Fearsome Farmer Chapter 650: Moving the capital

Before dawn, Li Siwen got up from the big bed in the City Lord’s Mansion. This is Yun Niang’s masterpiece. She is always used to making her life more comfortable.

Although Li Siwen is now the lord of the world, he is also used to being an ordinary person when there is no war, eating and sleeping, these are always his two major hobbies.

The chef Xiaoyi had already prepared breakfast for him. Now she is a lord-level cook and gave birth to a big fat boy for Liang Jin, but she is still responsible for the daily work of the city lord mansion and is the chief butler of the city lord mansion.

After eating a sumptuous breakfast very quietly, the sky outside was a little brighter, and I could still feel a trace of coldness when I went out. Due to the prolonged winter, the temperature remained constant during this time It’s about twenty degrees below zero.

The whole Mochizuki city is still quiet, except for the city lord’s mansion, the other places are dark, and even the soldiers who watch the night are slumped in the watchpoint of the city wall and dozed off, because it is too safe.

The fat man who had eaten breakfast with Li Siwen flew up hard, and finally landed on his shoulder, in a good mood.

Li Siwen initially wanted to experience the fun of running in the morning, but after a few steps, he felt boring and boring, so he wandered along Mochizuki City.

Thinking that his purpose of establishing Mochizuki City on the west bank of the river was because it occupied the advantage of water transportation and was located in the center of the mainland, and Mochizuki City was indeed prosperous for a period of time because of this reason. Even the docks in the city have been expanded several times. Place.

But with the formation of the Sea of ​​Yasha and the Sea of ​​Scum, this situation was finally changed in an instant.

Because it is in the easternmost part of the Tauren Plain, where the Kaishan Division opened a tributary of the big river with the Yasha Sea, the Construction Division built a large-scale port there, and then from the sea dam at the southeast corner of the Yasha Sea After opening an opening, the kingdom’s transport fleet can directly enter the sea from this port, sail along the edge of the continent, and reach the Oak Fortress and Kunlun City with smooth wind.

The original canal system inside the glacier continent was suddenly abandoned.

Well, it can’t be said to be deserted, but there is no need to go around.

For the food and livestock products of Heishan City, you don’t need to go to Xishan Lake and Wangyue Lake, you can go directly to Nanshan Lake, directly to Kunlun City, and then transport from Kunlun City to Black Bear Island, a pure ocean.

And the smelter near the Dongshan Lake Fortress, equipped with the weapons and equipment of the building division, does not need to pass through Mochizuki City, but directly walks directly through the sea of ​​Yasha through the canal in the north.

With this coming and going, the water transportation system originally centered on Mochizuki City was abandoned.

So the decline of Mochizuki City is inevitable.

Now, the family members of soldiers who originally lived in Mochizuki City have either gone to the Oak Fortress or Kunlun City.

The Oak Fortress is facing the sea, and the same huge port has already been built, especially in Kunlun City.

The major legions are now stationed in either of these two places, or are stationed in Black Bear Island and Mechanical Island, so it is convenient to visit back and forth.

This is also the biggest emotion that Li Siwen dealt with in half a day’s political affairs. Many things are not due to the insufficient ability of these department heads and small officials, but it takes time to communicate back and forth. People and things are not here, but the center of internal affairs is located Here, isn’t this looking awkward for yourself?

So, move the capital!

The capital must be moved!

Just thinking about it, I still feel very reluctant. The development is too fast.

From the safe house of the scum for one year to the unnamed highland castle plan for the scum for two years, it was finally changed to Mochizuki City. As a result, after the scum for four years, Mochizuki City could not keep up with the pace of development and was about to be eliminated. .

As for the safe house, he hasn’t even gone back for a long time. He only knows that there are hundreds of Junzi pears that have been cultivated with black ice.

As for the emperor grass, it has also been successfully transformed into the Xuanbing emperor tree, and now a fruit planting department is responsible for it.

In Yunniang’s plan, a brewing division will be designated in the future, because now there is more food, gentle pears and various fruits are also harvested every year. Winemaking, especially brewing wines of superior quality and above, becomes very important. Up.

Lao Song can be in charge of this matter, but Lao Song is now in charge of five divisions, but because Li Siwen has given him various additional things, the internal affairs department often fails to see him. shadow.

Wandered outside Mochizuki City, and then went to the safe house to take a look. The place was no longer inhabited, especially when Hou Er’s laboratory moved to the Snow Mountain Elf, the last cook was gone , Oh, this was still hooked up by that Pengda.

But the safe house is not useless. When the spring blossoms, the people from the Fruit Planting Department will return here. After all, this place has the largest orchard in the kingdom.

The artificial lake has long ceased to exist. The dam that Li Siwen and the others had worked so hard to pile up at the beginning was opened. The lake was connected with Mochizuki Lake and then with Xishan Lake. The number of fish and shrimp in the water has been restored to a scum for one year. s level.

In addition to remembrance, it is remembrance. In the end, Li Siwen simply stopped moving, because it would give him the illusion that he was old, but he still has no son.

