Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1008: I will add it

   and Mianxia’s disciples formed a power together, which was a temptation that Long Tao, Li Xuan, and Sun Ningxiang couldn’t resist.

   Now that Lin Yuan has created an opportunity, Long Tao Li Xuan and Sun Ningxiang naturally have to do their best to grasp the opportunity.

   Zongze’s words just showed that Zongze agreed to form a power with himself and others.

   It’s just that Zongze brought out five imperial-level powerhouses and one imperial-level powerhouse, and he wanted to occupy 15% of the shares.

   15% of Zongze’s shares will certainly not be casually talked about. This is probably Zongze’s condition and temptation.

   Zongze already had expectations for the stall in his heart, if he and others fail to meet Zongze’s expectations.

   Zongze may lose interest.

   However, it is a bit difficult for Yu Longtao, Li Xuan and Sun Ningxiang to use manpower and resources equal to the value of five imperial level powerhouses and one emperor level powerhouse to develop the abyss world.

   gritted their teeth, Long Tao, Li Xuan, and Sun Ningxiang respectively stated the chips they could put in and the shares they wanted to account for.

  Sun Ningxiang: “The abyss world cannot produce the materials needed for daily life, and I can provide all the materials consumed in the entire power abyss world.”

  ”It’s just that I can’t get the high-end combat power I have.”

   “The gel medical treatment under me has been closed in recent years, and most of the personnel of the gel medical treatment are still in Sun’s house.”

  ”Nearly 100,000 hands generally have spiritual objects above the gold rank. I can devote all of these hands to the exploration of the swamp world.”

  ”Choose 10% of the shares.”

   Long Tao: “I can assign internal affairs talents to assume all aspects of management responsibilities for the abyssal world, and at the same time, I will take out three imperial powers and invest 200 or less three-star creators to take on the treatment of the original damaged spiritual artifacts. Responsibility.”

   “I choose to occupy 10% of the shares.”

   Li Xuan: I can come up with two imperial-level powerhouses, 50,000 hands, and 200 second-level to third-level masters. I choose to occupy 10% of the shares.

  The statements of Sun Ningxiang, Li Xuan and Long Tao basically completed the recruitment of grassroots personnel for the development of Abyssal World.

   The three raised 150,000 hands, two hundred creators below three stars, two hundred second to third level craftsmen, as well as daily expenses and management work.

   only takes up 35% of the total shares.

  Calculating these complicated things, the expenses of three people accounting for 35% of the shares are a bit higher than that of Zongze’s five imperial powers and one imperial power of 15%. .

   This also shows the sincerity of Sun Ningxiang, Long Tao and Li Xuan to form forces together.

   Although Sun Ningxiang, Long Tao, and Li Xuan put out these resources higher than Zong Ze’s.

   But Lin Yuan, who has explored the swamp world, knows the degree of danger in the dimensional world.

   The abyss world is the same as the swamp world, but there is an apostle.

   Therefore, if you want the forces to explore the abyss world, you must have an emperor-level powerhouse.

   Otherwise, there will be apostles or eleventh-level dimensional creatures, then it is very likely that the entire force will be uprooted by the abyss demons in the abyss world.

   Seeing that four people have already expressed their views, they said enthusiastically.

  ”The four of you now occupy 45% of the resources, so let the four of us divide the other 55%.”

   In the past few days, Gao Feng has always felt a little dreamy. By chance, he became the disciple of the cicada’s crown by the light of Liu Jie.

   Dad’s attitude towards him has also changed drastically.

   Gao Feng hadn’t dared to imagine that one day I could eat a meal served by my father himself.

   After becoming a disciple of the cicada’s crown, Gao Feng learned from the cicada’s crown that he was destined to miss the brilliance with his abilities.

   Gao Feng has never thought about the position of Hui Yaoshi.

   But under the cicada’s roar, he set a goal for Gao Feng, making Gao Feng one of the ten members of the Knights of Glow.

   This puts a lot of pressure on Gao Feng.

   At the same time, Gao Feng also understood the importance of power development for a strong person.

   Gao Feng originally wanted to focus his energy on the emerging forces formed with Lin Yuan, but now it seems that the opportunities before him are more beneficial to him.

   is just one echelon behind Gao Fengqian and Long Tao and Sun Ningxiang among the top forces.

   Therefore, Gao Feng does not have many resources himself.

   Gao Feng decided to have a good talk with his father after returning home to see if he could get some resources and manpower to invest in the exploration of the abyssal world.

   Gao Feng felt that his father Gao Pei would not refuse an opportunity like this.

   So Gao Feng said.

   “I have three imperial-level powerhouses with 50,000 hands. I really can’t get those who are like smiths and creators.”

  ”It should be okay for the three imperial powers with 50,000 hands to hold 10% of the shares?”

   Lin Yuan heard the words.

   “Of course you can!”

   After Gao Feng expressed his opinion, Gu Lang was watching Zong Ze curiously in the video window.

  Why is it possible for Zongze’s temper to participate in this kind of power formation?

   Zongze, a fighting mad, has always been indifferent to the development of power?

   is strange, but Gu Lang is not idle.

   “Like Zong Ze, I have five imperial-level powerhouses and one imperial-level powerhouse with 15% shares.”

   finished~IndoMTL.com~ After a moment of silence, Gu Lang continued.

  ”The basic manpower and the strong are in place here, and there is no problem in building simple infrastructure in the abyssal world with two hundred two- to three-star craftsmen.”

  ”But our creator resources so far have only 200 creators below three stars, and no senior creator resources at all.”

  ”It is not easy to develop and explore in the abyssal world without the resources of high star creators!”

   Gu Lang did not say how difficult it is.

   But Gu Lang knows that everyone present understands it very well.

   There is no high-star creator, the king-level, imperial-level, and emperor-level powerhouses have their origins wounded, and no one can treat them.

   Moreover, the various rare fire-attribute spirit materials produced in the abyss world cannot be guaranteed to be mature when they are found, so pure fire elemental energy is required.

   Some rare spiritual materials even use heavenly female element pearls.

   The manpower comprehension rune developed by the Abyssal World or the death of the main battle spirits also need the support and care of the high-quality spirits of the bronze rank.

   These needs Gu Lang felt that excluding those precious materials, at least 40 or 50 Samsung builders would be able to barely meet them.

   Just when everyone fell into silence, they only heard Lin Yuan speak.

   “The resource of Gaoxing creators is not a problem, I can solve it.”.

  ”Since only 30% of the shares are left now, I and the Young Palace Master of Yeyang Palace will all take up the 30% of the shares.”

  ”This 30% of the shares and I and the Young Palace Master of Yeyang Palace will use the resources of Gaoxing Creator to add.”

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