Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1043: The Baoyu Covenant

Lin Yuan didn’t know what the mother of the blood bath was thinking, if he knew Lin Yuan would feel extremely wronged.

How did you become an LSP, a lover?

If you are an LSP, you will not be solo in this life.

So much so that in the dead of night, occasionally only my hands are accompanied.

Lin Yuan sits in the snow, sitting all night.

Lin Yuan discovered that when ash absorbs the weather, the snow weather and the overcast weather are absorbed together, and there is no conflict between the two weather conditions.

At this time, the gray scale level has reached the elite level nine epic.

You only need to upgrade a small level to smoothly upgrade to the copper level.

The night is approaching, and the sky is slowly getting brighter.

The overcast weather absorbed by the ash began to become less and less.

But in the same way, the ash can begin to absorb the sunny weather again.

Soon when the sky became completely bright, the snow that had fallen the night began to decrease.

At present, the cloud of ash that has reached the elite tenth-level epic quality suddenly expands outward.

At the same time, there are three exclusive characteristics in Gray Gray, which require Lin Yuan to choose.

Lin Yuan knew that Huihui had been successfully promoted to the bronze rank.

Lin Yuan sat upright on the chair made of Yuansha, carefully checking the first characteristic of the gray gray.

[Endless Cloud]: The cloud gas becomes thinner, and the thin cloud gas is integrated into the natural cloud gas, and the natural cloud gas is controlled by its own cloud gas, which makes the original cloud gas area expand greatly.

Seeing this exclusive feature, Lin Yuan rubbed his brows helplessly.

If the exclusive characteristic Endless Cloud were put before, Lin Yuan would naturally be extremely excited.

Lin Yuan also wanted to let Smart connect Wen Yu and Grey through the exclusive feature interconnection tail.

In this way, Wen Yu can rely on the area covered by the ash cloud to gather intelligence after transforming into the Tingtian Secret Code.

This exclusive characteristic endless cloud can perfectly satisfy Lin Yuan’s previous vision.

But now the ash with three weather conditions is like a traffic light.

If the cloud is amplified again, wouldn’t it be more conspicuous?

So Lin Yuan gave up the first exclusive feature without even thinking about it.

Anyway, with the improvement of strength, the coverage area of ​​cloud gas will continue to increase.

Then Lin Yuan checked the second exclusive feature.

[Nie of Flowing Clouds]: The cloud will not dissipate, and life will never cease. Even if the body is killed, as long as there is a trace of cloud gas formed by the body, the cloud gas formed by the body will immediately turn into an eggshell. After the eggshell hatches The body will be reborn.

This second exclusive characteristic made Lin Yuan raise an eyebrow.

It can be said that the second exclusive feature of Gray Gray is very much in line with Lin Yuan’s wishes.

Gray is now so conspicuous, it is easy to be targeted.

Before the gray gray becomes stronger, you may lose your life as long as you are targeted.

And this second exclusive feature, the Nirvana of Flowing Clouds, can improve the chance of survival of the gray.

When Huihui is killed, Huihui has the means to resurrect by relying on the remaining clouds.

Lin Yuan decided that if the third exclusive feature is as tasteless as the first exclusive feature, or that it cannot fundamentally solve the current problem of ash.

Lin Yuan decided to choose the second exclusive characteristic Liuyun Nirvana for the gray.

As soon as he found the third exclusive feature, Lin Yuan immediately laughed out loud.

[Precious Jade Covenant]: Condense each absorbed weather into a special kind of precious jade. The precious jade forms a specific precious jade pattern and grows on the feathers. After the weather condenses into the precious jade pattern, the cloud no longer contains weather Breath, when the precious jade ornamentation on the body is activated, each kind of atmosphere will transform into a specific precious jade beast.

It can be said that the third exclusive feature Baoyu Covenant solved the heart disease that Lin Yuan had been planting after seeing the ash absorption.

With the exclusive characteristic of the precious jade covenant, Huihui can still be a shapeless cloud in the sky.

It is a floating island whale and a concealed figure of blue.

In addition, the Baoyu Covenant also gave Huihui a new way of fighting.

Let Huihui become like an aura professional, as if every kind of weather has become a spiritual thing of the Huihui contract.

Guihui relies on constantly absorbing the weather to strengthen the spirit creatures of his contract, and fight against the precious jade beasts transformed into the weather.

The appearance of Treasure Jade Beasts is equivalent to making Huihui’s original fighting style that is purely for gaining one’s own side and reducing overflow for the enemy, with subjective offensiveness.

Guihui can play against the enemy through subjective offense, which is equivalent to breaking his own limitations.

Let Huihui change from being a pure support to an existence that emphasizes both support and offense.

Of course, the exclusive feature of the gem agreement is not without its drawbacks.

The exclusive characteristics of the precious jade covenant made the originally invisible gray body grow precious jade ornaments.

And as the types of meteorology absorbed by ash, the more ornamentation on the body becomes.

This makes the gray body become more and more conspicuous.

Fortunately, the gray body can also be hidden in the clouds.

The ash hidden in the cloud and mist will not be easily discovered even if it has gems on the body.

In addition, the gemstone ornamentation on Hui Hui’s body can also make it easier for Lin Yuan to find the traces of Hui Hui.

After Lin Yuan determined Huihui’s exclusive characteristic as the treasure of the treasure, Lin Yuan saw that the abrupt cloud in the sky immediately lost its sense of abruptness.

The cloud gas continues to spread, and the cloud gas after the diffusion can easily cover thousands of square meters.

It can be said that the cloud coverage of Huihui after being promoted to the copper rank is not small.

Immediately after, Lin Yuan saw the sun-shaped topaz ornamentation on his body, the moon-shaped amethyst ornamentation and the snowflake-shaped aquamarine ornamentation, crane-shaped phantoms suddenly drilled out of the clouds.

Based on these precious jade ornaments, Lin Yuan knew that Huihui was flying towards him.

Lin Yuan immediately stretched out his hand to hug Huihui.

After hugging Huihui, Lin Yuan found that Huihui’s body weight did not increase much after he was raised.

After absorbing the snow weather all night, Huihui has a new skill.

[Freezing of Snow Weather]: Transform the original weather into snow weather in the cloud-covered area~IndoMTL.com~ At the same time, the creatures in the area are covered with snow weather markers, and friendly targets can use ice skills in snowy weather. The lethality of will be improved. When the water skill is cast, the water skill can be changed into the ice skill under the effect of the consumption of aura. The enemy will receive a series of negative effects such as stiffness and numbness in snowy weather, and at the same time reduce the power of fire skills.

Lin Yuan doesn’t know if it is because ash absorbs more snow weather phenomena than sunny weather and overcast weather.

Snow weather is like a skill The condensation of snow weather is obviously more expressive than the brilliance of sunny weather and the shadow of cloudy weather.

Lin Yuan suddenly thought of Bilan when he saw the condensed ash and snow.

If you say that under the condensation of snow and weather skills, you can turn water skills into ice skills.

Then when Azure used the water skill to stop the flow, wouldn’t the huge waterfall that fell from the sky turn into a huge iceberg that fell from the sky?

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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