Returning to the City Lord’s Mansion, Li Siwen issued an order to move the capital, leaving everything else aside, moving the capital first.

Actually, there was no big fanfare in this relocation. In addition to the new barracks in Mochizuki City, there were also workshops such as the Leather Equipment Department and the Cotton Spinning Department.

Li Siwen was also swift and neat, except for those who had to stay in Mochizuki City, all other departments moved to Kunlun City, and Mochizuki City would be the training base for the new barracks in the future.

In addition, according to the county system, Mochizuki City, Heishan City, and Scum City are set as three counties, with a Mochizuki Prefecture on the top, and the government office is in Mochizuki City.

No way, it must be supported by policies.

Because with the unblocked access to the sea, even the scum city to the north will develop better than Mochizuki city in the future…

And Mochizuki County’s first county guard was the former North Navy regiment commander guerrilla who is still dormant in Mochizuki City awaiting appointment.

Speaking of which, this guy is unfortunate enough.

Before he became the commander of a main army, he became the core leader of the territory, but later with the establishment of the Glacier Pure Land, the North Sea Defense Line was no longer needed, so the North Navy regiment was revoked, and he led three thousand centaurs. The shooter headed to the west coast.

But then there was no need for patrols on the West Coast, so he could only take the army back to Mochizuki City to wait for appointment.

As a result, after a battle with the Mechanical Demon Lord, Nuo Da’s sea frontier was defeated, and his army was useless.

When I watched Liang Jin’s Southwest Army reorganized into the Southwest Fleet, the wind grew strong.

Watching Old Tang’s Kunlun Army reorganized into the Kunlun Fleet, the wind is rising.

Watching Xiao Chu’s anger sea fleet rise in wind.

The Oak Legion that looked at Qin Shu was about to be reorganized into a certain fleet, and it was about to rise.

Only he sat sleepy Mochizuki City, his young beard turned white.

In the era of great voyages, three thousand centaur archers are really useless.

Li Siwen also couldn’t bear it, so for the time being, he was a county guard for the guerrillas, a great official in Xinjiang, that’s not bad.

“My lord, can I refuse? Why don’t you think about it again, the kingdom is so big, there is no reason for us to use it, I shed blood for the kingdom, I shed sweat for the kingdom, I am the kingdom I shed tears, my lord!”

The guerrilla knelt in front of Li Siwen, almost crying, these days he has not slackened in Mochizuki City every moment, not only training veterans, but also helping train recruits, just to be able to return to the main army. Sequence, when the county guard? Too bad.

“You get up first. I’m also consulting your opinion, since you don’t agree, I won’t force it?”

Li Siwen also had a headache, and to be honest, it would be a pity to let such a powerful Ranger army withdraw from the stage of war.

But the times are like this. Sometimes you are eliminated if you don’t work hard. This is what you deserve. But sometimes, when you work hard, you work very hard, and the result is ruthlessly abandoned by the times.

This is sad.

“Guerilla, now you have three choices. It’s good to be careful. First, be your county guard in Mochizuki County. You are so smart and you will not be bad in doing internal affairs. I promise you will be in the core of the kingdom in the future. It’s like a little thorn, I never treat it favorably because it is my cheap brother-in-law.”

“Second, be a pioneer. Now the focus of the kingdom is about to shift to development. Although the main forces of development are the air force and navy, it would be great if you can be a pioneer on horseback.”

“Thirdly, take your legion and transfer all members to magic rangers. First, learn steadily. Either learn fire magic or ice magic. Choose by yourself. Once your legion can be all members Mastering magic and possessing a stronger combat power will be able to return to the main army sequence in the future.”

Li Siwen gave the guerrilla three options after thinking about it.

“My lord, what is a pioneer?” Guerrilla didn’t decide immediately, but asked seriously.

“The trailblazer is to awaken the trailblazer career, and then have a mobile pioneering pure land. This pure land allows you and your subordinates to go deep into more distant areas without relying on the support of the rear. In short, It’s very dangerous. Of course, the danger is not the most important thing~IndoMTL.com~ The important thing is that the pioneers should find the relics of the pure land and bring them back. It can be said that it is very important.”

“Then, are there any other pioneers now?”

“Already, the Red Eagle Squadron and Shizhu’s West Sea Fleet are currently the most advantageous pioneers. The Grey Eagle Squadron is also a pioneer squadron strongly supported by the Kingdom. They have basically awakened the pioneer career, which is equivalent to entering On the right track, if you want to be a pioneer, it will take at least half a year to a year to awaken the pioneer career.”

“So now, is there an established army of magic learning?”

“No, but I’m thinking about adapting Qin Shu’s army to a fleet or a magic army?”

“Understood, King, then I choose to reorganize my legion into a magical legion.” Guerrilla resolutely said, being a trailblazer means lagging behind the other three trailblazer teams for a full year and will not be able to achieve results. It’s the same to be a cold bench, so it’s better to be the first magic army.

In the so-called life, direction is the most important word.

Choosing the right direction is the beginning of success.

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