Fearsome Farmer Chapter 609: Mei Cai Sauce Pork Bun

Ye Xiong and Ye Hu left with the appointment to build a dam to stop the sea, but they were stopped by Xue Er just after they left the gate of Mochizuki City. One person gave two pieces of regular snow jade and one regular gold jade.

“Xiong Shuai, Hu Shuai, by the order of the king, send these three magical power tokens to two people. Please remember it. This token with the texture of falling snow can activate a magical power of Falling Snow Aegis. Acting on a radius of 500 meters, it can form a shield to protect our soldiers, ignoring the half-step legendary attack, and can still persist for three minutes under the attack of the legendary unit.”

“However, please remember that Snowfall Aegis can only be activated nine times a day. Other legions also have similar magical power tokens, so please use them with caution.”

“As for this dragon-shaped magical power token, the main attack can only be activated five times a day. When encountering an enemy that cannot be defeated or is difficult to lock and pursue, it is recommended to activate this token.”

“As for this mountain-shaped magical power token, it represents the Qianren magical power of the Kunlun Pure Land. If you encounter an unbreakable curse when confronting an enemy, even if you activate this token, this magical power can be activated in large quantities every day, but Remember, the interval between each startup is twenty minutes.”

“Wish the two handsome men go well here.”

“Ha! Sister Xue Er, this is a great gift, please thank the king for us!”

Master Xiong and Master Hu solemnly salute, Xue Er smiled back, and now I dare not look down on anyone.

As soon as they left, they were appointed again. The Northern Navy regiment led by the guerrillas was officially renamed the Rogue Corps. It is located in an oasis town. It is responsible for daily patrol and security tasks on the west coast. It is equipped with a ten-person logistics team, including two Two chefs, four one chefs, four chefs.

Go now!

Subsequently, the guerrillas also got a token of falling snow magical power, a token of dragon-shaped magical power, and a token of mountain-shaped magical power.

In the future, these three things will become the standard equipment of each legion, which is equivalent to long-range artillery support. It is very powerful, even if it encounters a general legendary unit, it can also be a spike!

The support for all of this is the Snow Mountain Transit Station system being built by Snow Five, so don’t think that the infrastructure is useless, and don’t feel that the population is small and panic. It depends on how to use it.

Nine times a day of Snowfall Aegis, five times of ice dragon, and six times of standing Qianren force field, you can be a million soldiers!

Not to mention the hidden flame hammer, as well as the mountain shield and early warning chess pieces that are being raised.

“So, the Pure Land is the core, and vigorously developing the core infrastructure is to add bricks and tiles to the Pure Land. In turn, the stronger the Pure Land magical powers, the better the suppression of the enemy and the better protection of our soldiers. This is a virtuous circle.”

In the city lord’s mansion, Li Siwen explained to Yun Niang and issued an order at the same time. Liang Jin’s Southwest Army was no longer responsible for patrolling the west coast. Instead, it was in charge of the guerrilla rogue Army. Then, Liang Jin Army. In situ adapted to the Navy sequence, the legion name is the Southwest Fleet.

From now on, all soldiers in the Southwest Fleet will run on the transport fleet for three months.

In addition, the Southwest Fleet will have a Marine Corps!

“Look, because I have been vigorously developing infrastructure, Pure Land has developed better. Through super express delivery like Pure Land Magic, I can greatly reduce the size of the army and increase the size of the navy, without affecting the combat effectiveness. Next, quickly control the sea!”

“But the enemy is already pumping sea water, and when the seas all over the world are dried up, don’t our hard-trained navies have no use for it?”

Yun Niang asked.

“How is it possible that even if the world’s seawater is exhausted, we can ensure that there is enough seawater within the first island chain, which is 30,000 miles from east to west, and from north to south. The huge sea area of ​​30,000 miles! Don’t you know how convenient the sea transportation is?”

“The enemy cannot carry out an overwhelming attack on us without sea water to transport the army, unless they can find a unit that does not need to eat, but only needs very little energy to burst out terrorist combat effectiveness.”

“What if you can find it? This time it is the devil’s father after all.” Yun Niang asked again.

Li Siwen nodded, “I also considered it. Since the enemy dares to drain the water, he must have a chain of backstops, so this is why I can’t use the rules of the world to build directly from the first island chain. The mountains surround the sea. This seems to be done once and for all, but it will lose too many world rules.”

“I have to prevent the enemy from directly following the rules of the world. You must know that this world is first attached to my powerful structure. This is the son of the devil, the father of the devil, and the grandfather of the devil. It’s a very important advantage for us. Why do I keep preventing you and Tang from developing modern industry? It’s because this will form a new world rule, but even if you and Tang are super-students, how can you compare to the devil? A family’s scientific and technological machinery reserves? Hundred% of them will be hanged by the other party.”

“As soon as the opening is opened, the devil will be able to fight wildly in this world, with various mechanical units, heavy tanks, aircraft, artillery, missiles, and aircraft carriers. Can you compare it?”

“It makes sense for you to say so, but why is there an illusion of shutting down?” Yun Niang smiled.

