Feast of Flowers: 58. Is it you

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Pei Yan stared at Hua Jin blankly. This trembling kiss was too salty, which made his heart throb. He felt like a fish that had been exposed to the sun and was blown to the shore by the wind. He thought there was no way forward. At that time, he was lifted into the sweet water again.

It’s almost unreal.

“Pei Yanyan, thank you for the warmth you gave me.” Hua Jin stood up and took out a wooden box and put it in Pei Yan’s hand, “Thank you for letting them find their owner.”

Opening the box with trembling hands, there was a lucky bag, a handkerchief, a belt, and a pair of red socks. The box was not heavy, but Pei Yan was shaking so much that he could hardly hold it steady. He looked at Hua Jin, and his voice was so light that he could hardly hear it: “Is that him, me?”

“Seven years ago, I was the one who crashed your sports car and made myself covered in oil. Six years ago, I was also the one hiding under the tree and crying secretly, and you saved Xu Changhui from the car. I am the one who left.” Hua Jin smiled, “When I was a girl, I almost never dreamed of fairy tales. You are the only exception.”

Pei Yan only had sporadic impressions of these past events in his mind. He only remembered the girl who was hiding under the tree and crying as thin as a stick. The girl who was injured by Xu Changhui was covered in blood and looked very pitiful.

As for the car crash seven years ago, he had no memory at all. Even if Hua Jin mentioned it now, he still couldn’t recall it.

“I’m sorry, I wanted to return the coat you gave me that night, but I didn’t expect not only to lose your coat, but also to trouble you again…”

Pei Yan reached out and hugged Hua Jin into his arms, saying with red eyes: “I’m sorry, I should have known you earlier.” At that time, he should not have left Hua Jin alone in the hospital. How good would it be to care about her, take good care of her, and prevent her from retaining old diseases?

When he heard that the person Hua Jin liked was himself, Pei Yan was surrounded by endless panic and regret before he could be happy. If he hadn’t suddenly made an appointment with Yang Shao to go to a villa in the suburbs for vacation that night, he wouldn’t have been able to save Hua Jin. What would have happened to Hua Jin?

He and Hua Jin had obviously had so many opportunities to meet by chance, but he missed her time and time again. If he had known her earlier and fallen in love with her, she would not have suffered so many years of hardships…

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Hua Jin buried her face in Pei Yan’s chest, “You six years ago would not have fallen in love with me six years ago. And I six years ago never dared to dream that you would. With you.”

Pei Yan hugged Hua Jin tightly and said nothing. At this moment, he couldn’t say anything. He just wanted to hold her well, give her all the good things in the world, and compensate her for all the things she had missed.

“You don’t know how disappointed I was when you drove your sports car and frivolously asked me if I wanted to ride in the car half a year ago.” Hua Jin said, “It was like seeing the most precious and perfect jewelry in my heart. Suddenly There was a crack. The little sunshine in my heart could not escape the ravages of time and turned into a frivolous and immoral man.”

“I’m not…”

“I know, you are not such a person.” Hua Jin rubbed Pei Yan’s chest, put her ear to his heart, and heard his rapid heartbeat, “Later, I realized that you are You were worried that I would lose my mind and commit suicide by jumping into a lake, so I said that on purpose.”

“Have you ever thought about what people outside would say about you if I really jumped into the lake and committed suicide? They would not praise you for your kindness in helping me. They would only say that young women cannot bear the harassment of the rich second generation. In desperation, I had no choice but to jump into the lake.” Hua Jin smiled, “Have all these years of brain growth been in vain?”

“Nothing happens in vain.” Pei Yan smiled with red eyes, “Otherwise, how could I pursue you?”

Hua Jin leaned against his chest and smiled softly.

On this day, Pei Yan did not ask Hua Jin about her past. He had dinner with Hua Jin, sent her home, and then returned to his home with a wooden box filled with embroidery.

Opening the Internet notebook that once belonged to Hua Jin, Pei Yan read dozens of short essays over and over again until two or three in the morning before he reluctantly fell asleep.

Pei Yan had a dream. He was sitting in a sports car and talking to Yang Shao on the phone. Suddenly the car made a loud noise. He opened the car window and looked around. He saw a dilapidated bicycle lying next to the car. There were sprinkles all over the ground. When the food came out, a skinny little girl was lying next to it. She was using her clothes to wipe the food oil from his car with a look of horror on her face. Her head and face were covered with dust from the ground, and her right trouser leg fell off at the knee. A big hole, exposing the knee flesh oozing with blood.

He recognized these eyes, they were Hua Jin. This little girl wearing an old shirt, torn jeans and covered in gray is Hua Jin. At this moment, she was so frightened and helpless. He wanted to get out of the car and tell her not to be afraid. He would take her to see a doctor and buy new clothes. But his body was not under his control. He heard himself telling Hua Jin to leave quickly in an indifferent tone, and then drove away.

