Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1074: Flower tree bind kill

Chapter 1075 Flower Tree Bound Killing

However, after hearing Ji Feng say that endless summer can help the two of them get through the baptism of heaven and earth, the karma gladiolus and the pre-ordered water lily hurriedly expressed gratitude to endless summer.

Wan Endless Xia Wenyan hurriedly waved his hand, and then solemnly and sincerely apologized to Ji Feng, instructing the water lily and the karma gladiolus for the matter of the former.

This Ji Feng, Causal Gladiolus and Predicting Water Lily all expressed their understanding.

Under the circumstances at the time, it would seem strange that Hentai Xia didn’t guard himself and others.

After apologizing, Hentai Xia spoke again.

“It’s good for you to initiate the baptism of heaven and earth together, and leave everything to me to carry it.”

After talking about Endless Summer, I stood in place with my hands shouldered, waiting for the baptism of the Karma Gladiolus and the pre-ordered water lily.

Causal Gladiolus and Predicting Waterlily hurriedly released the aura of being the pinnacle of the second realm of the lord rank myth.

A black and white two-color causal rule rune and a foreseeable rule rune composed of a holy breath head straight into the sky.

Feeling the scent of the causal gladiolus and the rule rune of the pre-ordered water lily, two big holes were directly exposed in the sky.

After the two holes appeared, the sky around the holes turned red.

The big holes release thick dark red flames, which are like viscous liquids.

The baptisms of heaven and earth for each type of mythological creatures are different.

The baptism of heaven and earth in which the plant-based spirits are promoted to the three realms of mythology is generally this kind of baptism of heaven and earth with fire-based attacks.

It can be said that this kind of baptism of heaven and earth is extremely lethal to plant spirits.

While endless summer was going through the baptism of the three realms of mythology, what the sky fell was also this kind of baptism of heaven and earth that was dominated by fire attacks.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan found that Huihui was excited when seeing the two big holes in the sky.

The two big holes that are going to be baptized in the sky and earth are drilled.

Lin Yuan hurriedly stopped the gray in a cold sweat.

At this time, the gray scale is no more than the copper level, if the gray gets into the two big holes.

Lin Yuan is afraid that he will leave Huihui forever.

Under the baptism of the heaven and earth of the three realms of the myth, the gray gray of the bronze steps still has no possibility of surviving even if the gray gray is a thing of the heavenly family.

After being stopped by Lin Yuan sternly, Huihui left the two big holes in the baptismal hole of heaven and earth aggrieved.

In the distance, like a good baby, he honestly absorbed the strong wind.

Through Hui Hui’s actions, Lin Yuan knew that Hui Hui, as a blessing of heaven and earth, could absorb the baptism of heaven and earth.

Or the baptism of heaven and earth itself is a kind of weather.

This discovery made Lin Yuan’s heart both look forward to and excited.

On the one hand, Lin Yuan looked forward to the skills formed after Ashes absorbed the baptism of heaven and earth, and on the other hand, looked forward to when Ashes could grow to a level sufficient to absorb the baptism of heaven and earth.

Soon, the offensive brewed by the two heaven and earth baptisms fell from the sky.

In Lin Yuan’s eyes, this offensive felt a bit like the city burned by fire.

Seeing the offensive descending from the sky, Xia Xia did not move.

When the offensive was about to land on the heads of the Karma Gladiolus and the Predicted Water Lily, Xia Cai made a wave of his hand and let out a soft voice.

“Flower tree bound to kill!”

With the sound of endless summer, several flexible and strong root systems emerged from the ground at the foot of endless summer.

These root systems are intertwined, and like two angry dragons, they are facing the two heavenly fires brought down by the baptism of the mythical three realms of heaven and earth.

After the dragon-like root system touched the sky fire, the root system suddenly swept toward the sky fire.

At the same time, dense wicker grew from the root system, and the wicker continued to draw new leaves.

These wicker and new leaves were not burned out under the dark red sky fire like paint, on the contrary, they seemed to be wantonly absorbing the energy from the baptism of the sky and the sky.

Finally, the new leaves from the wicker produced purple buds full of tree powder in the sky fire.

After the pink flower buds grew out, the sky-fire offensive brought down by the baptism of heaven and earth began to slowly weaken.