“That’s because you have fundamentally made a cognitive error. The rules of the world are the rules of the world. If you don’t think back because of the different nature, the rules of the world are inferior. Isn’t our existing world rules strong? Develop the Pure Land, Luo Xue Aegis, Ice Dragon Retribution, Qianli Qianren, Mountain Shield, Early Warning Chess, which one is worse?”

“In short, as long as we don’t make mistakes ourselves, the enemy will never have a chance!”

“Understood, but, have you ever thought that the devil’s father is going to develop a mechanical force that consumes little, is powerful, and can be streamlined production? The sea of ​​this world has been pumped Let’s do it, the mineral deposits on the seabed are extremely rich. As long as the opponent is willing to spend some blood, they can really create a mechanized force.”

Yun Niang put forward her opinion.

This time, Li Siwen seriously considered it for a few minutes, and then had to admit that Yun Niang’s guess was quite reliable.

In fact, if the enemy is really willing to smash a large amount of mechanical world rules, he can forcibly inject capital into this world and become a barbarian!

At that time, it is really hard to say whether his ten thousand world rules can be blocked.

“At this stage, I haven’t found any other unfamiliar world rules to enter, but I don’t rule out this possibility. So, do you have any suggestions?”

“Suggestion, I don’t have it, because it’s beyond the scope of my knowledge reserve. In addition, if the mechanical mode can pose a threat to us, then Zerg mode and zombie mode may be okay. These are all low consumption and high outbreaks. Yes. Maybe we only have one way to build the Pure Land on the front lines of war, or the whole world, so that the enemy cannot use this type of invasion mode at all.”

It’s just that after Yun Niang said this, she felt depressed. If she could really do this, how could the world be invaded?

For a time, both of them were relatively speechless.

This seems like a dead knot.

In the past, the sons of the demon king did not use these methods, because the pure land is scattered all over the world, and they dare to directly destroy any power that does not conform to the rules of this world.

Even in the worst of times, there are Zhongzhou Pure Land that can respond.

But now even the Pure Land of Central Continent has fallen. The rules of the world can only be gathered in one place. Coupled with the existence of space cracks, the enemy really has too much space to control!

“So, if we develop the abandoned island to the west and build a pure land on it, will this be a good containment?” Yun Niang asked expectantly at this time.

“It’s possible in theory, but it’s not a cure for the symptoms, but what’s bad is that we’re currently using this method, wait, I changed my mind. I’m going to hold a ceremony at the Dongshan Lake Fortress. Wang! Go ahead and arrange it now.”

Li Siwen quickly ordered that if the devil’s daddy really attacked his world rules, the rule thunderstorm would bear the brunt, because only by restraining or temporarily restraining the rule thunderstorm can the enemy be quick in a short time Inject capital and do things, otherwise no matter how awesome the barbarians are, they can’t get away with the hammer of rules, what about billions of mechanical frenzy? This is a question of core foundation.

“So, the flame hammer, which I have been hiding, is important.”

Li Siwen thought of this and came to the sand table. The most urgent task is to sneak in and build one or two magma pure land. The maximum attack range of the flame hammer is 15,000 miles, of which one second is within a 10,000 miles. Arrived within three seconds.

So adding a magma pure land in an appropriate location can make the coverage of the flame hammer reach 30,000 miles. This strategic deterrence is still very comfortable.

Well, super comfortable??!

The kind that can be hidden for secret pleasure.


Li Siwen pointed to the northern mountain range of Ocean Pure Land. This location is quite good. It is about 15,000 miles away from the magma pure land near the hillside of Da Aunt. It is very comfortable to be used as a transit station. It can radiate 15,000 miles around it, covering even abandoned islands.

In addition, if resources are abundant, you can try to sneak two more in the south of the ruins of Yasha City, or east of the Anonymous Plateau.

Thinking of this, Li Siwen couldn’t help but smile. Alas, kind people are always lucky, and I am helpless!

But where do you get so many refractory rocks?

Where can I get enough golden flames?

Li Siwen was lost in thought.

Gulu and Hulu are not good, too rough, maybe the four generations of princes can, but his soul is afraid that it has long been wiped out.

Old Song?

Last time, Junhou Duplicate and his party were expected to be high~IndoMTL.com~, but after returning, they developed three kinds of special cooking flames, which are said to make Kurong rice a step further.

“It really doesn’t work, so I can only let Old Song go.”

Li Siwen thought helplessly, this is the exhaustion of talents!

The reason why the Glacier Pure Land has progressed so quickly, without him worrying about it, is because three snow elves have purified three generations of profound ice.

The golden flame is similar. It needs to be purified and integrated into the rules of the world. Unfortunately, he has never been able to catch a fire spirit back…


Suddenly there was an explosion downstairs, and then Leopard Er’s desperate yelling and cursing, it was the seven little buns who were destroying again.

Speaking of Master Leopard’s family, um, wait, it seems that there is a small bun called Mei Cai Rou Jiang Bao that can control the fire!

Li Siwen’s eyes lit up instantly, it’s time to develop the next generation of the territory!

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