Fearsome Farmer Chapter 653: Super Digging League

“Emergency military situation! The sea off the southwestern sea dropped by 50 meters overnight, exposing a large area of ​​land! According to the report of the Red Eagle Squadron, the sea water off the northwest and southeast seas is also decreasing significantly. The commander-in-chief of the Western Front Battlefield Xiong Ye, and the Governor of the Pure Land of the Ocean Xuanwu, have dispatched people to seize the time to rescue the sea!”

On the twenty-eighth lunar month of the fourth year of scum, Li Siwen was having breakfast in Black Mountain City, when the rhubarb flew in suddenly and delivered this not very good emergency message.

“This day has finally arrived, the devil’s father’s method is finally great.”

Li Siwen smiled, and after eating breakfast calmly, he asked the new county grandfather Ge Yi to do something. Then he smiled at the Three Monsters in Snow Mountain, “This is the super big project you want. , Let’s go, take a boat to Kunlun City.”

Li Siwen can still be so calm at this moment, of course, because he has already circled the sea dam, reserves more seawater than the two Pacific Oceans, and has also established a perfect circular ecological climate system. The enemy drained the water, basically unable to affect him.

Even, he had already given orders to Lord Xiong and Lord Tiger at this moment, and formulated a super infrastructure project for the Super Digging Alliance.

That is, taking advantage of the drastic drop of the sea, exposing a large amount of land, but at this time there is still a part of the sea, seize the opportunity to frantically surround, chase, block, intercept, deceive, steal, and slander the remaining seawater. , Lure, lure!

Strive to form saltwater lakes and saltwater rivers in the largest range. To this end, this time they will dispatch more than 20 legends, 10,000 half-step legends, and 20,000 Lords, including Li Siwen. End.

One word, digging!

In fact, when Li Siwen rushed to Kunlun City on a transport ship, the whole kingdom was boiling because of this plan. Those who were able to dig soil would dig soil, and those who could not dig soil would do it. Logistics. What can’t do logistics is to be responsible for daily affairs.

All those who have no special missions at this moment must all be dispatched, and Glacier Pure Land dispatched a full 50,000 lord-level snow spiders and 10,000 Glacial Pure Land guards. They will go to the East and West Seas. In the South China Sea, it began to cooperate with other excavators to freeze the sea water instantly.

Li Siwen has been planning this super excavation project for a long time!

In addition to the personnel and resources used, the major pure land is also cooperating at the same time.

Nutoushan Pure Land’s pacific storm and supernatural powers, with thousands of supernatural powers standing on the wall, and super mountain supernatural powers erupting one after another in the west sea.

The magical powers of the Kunlun Pure Land, and Qianren’s magical powers broke out in the South China Sea.

Flaming Mountain Pure Land’s bright light Wanli magical power erupted in the East Outer Sea. This magical power has nothing to do with purification, but it can increase the intensity of sun exposure and temperature. Specifically, it can soar from below zero to above zero in an hour Thirty degrees, and continue to improve.

Furthermore, super powerful water vapor evaporation is carried out on the sea water of the East Sea!

This is an alternative pumping strategy.

As for why this magical power is only activated now, it is to match the overall strategy. Previously, Li Siwen ordered the extension of winter for one and a half months, and cooperated with the snow elves and Ari to research and build level 5 profound ice. Now it is nearly a month, they will soon Success, so it does not matter, otherwise, the increase in temperature here will affect the stability of the overall climate.

For a time, Li Siwen was also regarded as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing his magical powers.

As for how much seawater can be rescued, this is not important. The important thing is to take advantage of this opportunity to transform the terrain and to continue to expand outward, and also to open up the front.

In the future, within the first island chain, there will be no more wars. Outside the first island chain, war will start.

In the afternoon, Li Siwen and his entourage arrived in Kunlun City. Here, he first dealt with some important internal affairs, and then he called a two-headed turtle bus and went straight to the southwest.

There are three important battlefields in this super excavation project. One is the southwest sea, the second is the southeast sea, and the third is the northwest sea. But in terms of importance, the western sea ranks first.

Not only because the terrain is the lowest here, the seawater from other directions is flowing here, but also because there is a huge submarine basin with a deepest point of 15,000 meters.

Even if the demon fathers drained the seawater, the depth of the seawater here can be maintained at a depth of 14,000 meters.

Li Siwen’s plan is to build a larger artificial western Pacific around this huge submarine basin.

The name was given by Li Siwen, which is a bit nasty, but who allowed him to have this authority.

The western Pacific will form the kingdom’s second island chain. Needless to say, the importance of the kingdom’s navy will be mostly deployed here.

The swimming speed of the two-headed sea turtle itself is not very fast, but with the summon of the raging sea and the buff of the Guardian of the Pure Land of the ocean, the speed is much faster, reaching a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

In the kingdom’s first island chain, there are 1,500 double-headed sea turtles like this. They have replaced the transport fleet and are specifically responsible for transporting goods to and from Black Bear Island and the Pure Ocean. Kunlun City, Oak Fortress, Machinery Island, Yasha Port and other places.