The bud covering the sky is like an aunt who has been hungry for so many years, desperately squeezing the energy from the baptism of heaven and earth and descending from the fire.

In a flash, the buds of the tree bloomed into pink and purple hydrangea.

After the hydrangea bloomed, the energy contained in the heaven and earth baptism and the fire offensive quickly declined.

The dense wicker flowers also bear two fruits at this time.

After these two fruits grew, the baptism of the gladiolus and the water lily was completely wiped out.

It can be said that Endless Summer has resisted the baptism of the mythical Three Realms Heaven and Earth, which is quite restrained to plant spirits with just one blow.

This allowed Lin Yuan to further clarify the huge gap between the creation species and the myth species.

This gap cannot be crossed easily.

At this time, although the skyfire offensive that was descended during the baptism of the Karma Gladiolus and the Predicted Water Lily Heaven and Earth has ended, the flower and tree bound killings displayed by Endless Summer have not yet ended.

The pink-purple hydrangea and the luxuriant slender wicker wilted in the sky-covering flower tree, and the withered branches were messy.

The pink and purple hydrangea and wicker are just for the two new fruits.

Endless Xia Fei stood up and picked two bright red fruits when the sky filled with flowers and trees fell into dust.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan uses the real data of Mobius’s skills to check the exclusive characteristics of Endless Summer.

Lin Yuan remembered that he had checked the exclusive characteristics of the Mother of Blood Bath before, but he had never probed the endless summer.

Especially after endless summer was promoted to the creation species, Lin Yuan has not devoted any effort.

Lin Yuan had always used the positioning of endless summer as an auxiliary, but now it seems that endless summer’s attack ability is definitely not weak.

[Name of the phantom]: endless **** dream summer

[Spirit Species]: Broccoli/Hydrangeaceae

[Spirit Level]: King Rank (1/10)

[Spiritual objects]: Wood/Mind

[Quality of Spiritual Objects]: The Creation of the World


[Summer Shooting Gun]: The flower vines are rods, and the flowers are blades, forming a gun with penetrating armor penetrating effect to damage the target.

[Flower ball hail]: The flower ball spins and scatters the petals. Each petal will cause damage to the target with a splitting effect. At the same time, the petals have a slight blood sucking effect to supplement the energy consumed by the body.

[Three thousand shots of guns]: Three thousand shots are instantly condensed, and the three thousand shots are connected to each other. When one of the shots hits the target, the other shots will automatically return to their positions.

[Midsummer Cage]: Use flowers and vines to form a world of cages. The world takes summer as its origin and uses the power of midsummer to confine everything in the cage.

[Mind Pause]: Use your own mind to influence the target’s mind, so that the target loses consciousness in an instant, so that the target body and soul cannot be controlled for the first time.

[Flower Tree Bound Kill]: The roots grow backwards, and the long roots bind the target. The roots penetrate the surface of the target and grow in the target’s body. At the same time, the energy absorbed by the target is stored in the body to form a The Forbidden Fruit of Summer.

[The Willow Flower Covers the Sky]: Release all the energy and vitality in your body, let your own energy and vitality grow freely, and let the whole world be full of willows and flowers. The more willow flowers, the greater the increase in your own strength. At the same time, Liuhua will frantically squeeze the energy in every target it touches.

Exclusive features:

[Flowers]: During the growth process, the flowers that bloom will increase exponentially with the increase in strength~IndoMTL.com~ At the same time, the lethality of relying on flowers to display skills will be increased.

[Thousand-Aperture Mind]: The heart opens a thousand orifices, and each orifice in the heart has more control over the power of the soul.

[Xia Zhi End Yan]: Transform summer into one body, then blend the power of summer into one point, and the midsummer will end after one blow.

[Everything is dead]: Flower vine winding absorbs the energy of all things and transforms it into its own energy. When its own energy reaches its own limit, the spilled energy will form energy gauze on the surface of the body to resist damage.

Looking at the real data of endless summer, Lin Yuan only felt his scalp numb.

Lin Yuan has checked the real data of the Genesis Species Killing Heavenly Butterfly before. It can be said that Killing Heavenly Butterfly gave Lin Yuan a big surprise.

But now it seems that the tree grows with three cores, three cores cycle, the endless summer after the bloodline is transformed is much stronger than the slaughter of the sky butterfly.

Fourth more.

(End of this chapter)

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