Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1082: Miao Zhenshan’s worries

Chapter 1083 Miao Zhenshan’s Worries

Blood Oath Extreme Fight is three arena battles, in which the winner of the previous ring can choose not to go to the ring to continue the battle.

With Lao Han, Miao Zhi can completely propose to replace the other two imperial peak powers of the Miao family with the Zheng family.

From what Miao Zhi said just now, Zheng Ji knew that when Miao Zhi spoke, he didn’t think of himself or the Zheng family.

Miao Zhi, even the wife of the Zheng family, is surnamed Miao after all.

I can see that Zheng Kaiyuan, who was trained by him as the head of the Zheng family, is also happy, not thinking of the Zheng family at all.

Zheng Ji’s whole body seemed to be several decades old in an instant, and even the original aura and edge on his body disappeared.

Zheng Jilian sighed three times.

Forget it, how long this old bone of my own can control the Zheng family.

It is the juniors of the Zheng family that are the future of the Zheng family.

It’s just that this kind of work can’t imagine the Zheng family’s juniors can really give the Zheng family a future?

Thinking of this, Zheng Ji suddenly thought of Zheng Kaiyan.

If it were Zheng Kaiyan, he would definitely not consider the Zheng family’s problems as a Zheng family but not from the standpoint of the Zheng family.

At this moment, the surprised Zheng Kaiyuan turned his head and looked at his grandfather Zheng Ji.

Zheng Kaiyuan, who turned his head, was startled. He always felt that his grandfather Zheng Ji felt a little different for him, especially the eyes he looked at him.

But Zheng Kaiyuan didn’t want to say aloud.

“Grandpa, why don’t you go with us to find Grandpa and see if Grandpa can let Old Man Han help the Zheng family in a **** oath.”

Hearing Zheng Kaiyuan’s words, Zheng Jiben’s cold heart suddenly died.

Is my grandson who looked at growing up asking my grandpa to beg his grandpa in a low voice?

Zheng Ji tilted his head and looked at Zheng Kaiyuan.

It seems to be grasping how Zheng Kaiyuan thought of and said this sentence.

At this moment, Zheng Ji only feels that he, or the entire future of the Zheng family, seem so ridiculous.

“Finally, the old man will not go, I have to go to you.”

“But the old man must represent the Zheng family in the Zheng family’s blood oath battle.”

After speaking, Zheng Ji turned around and left the room.

Zheng Ji’s words caused Miao Zhi’s brows to frown, and her expression was very unhappy.

However, Zheng Kaiyuan immediately understood what was going on with his grandfather.

Instead of the usual, Zheng Kaiyuan is afraid that he has chased out to explain the situation to his grandpa.

This time Zheng Kaiyuan did not do so.

In the past few days, I was held up high as Shangbin in Miao’s house.

Even Miao Zhuo, a young man before the Miao family, and Miao He, a young man who is now a young man, have to be polite to himself because of his identity as a friend of the adult disciple.

Zheng Kaiyuan, who has stayed in this environment for a long time, can’t help but even look down on the veteran force Zheng family from his own background.

I also lost some respect for my paternal grandfather.

When Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan came to the main house of the Zheng family to meet Miao Zhenshan, Miao Zhenshan was originally instructing Miao He’s creators.

After Miao Zhuo was abandoned, Miao Zhenshan trained Miao He with one hand.

I want to quickly make Miao He’s ability worthy of the identity of the Miao family through my own training.

In the evening, I just invited the people of the Zheng family to a banquet, and now I am begged to meet again by Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan.

Miao Zhenshan frowned.

During this period of time, if one of the Miao family dislikes Zheng Kaiyuan the most, then this person must not be the Miao Zhuo who was ridiculed by Zheng Kaiyuan.

It’s not Miao He who was pitted by Zheng Kaiyuan.

It’s Miao Zhenshan, the contemporary patriarch of the Miao Family Di Animal Garden.

Zheng Kaiyuan ridiculed Miao Zhuo without Miao Zhuo speaking, and the other people in the Miao family would inform Miao Zhenshan about this matter.

The conflict that occurred in the Lingshi Pavilion that day was of great importance. Zheng Kaiyuan did not say anything when he came back, but Miao He dared not hide it.

Miao He took the risk of being fined and drove the matter at high speed to Miao Zhenshan.

It also specifically explained how Zheng Kaiyuan fell into trouble in front of Lin Yuan and almost burned the fire on himself.

Zheng Kaiyuan’s behavior towards Miao He can be said to have violated Miao Zhenshan’s heart.

Miao Zhenshan almost couldn’t hold Zheng Kaiyuan anymore.

According to what Miao He said, Lin Yuan did invite Zheng Kaiyuan to be a guest at home.

This shows that the relationship between Zheng Kaiyuan and Lin Yuan is really as Zheng Kaiyuan said.

Maybe even better than Zheng Kaiyuan said.

That’s why Miao Zhenshan suppressed his dislike for Zheng Kaiyuan, and deliberately took Miao He to the conference hall to meet Zheng Kaiyuan and Miao Zhi who were visiting late at night.

Seeing that his grandfather was going to the living room instead of the study, Miao He, who followed Miao Zhenshan, pulled a sardonic smile on his face.

Zheng Kaiyuan is so jumping, he is just a guest in his grandpa’s heart.

The same is true of my sister-in-law, Miao Zhi, who throws water out of her married daughter.

If this water is poured into the imperial garden, it will still be stained with gold from the imperial garden.

But if this water is splashed on the wild grass, who else wants to pick up this dirty water?

After Miao Zhenshan met Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan in the meeting room, Zheng Kaiyuan and Miao Zhi left the meeting room with excitement.

After seeing Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan leave, Miao He couldn’t help asking.

“Grandpa, do you really want Grandpa Han to help the Zheng family in a **** oath?”

“How do veteran forces like the Zheng family deserve to let Grandpa Han help?”

“Moreover, at this time, the Miao family is so great and the Zheng family dispatched such high-end combat power. It is really too conspicuous.”

Speaking of this, Miao He did not continue.

Miao He knew in his heart that if he continued speaking, he would mention his aunt Miao Qi and his elder brother Miao Zhuo.

No matter how you look at it, you are suspected of trampling on your family.

Miao He’s words made Miao Zhenshan’s complexion sink.

Why doesn’t Miao Zhenshan know this?

After the night meeting, many top forces that had cooperated with the Miao family before took a sharp turn for the attitude of the Miao family.

Many cooperations were forced to suspend, causing the Miao family to suffer considerable losses.

It is not a wise choice for the Miao family to make any action at this time~IndoMTL.com~ But Miao Zhenshan still needs to rely on Zheng Kaiyuan to maintain the relationship with the disciple of the Moon Queen.

The Valley of Panlong has got so many golden lotus plants, and the most uncomfortable thing is that it is in a hostile relationship with the Valley of Panlong.

Originally, Di Beast Garden and Panlong Valley are at a disadvantage.

If you can’t get the golden lotus and brocade strains, Di Beast Garden will be thrown away by Panlong Valley.

In Miao Zhenshan’s opinion, he had followed Zheng Kaiyuan’s wishes, and Zheng Kaiyuan was also able to help the Miao family get closer to Lin Yuan.

Recently, the Miao family has sent several letters of apology to the Young Palace Master of Zhen Lingsi, wanting to apologize for Miao Zhuo’s affairs in Yeyang Palace.

But these apology letters sent to Zhenlingsi are like leaves falling in the water without even a splash of water splashing.

The Young Palace Master of Zhenlingsi didn’t reply for a day, and Miao Zhenshan’s heart could not be stable for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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