Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1098: The chance to plant freely

Only Liu Jie is the most leisurely, because the part provided by Liu Jie has been covered by Lin Yuan.

In the middle of the meal, Zongze took the eight heart-sound fish brought by Gao Feng into the kitchen.

Prepare for everyone to use these eight heart sound fish to make a dessert, honey lotus root fish sauce cake.

Lin Yuan, Liu Jie, Gao Feng, Long Tao, Li Xuan, including Sun Ningxiang all opened their stomachs, eating Zong Ze’s secret three hundred discs without restraint.

Even Liu Jie, who is very picky about food, can’t fault the 300 discs.

Although Liu Jie admitted that Zongze’s cooking skills are good, it does not mean that Liu Jie has given up.

Liu Jie felt that if he had to compare, the food he cooked also had a taste that Zongze couldn’t make.

And it’s still delicious.

When Zong Ze came out with eight bowls of honeyed lotus root fish sauce cake, Liu Jie’s cell phone rang.

Liu Jie’s face sank after picking up the phone, turning his eyes to Lin Yuan and said softly.

“Lin Yuan, there is action over there.”

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes when he heard Liu Jie’s words.

How fast the Zheng family launched a blood oath against Sky City!

Presumably the head of the Zheng family had just arrived at the royal capital from Diancang City last night!

Lin Yuan shook his head at Liu Jie and motioned Liu Jie not to talk about it now.

But Liu Jie obviously heard some important news from the phone.

Seeing Lin Yuan shook his head to himself, Liu Jie forced him to not tell Lin Yuan what he had heard now.

Zongze and Gu Lang all saw the change in Liu Jie’s face.

But seeing Liu Jie didn’t mean to say anything, Zong Ze and Gu Lang didn’t ask much.

Liu Jie’s phone call is like an episode on the dinner table.

After everyone ate and drank, all three hundred dishes, including the honey lotus root fish sauce cake that Zong Ze just made, were all eaten.

It can be said that eight people including Lin Yuan, Gu Lang, and Long Tao thoroughly implemented a CD-ROM operation.

Before leaving, everyone handed the gifts prepared in advance to Zongze’s hands.

After saying goodbye to each other, Lin Yuan summoned Xiao Hei, and took Liu Jie to ride on Xiao Hei’s back towards Guiyuan Manor.

Zongze didn’t want to see the gifts that everyone gave him right away, but summoned Ran Tianxian to feed Ran Tianxian to eat.

However, after Ran Tianxuan was summoned out, he immediately picked up the kit Lin Yuan gave to Zongze.

If Zongze is so interested in the things Ran Tianxian sent by others, he will let Ran Tianxian play by himself.

But now this thing was sent by Lin Yuan, Zong Ze didn’t have the temperament of Burning Tianxuan.

Instead, he let Ran Tianxuan take the brocade box with a soft drink.

As a result, after pouring out the contents of the kit, Zongze’s body immediately trembled.

Zong Ze never expected that the thing Lin Yuan would give him would be a goddess-level elemental pearl with the pearl of hail.

The charm of this elemental pearl can never be cultivated by his own master chef.

Ran Tianzhen has the ability to simulate the purity of the fire element in contact with it to purify the purity of the fire element in his body.

It is important to know that the purity of the fire element contained in the goddess hail of the goddess-level elemental pearl is almost 100%.

With this celestial female-level elemental pearl with the fire attribute of the goddess hail, the purity of the fire element in the burning sky can also be raised from the current 96% to 100%.

At that time, Zongze’s main battle spirit, Burning Tianyi, will undergo a qualitative leap.

The fire element purity in the body of Burning Tianzhen can even rely on the eight refinements of the different fire to directly absorb the top different fire.

Lin Yuan, who was on Xiao Hei’s back, didn’t know the significance of this pearl of the goddess hail’s fire attribute to Zongze.

If he really knew, Lin Yuan would also be happy for Zongze.

As for whether the goddess Hao Zhuyun’s goddess-level elemental pearls will be left in Zongze’s hands, Lin Yuan may be worried about whether the chef will look away.

But now, Lin Yuan has no need to worry.

My master Yuehou now has the pure aura that he has given through the pill peony. In the future, the pure aura in the pill peony will become a powerful external resource in the hands of his master.

This elemental pearl, which is the goddess hail, can be regarded as an advert that I helped the master put in the chef in advance.

Just when Zongze put the fire-attribute elemental pearl of the goddess hail in the bell, and put the bell on the neck of the burning sky.

Liu Jie, sitting on Xiao Hei’s back, said to Lin Yuan in a deep voice.

“Lin Yuan just received the news from Zhenlingsi, this time there is an imperial-level powerhouse among the powerhouse Zheng family reported for the blood oath.”

“According to the investigation, this imperial powerhouse is the right-hand man of the Miao Family Patriarch Miao Zhenshan who has been following him when he was young, named Han Tianhe.”

“Han Tianhe’s main battle spirit has at least reached the level of the Four Calamities of Creation.”

Lin Yuan was silent when he heard Liu Jie’s words, but his heart was not calm.

Lin Yuan didn’t expect that the Miao family would provide the Zheng family with an emperor-level powerhouse to perform blood oaths~IndoMTL.com~ If this news were placed before, Lin Yuan would be confused.

But now I have a nihilistic shadow demon equivalent to the tenth-level creation and eight-tribulation power of the king, as long as the Zheng family can’t ask for the help of immortal power.

Lin Yuan doesn’t need to worry at all.

At this moment, Lin Yuan heard Liu Jie continue.

“Lin Yuan, or else I will visit the Miao family as the young master of the Yeyang Palace on the day of the **** oath between the Zheng family and the Sky City.”

“At that time, the strong of the Miao family will inevitably be there in order to receive me, so even if Han Tianhe reports in advance in Zhenlingsi, he must stay in the Miao family.”

Liu Jie’s brows frowned as he spoke, because this situation is not necessarily absolute.

If the Miao family did not let Han Tianhe stay at home, but continued to let Han Tianhe help the Zheng family to fight for the blood, it would be a big deal!

Lin Yuan shook his head when he heard Liu Jie’s words.

“Brother Liu, don’t worry, now I hope that the Miao family can send a few more emperor-level powerhouses to help the Zheng family in a **** oath.”

Looking at the puzzled look on Liu Jie’s face, Lin Yuan looked down at his shadow and said.

“Void Shadow Demon, this blood oath fight is up to you.”

Lin Yuan’s voice just fell, and a hoarse and weird voice came from the shadow.

“As you wish, master.”

At the same time, the Void Shadow Demon released his aura.

Feeling the aura of the Void Shadow Demon, Liu Jie knew that he was worrying too much.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help but look forward to the thought of Han Tianhe, whose main battle spirit was the fifth-level king-rank creation and four-tribulation power.

Han Tianhe’s creation seed master war spirit object after the world crystals are absorbed by the queen Luo skirt, can he directly bring himself a new sword skill?

After Liu Jie and Lin Yuan returned to the manor, Lin Yuan immediately asked Wen Yu to accept Zheng’s **** oath on behalf of the Sky City.

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