“Don’t leave, take her to the hospital, take her to the hospital!” Pei Yan watched himself drive away, and wanted to look back to see how Hua Jin was doing, but the dream turned into night, and he saw that he had gone from The noisy box walked to the open space outside the hotel.

It was cold and windy outside. He stood at the door for a while and was about to go back, but he heard suppressed crying. Grandpa had just passed away, so he was not in a good mood and didn’t want to meddle in other people’s business. However, listening to the howling cold wind, he sighed and walked in the direction where the crying came from.

Stepping through the lush flowers, he saw a girl wearing an ill-fitting old coat squatting on the ground with her legs crossed, her body twitching from time to time, and she was crying extremely sadly. Pei Yan saw his mouth move, but he couldn’t hear clearly what he said, but he saw the girl raise her head.

That was Hua Jin. Pei Yan recognized it at a glance. Although the girl looked thin and dry, he could still recognize it at a glance. This was the eighteen-year-old Hua Jin.

As he got closer, he smelled the smell of oil on Hua Jin’s body. Her hair was not dry yet and looked greasy, as if someone had poured oil all over her body from head to toe.

He saw that he had taken off his suit jacket, put it on her body, and sat with her on the dusty flower bed.

“Are you not a local?”

“Yeah.” Her hand holding the suit was shaking slightly.

“Seeing as you are young, why don’t you go to school? Big cities are not so easy to treat. How about I give you some money and send you back to study…”

“I won’t go back, I can’t go back.” She shook her head violently, “If I go back, my whole life will be ruined.”

“Okay.” The girl’s eyes were frighteningly bright. He stared at them and was lost for a moment. “Don’t get me wrong. I just think it’s a pity that you don’t study at such a young age.”

“Thank you, I…” The girl wanted to say something more, but when she heard footsteps coming, she closed her mouth again.

“Where did Brother Pei go?”

“Could you be leaving alone?”

When he heard his companion coming to him, he stood up and said to the girl: “In the future, when the weather is cold, don’t hide outside and cry secretly. No one will take care of you if you get sick from the cold. Whoever bullies you, find a way to bully you back, otherwise It’s always you who suffers.”

“I wish you a good life in this city.”

“Thank you…” She hugged her suit sleeves and whispered, “Thank you.”

But he had already walked away quickly and did not hear her words of thanks.

Pei Yan felt like an irrelevant bystander. He wanted to reach out and hold Hua Jin tightly in his arms, and wanted to remove the oil stains from her hair, but now he seemed to be just a ball of air. I can quietly look at this past that I cannot interfere with.

When the wind blew, he came to another place.

The dazzling lights and the two cars colliding together made him instantly understand what time it was.

He saw himself dragging Xu Changhui out of the car, kicking him hard, then taking out an umbrella from the car and holding it over the head of the person who fell on the ground.

The man fell into the sewage, and the blood and rain gathered together to form a stream, winding out a long red line. He saw the man stretch out his hand little by little, touching his feet, and then retracted it as if he was electrocuted.

Thunder rumbled, and Pei Yan suddenly had a splitting headache, and his whole body seemed to be torn into pieces.

He wanted to bend down and hold the trembling hand, but his heart hurt like needles, making him unable to breathe.

“Hua Jin… Hua Jin…”

“Mr. Pei, Mr. Pei, are you okay?”

Pei Yan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the light on the wall. Is that the morning sun shining in from the window?

It didn’t rain last night?

He tried to push himself up to sit up, but was pushed back by the helper and the family doctor.

“Mr. Pei, your high fever has not gone away and you need to rest.” The family doctor changed a bottle of medicine for Pei Yan. “I will go downstairs and sit for a while. I will come back in half an hour.”

The maid helped Pei Yan put down the quilt, turned up the air conditioner in the room, and sighed: “Mr. Pei, did you have a fight with Miss Hua?”

Pei Yan was still immersed in his dream and ignored her in a daze.

“You have been calling Miss Hua’s name just now, and…” the maid glanced at Pei Yan’s red and swollen eyes, “The teeth and the tongue have such a good relationship, there are times when they bite. Men, when they are sick, they need help. Take care of you, sometimes act coquettishly and show weakness, and the people who like you will feel sad and reluctant to let you go.”

So if you encounter a good opportunity to act pitiful, don’t miss it.

Pei Yan glanced at the maid and asked her to get her cell phone.

The maid smiled happily when she saw this, and she also knew how to act coquettishly to her girlfriend. It seemed that Mr. Pei was still on the road to love.

After the maid left the room, Pei Yan called the assistant’s mobile phone.

“The Xu family’s business will be annexed at a faster pace. There will also be Xu Changhui’s various criminal records. Once collected, they will be handed over to the relevant departments.”

“The sooner the better, don’t give Xu Changhui the chance to escape abroad.”

“Why do you ask?”

