Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1117: Suddenly powerful apostle

If there are enough marsh crocodiles to feed the water monster Fuliu.

The water magic willow grows through its natural talents, which is enough to build a country for humanoid swamp life through its branches underwater.

Unconsciously, one of Wendy’s favored believers has started the journey under Lin Yuan Swamp.

Don’t wait to see the water demon’s willow-shaped Lin Yuan floated up from the swamp, and suddenly there were two violent energy fluctuations in the distance.

These two violent energy fluctuations directly caused Lin Yuan, who was unprepared underwater, to choke twice.

The water in the swamp world does not have any strange smell, at most it is mixed with the smell of soil and rotting plants on the swamp crocodiles.

There is no harm to humans.

On the contrary, if you look carefully, the water quality rich in humus still has a lot of nutrients.

It is better to drink water from the swamp than to drink mountain spring water.

But thinking of the swamp crocodiles and blood in the swamp before, Lin Yuan couldn’t help feeling nauseous.

But Lin Yuan really can’t care about so much.

Lin Yuan’s pupils suddenly shrank as he felt the strong taste of faith in the two waves of fluctuations.

Lin Yuan just got out of the water and didn’t wait to come to the shore, when the violent energy collision and the wave of the power of faith came again.

The energy collision and the wave of faith that came again were much stronger than before.

It seems that the target of energy collision and wave of faith is getting closer and closer to where you are.

This situation is very much like two apostles coming in their direction while fighting each other.

When the energy collision and the wave of the power of faith came for the third time, there was also a series of anger.

“Bai Yan! You brought your son to my mother’s territory, why would my mother secretly act on your son?”

This angry female voice is very stern and sharp.

In the words, Lin Yuan could faintly hear a trace of fear and fear.

Obviously, the woman speaking is not the opponent in the words.

Following the female voice, there was an arrogant male voice.

“Xie Qian, my son is fine, how can he leave my sight?”

“Even if you didn’t send someone to act on my son, the creatures in your territory made his son disappear, and you will need to pay for it!”

After the male voice sounded, several more intense energy collisions came.

At this time, Lin Yuan has come to the shore.

Slaughter Heaven Butterfly came to the edge of the swamp the first time it felt the energy collision coming from a distance.

Seeing Lin Yuan going ashore, Slaughter Heaven Butterfly said eagerly.

“Lin Yuan, this level of energy fluctuations has clearly surpassed the creation species.”

“This territory is amazing!”

The expression on the expression of Snake Tiandie became more serious while speaking, completely ignoring the feelings of other people present.

Lin Yuan is the contractor of Zixiao. When Lin Yuan dies, Zixiao will perish.

In any case, even if you are fighting to kill the butterfly, you must ensure the safety of Lin Yuan’s life.

The intensity of the energy fluctuations transmitted from a distance is too much stronger than the strength of Killing Heaven Butterfly.

Even if you are one of the three highest bloodlines of the three butterfly spiritual creatures, Killing Heaven Butterfly has just been promoted to the creation species.

Because the injury has not had time to fully recover, even the king’s rank has not been reached.

Faced with potential threats from afar, Killing Heaven Butterfly knew his own powerlessness.

Lin Yuan gritted his teeth and muttered.

In the process of Lin Yuan’s pondering, the Medusa Snake Monsters, including Lin Ji, looked ashen.

Among the Medusa Snake Demon, Lin Ji has been with Lin Yuan for the longest time.

Although the other Medusa snake monsters have only been in this territory for a few days, they only saw Lin Yuan for the first time just now.

But it is undeniable that in the perilous swamp, this territory is a paradise for all Medusa snake monsters.

Don’t worry about food, a group of humanoid creatures can build beautiful buildings.

There are also two growing apostles in the domain.

One of the apostles is also willing to accept himself and others as believers, even favored believers.

But now this piece of paradise has just given the Medusa snake monsters a sense of belonging, and is about to be destroyed.

The Medusa snake monsters looked at Lin Yuan in addition to hope, and silently begged Lin Yuan to bring themselves when they flee.

Lin Yuan’s complexion suddenly became firm after hesitating for a while.

Lin Yuan waved his hand and summoned Liu Yanshan, an imperial weapon.

The Void Shadow Demon also turned from the shadow into an entity at this moment, standing firmly in front of Lin Yuan.

Look directly at the direction of the wave of the power of faith in the distance.

The wave of the power of faith that came from a distance made the Void Shadow Demon’s face awe-inspiring.

The Void Shadow Demon didn’t persuade Lin Yuan to leave, but just told Lin Yuan truthfully his own perception.

“Master, I can’t feel the fluctuations in the power of faith if I’m too far apart.”

“But one of the apostles’ power of faith can at least reach a moderately low level.”

The words of the Void Shadow Demon let Lin Yuan know that at least one of the apostles coming here can open the Source Eucharist.

Slaughter of the Heavenly Butterfly just said that the energy fluctuations transmitted from afar exceeded the scope of the creation species~IndoMTL.com~ which means that the apostle coming here is at least level twelve.

With the current level of Mobius, it is impossible to use real data to see through creatures above the creation species.

After understanding this, Lin Yuan was not going to use real data to investigate the apostles coming here.

Previously, in the Huiyue Hall, the exploration of the spiritual objects of his master, the Moon Queen, let Lin Yuan know that when he used the real data of Mobius’ skills to detect targets above the detection range.

The target can clearly feel his detection.

After confirming the strength of the apostle coming here, Lin Yuan had no intention of fleeing.

Lin Yuan has just laid the foundation of this swamp world.

The cooperation of the three apostles can achieve a perfect closed loop of development.

Withdrawing yourself now means giving up all previous efforts.

If you leave at the same time, Arakawa Ranya, the holy source of Endless Summer, will be destroyed.

Endless Xia is not in the swamp world now, and even if it is in the swamp world.

Arakawa orchid buds cannot be recovered in a short time.

If you choose to evacuate with the life in the swamp world, the treasure made from the skin and stomach pouch of the treasure cave golden toad is obviously not enough.

Finally, it is destined to expose the existence of the Locking Space.

Unless Lin Yuan is able to give up the thirty-five spiritists who heard about him but still immediately responded to him.

Lin Yuan reached out his hand and touched the card on his chest, and his mood sank.

Lin Yuan said to Slaughter Heaven Butterfly.

“Slaughter the Heavenly Butterfly, you take these Medusa Snake Monster, Liteng, Wendy, and White Marsh Crocodile towards the inside of the territory.”

“The Void Shadow Demon stay with me here.”

Only when he finished speaking, Lin Yuan realized that the second-degree white crocodile who was still at his feet just now disappeared suddenly.


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