Successfully built a perfect maritime network.

By the way, 800 of them are half-step legendary strength, but such strength still prevents them from gaining much advantage on the battlefield, but it is too convenient for transportation.

“Master, it’s too slow to walk. You have to walk for a day to get to the southwest sea. If you change to me, you will be there by flapping your wings.”

On the back of the two-headed sea turtle, Dasha finally couldn’t help complaining that his boss used to want to shrink to an inch, so why did he like to walk slowly today?

“Do you know what?”

Li Siwen waved his hand and continued to close his eyes to rest his mind. In the past, he flew around in a hurry, that was to do something, but now he is eager to dig in? Is that what he has to do? He has more important things to do.

For example, at this moment, do you think I am closing my eyes and resting? In fact, I was just closing my eyes to rest my mind, and by the way, monitoring the movements of the demon fathers.

The view of the whole picture is a good thing. As Li Siwen’s authority over this world gradually deepens, the number and level of pure land gradually increase, he is like a paralyzed person who is gradually taking back control of the body.

This process is a very interesting process, and surprises often pop out suddenly.

For example, now, when Dad Mojun made the sea level drop so much overnight, Li Siwen discovered a space crack that was previously hidden deep in the seabed through the full view of the picture. This space crack is very small. , About a few meters long and half a meter wide, it is estimated that even the devil’s father could not detect it.

Of course, Li Siwen’s guess is entirely because this ultra-small space crack is located deep in the ocean floor of the western Pacific Ocean.

If this was known by the demon father, he would have used violence to expand the crack in this space, and then cut a big hole here to pump the sea away in advance.

However, there may be another possibility, that is, the world opposite this space crack is not under the control of the devil father.

So this is the reason why Li Siwen walked slowly. He has been monitoring this tiny space crack to see if there are any moths in it?

So far, everything is normal here.

So Li Siwen became more interested.

The two-headed sea turtle bus swam all night at a stretch, and finally sent Li Siwen, Dasha, and the Three Snow Mountains to the sea-blocking dam off the southwest.

“Thank you.”

Li Siwen thanked him and gave him a piece of barbecue as a tip. The two-headed turtle nodded shyly, flung his tail happily, and swam towards Black Bear Island. He had to go there to wait for work and register at the same time. For this transportation, each double-headed turtle bus must run ten long distances a month before there will be food for the next month. It has to work harder and accumulate more food, otherwise it can’t be a dutiful son…

Li Siwen led Dasha at this time, and the Snow Mountain Three Monsters boarded the dam. It was said to be a dam, but it was actually a mountain range hundreds of miles wide and tens of thousands of miles long. Stop it.

Now, the height of the sea water inside this dam is the standard sea level of the Kingdom, which is 3330 meters different from the river pull used by the Kingdom before.

The height of the sea dam is an average of one kilometer.

As for climbing over the dam, the sea is no longer visible, and the drop from sea level is about -300 meters.

You can see wet land and exposed mountains under the sea everywhere. At first glance, this scene is very strange, and along these exposed land to travel southwest for about a thousand miles, it is the Western Pacific, which is also super excavated. The work site of the project.

“Dasha, lead them to find Lord Xiong. How can such a big project lack them? I will look at the scenery here and go to Black Bear Island to wait for me tomorrow morning.”

Li Siwen gave an order, and he really walked along the sea dam, and at the same time turned on the intelligence exchange ball. The captain channel did not have any movement, but the Xiaozhu channel was extremely lively. There was only accumulated news. 99+ now.

“The lone soldier* asked for support. There were five huge spatial cracks in my world this morning. I don’t even know what happened?”

“The small **** of the framework* said that I don’t know anything, but I think it’s a bit bad.”

“The little pawn* who communicated with information said that, at the same time, two spatial cracks suddenly appeared in my world, but no devil is responsible for this matter. I suspect there is a new situation.”

“The little **** of information exchange* said that ~IndoMTL.com~ is not easy. I finally found a backer, but the other party does not want to reveal his identity, so the big guy should do it for himself.”

“The little **** of information exchange* said, do you really have the authority to preside over the overall situation?”

“The little **** of information exchange* said, everyone, don’t be foolish. As someone who knows a little inside, I can generously tell you that a catastrophe is coming, so be prepared.”

“The little **** of information exchange* said, my friend, can you tell me more in detail?”

“The information exchange pawn* said, sorry, no.”

“The little **** fighting alone* asks for support. I am in the fifth structure, and I have three pure land left.”

“The little **** of information exchange* said that it is the fifth structure again. It seems that the fifth structure is really troublesome.”

“The little **** fighting alone* asked for support, and I don’t know why. These days, those demon kings are like mad dogs. They destroyed my four pure land in less than a month. Can’t support it for a month. If you really have authority, please help.”

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