Pei Yan looked at the falling drops one by one and said expressionlessly: “He is too ugly and his actions are too immoral. It disgusts me. I am here to eliminate harm for the people.”

After hanging up the phone, Pei Yan rubbed his stiff face and dialed Hua Jin’s cell phone.

“Hua Xiaojin, my sick boyfriend needs the comfort of your love.”

“Huahua, I was not here yesterday. Who made you cry and make your eyes so swollen?” Tan Yuan came late in the morning because of illness. When she walked in, she saw Hua Jin’s goldfish-like eyes and was startled.

“I was so thirsty in the middle of the night last night that I couldn’t help but drink a glass of water. I felt like this when I woke up in the morning.” Hua Jin touched her eyes and asked, “How is your health? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’ll be a good man again after eating enough, drinking enough, and sleeping well.” Tan Yuan glanced at Hua Jin more worriedly, “I see that what you drank last night at midnight was not a glass of water, but a bucket. Otherwise, Can it be swollen like this? When Mr. Pei comes, I will feel heartbroken to see you like this.”

Hearing Tan Yuan mention Pei Yan, Hua Jin’s smile brightened a little: “That’s nonsense.”

Seeing her smiling so happily, Tan Yuan felt relieved. It seemed that she was not having a conflict with Mr. Pei: “Huahua, the supply of customization in our shop is currently in short supply. Even if we hire an extra embroiderer, we can’t keep up with her. Meet the customer’s requirements. Do you think we should hire a few more embroiderers?”

She had a hunch that when Mr. Mark’s fashion conference was over, Hua Jin would become even more famous. By then, there would only be a few of them in the studio. Even if they didn’t eat, drink or sleep for 24 hours, they wouldn’t be able to keep busy. .

Hua Jin nodded: “It’s time to find a few embroidery masters with good character and skills. To put it in our own faces, it will be enough to allow one more person in the handicraft industry to make a living. It can make traditional industries stronger.”

Hearing this, Tan Yuanxin felt emotional. She heard her mother say that after the embroidery factory closed down, many embroiderers lost their jobs. In order to survive, many people had no choice but to change careers. Most of those who persisted in this line of work could barely cope with their lives, like Like her mother, those who rely on their crafts to take root in big cities are only a handful of lucky ones.

In the eyes of some uninformed people, the works of masters in the traditional handicraft industry are expensive and they must make a lot of money. In fact, the number of craftsmen who receive such treatment is just a drop in the ocean. More traditional craftsmen face the dilemma of family members not understanding and having no successors for their skills.

Both Hua Jin and Tan Yuan know that there is very little they can do, but as long as they can do a little more for the traditional craft industry, it will be good, at least worthy of the craft they have learned.

The two were discussing the recruitment of workers. When Tan Yuan saw Hua Jin’s expression changed after answering a phone call, she asked worriedly: “What’s wrong?”

“Pei Yan is sick, I want to see him.” Hua Jin stood up and picked up the bag placed in the cabinet, “Tangyuan, I’ll go over and take a look first.”

“Go quickly. Mr. Pei has no family to accompany him. If you go over and stay with him, he will recover faster if he is in a good mood.” Tan Yuan looked at Hua Jin’s anxious look, “Don’t be anxious first, I’ll check the weather. The forecast says it will rain today, please…”

Before she finished speaking, she saw Hua Jin running out of the store. She couldn’t help but open the store door and shouted: “Don’t run too fast!”

Hua Jin waved to her and got into a taxi.

When Hua Jin arrived at Pei Yan’s house, the family doctor was sitting on the sofa drinking tea. The maid saw Hua Jin and greeted her warmly: “Miss Hua, you are here. When Mr. Pei was ill and fell asleep, Still mumbling your name.”

“How is he now?” Hua Jin changed her shoes and handed the fruits and vegetables she bought to the maid.

“This is…” The servant saw that Hua Jin’s eyes were a little swollen. It seemed that the two young men had really quarreled. Mr. Pei’s illness got better, and both of them got better.

“These fruits and vegetables are good for the patient’s health.” Hua Jin didn’t have time to greet the maid, and hurried upstairs, “Auntie, I’ll go upstairs to see him first.”

“Hey, okay.” The maid agreed with a smile.

The family doctor looked at the maid in confusion. He had been Pei Yan’s family doctor for five or six years. He had never seen the maid smile happily after Pei Yan fell ill. He couldn’t help but be curious: “The one just now… ”

“Our Mr. Pei’s girlfriend, the two young people are in a good relationship.”

“Is it the Ms. Hua Jin that Mr. Pei kept talking about in his dreams when he was sick?” The family doctor nodded clearly, “Then I’ll wait a moment, or wait until they call me up.”

So as not to be offended.

Pei Yan, who was sitting on the bedside reading a book, heard footsteps coming from outside. He quickly threw the book onto the bedside and shrank into the quilt, only revealing a sickly face, facing towards A weak, lonely look appeared at the door: “Huahua, is that you?”

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