used as beams.”

Hearing what Hu Quan said, Lin Yuan directly threw the materials of the thirty diamond-level sleepy boxes prepared for listening to Hu Quan and said.

“Uncle Hu, we don’t need to worry about the material issues you mentioned.”

“There are these thirty diamond-level spirit boxes, which should be used to build a basic underground palace with an area of ​​1,000 square meters.”

(End of this chapter)

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