Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1157: Final preparations

When Lin Yuan returned to the manor, he immediately called for a listen.

Lin Lin has already begun preparations for the materials needed to go to the Shenmu Federation to experience it a few months ago.

Although the preparation work was handed over to listening, Lin Yuan also checked and accepted the results of several listening preparations.

Listen, after being found by Lin Yuan, he directly took out thirty diamond-level trapped spirit boxes and said to Lin Yuan.

“Master, these thirty traps are basically filled with various materials.”

“The materials I prepare for you to go to the Shenmu Federation, Master, will have a lot more time than preparing the materials for the swamp world.”

“When preparing the supplies for Marsh World, even if the time was urgent, I did not pick up this part of the supplies needed to go to the Shenmu Federation.”

“It can be said that this material is very complete.”

“Master, what do you think of the supplies I prepared?”

The listening face was full of joy and admiration while speaking.

The listening temperament is very calm, and he has a full level of skills in interpersonal communication.

So when you are talking to anyone, you can listen to it well.

It is the first time since Lin Yuan knew Listening to hear Listening begging for praise.

Seeing listening to the smile on his face and the admiring look in his eyes.

Lin Yuan knows that listening will behave as it is now, and a large part of the reason is because of the collapse of the Zheng family in Diancang City.

Now listening to the hatred pressed in my heart is finally repaid, which can be regarded as an explanation for the deceased relatives.

Lin Yuan was originally not going to investigate and listen to the materials prepared for him.

Because Lin Yuan approves of listening ability and trusts enough.

But now that Listening showed a compliment expression, Lin Yuan carefully inspected the supplies he prepared.

Lin Yuan secretly marveled in his heart.

It can be said that the comprehensive materials prepared for the listening completely exceeded Lin Yuan’s expectations.

There are these materials prepared for listening, although I dare not say enough to build the infrastructure of the forbidden land of the Shenmu Federation.

But there is always no problem building a rough prototype.

Lin Yuan praised the listening, and directly made the listening happily like a fool.

Then Lin Yuan solemnly said to Listening.

“Listen, you still need to visit the city of Indigo to transfer all the luxury resources of the Zheng family from Zheng Kaiyan.”

“Then transfer the offline and online resources of Zhengjiadian Cangcheng’s luxury goods to the Wangdu as much as possible.”

“After receiving the luxury resources of the veteran power of the Zheng family, the Linglu Chamber of Commerce can also officially start making profits in all aspects.”

“After the output of Tiangong Pavilion comes up, it is entirely possible to sell luxury goods to Quan Huiyao with the capital as the center.”

“When I arrived at the Shenmu Federation, I will take a good look at the situation of the Shenmu Federation and see how the Shenmu Federation needs luxury goods.”

“If the Shenmu Federation also has demand for luxury goods, we can trade with the Shenmu Federation even if we do not pass through the island whale.”

Listening to hear Lin Yuan’s instructions and nodded solemnly. Lin Yuan had told himself about Zheng Kaiyan’s disposal before.

Listening has no hatred for Zheng Kaiyan.

Because Zheng Kaiyan is still a member of the Zheng family who wants to destroy the Zheng family.

Lin Yuan’s “sold to Quan Huiyao” game aroused strong enthusiasm for listening.

This will also be the next goal of listening.

After listening, Hu Quan said excitedly to Lin Yuan.

“Lin Yuan, I have already selected the spirit master.”

“This time the dwarf is the bigger one, and the selection is pretty good.”

After speaking, Hu Quan blinked his eyes meaningfully at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan knows what Hu Quan means when he talks about the big one among the short ones.

The craftsmen accepted by Tiangong Pavilion are all very good in business. There is no such thing as a big one among the short ones.

Hu Quan refers to the loyalty of these smiths.

The selected spiritists now are far from the thirty-five spiritists in the swamp world.

As soon as I heard about the task, no matter how long I needed to stay away from the world, I responded directly without asking the reward.

Although these smiths have everything, they are also trustworthy.

“Uncle Hu, I may not be able to bring all these fifty sages.”

“After the space tunnel is erected, I can be sure that the spatial crystallization at hand will allow me to go back and forth between the capital and the Shenmu Federation several times through the space tunnel.”

While speaking, Lin Yuan secretly said.

I should really look for some spiritual things that can produce spatial spiritual materials.

Otherwise, the number of spatial crystals condensed by the free fishing of ethereal jellyfish’s golden skills is really limited.

Definitely unable to meet the need to travel between Shenmu Federation and Radiance Federation.

Thanks to the chef at that time who gave him the treasure made from the skin and stomach pouch of the treasure cave golden toad.

Otherwise, it is not only a problem to take people to the swamp world through the Klein hub in the Locking Space.

Even through the space tunnel to the Shenmu Federation, Lin Yuan could only take one or two people there.

The dark crystal beetles in the cage of the Brahma insects have been sent by Fan Hansheng, and the three dark crystal beetles are all raised in Lin Yuan’s spiritual lock space.

Started to absorb the pure aura in the spirit lock space and produce a carapace.

Lin Yuan went to the Shenmu Federation to experience the matter and reported it to Master Yuehou. Lin Yuan also branched out a hundred plants on the Pure Land of Bliss.

Everything in the Huiyao Federation is operating safely, and there is no need for Lin Yuan to spend his thoughts.

Lin Yuan only needs to be able to ensure that Wen Yu is brought there every seven days, or he comes back to convene the Celestial Assembly once.

Lin Yuan went to the Shenmu Federation to experience firstly to broaden his horizons and secondly to increase his strength.

Lin Yuan and Liu Jie have the same goals two years later, they are both to compete for the position.

So Lin Yuan had asked Liu Jie a long time ago whether he planned to practice together.

Liu Jie, as the white chief of Sky City, is in charge of the white servants.

Now that the followers in white clothes are all taken out by Duan He to practice, Liu Jie has nothing to do.

So Liu Jie readily chose to go with Lin Yuan to the Shenmu Federation for joint experience.

In fact, Liu Jie has always had a dream in his heart, that is to be able to follow Lin Yuan’s side and fulfill his duty as a knight.

Be the sword in Lin Yuan’s hand and the shield in front of him~IndoMTL.com~ even if Liu Jie is now a disciple of the crown.

But the thoughts in my heart have not changed, and my dreams have not changed.

Because the dawn of that desperate situation has deeply melted into Liu Jie’s soul, giving birth to an unshakable faith.

Lin Yuan first returned to the room and took a few more clothes and put them in an amber button-shaped diamond-step trap.

Then carried Hu Quan with Xiao Hei to the entrance of the underground space of the back mountain of Guiyuan Manor.

Lin Yuan discovered that Liu Jie had already been waiting at the entrance for some time.

Directing the shield beetle and ladybug produced by the insect mother, helping the spiritists carry the slate.

Seeing that Lin Yuan had come, Liu Jie stopped helping these spirits.

Instead, he gathered the insect mother and came to Lin Yuan’s side and said.

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