Fearsome Farmer Chapter 552: Kind the world

“The farmer is fierce ()”

Spring rain is as expensive as oil.

But now that spring is almost over, a patter of rain has just fallen.

This is actually restricted, because the soil moisture is already very good after the snowmelt in winter. No extra rain is needed. Instead, the earth needs to be warmed up. Now when the temperature basically reaches the expected level, the rain begins to fall. This is the advantage of having two pure snow-capped mountains with precise control.

In Mochizuki City, Yunniang stood on the third-floor balcony of the City Lord’s Mansion, looking at the misty smoky Lake Mochizuki and the distant mountains covered by clouds and mist, she was still a little melancholy after all.

However, this melancholy was quickly interrupted by the crisp and loud cry of the baby on the second floor, dispelled, and Xiao Mao’s child was finally born.

Yunniang smiled at the corner of her mouth. Just as she was about to go downstairs to check, Wuhuang flew over, clutching a special small honey pot on her small paw, and inside it was one or two pear nectar collected today.

Since the rhubarb became the baron of the territory, the attitude of the little yellow birds has changed dramatically. The simplest thing is, last year, they would ask for 30% of the pear nectar, and this year, as long as they collect it, Sent here without moving.

They also know that the territory is in urgent need of pear nectar, which is a very good realization.

“Five yellows, hard work.”

Yunniang picked up the Xiaomi pot, first went to the second floor and gave Xiao Mao Xi, and enviously hugged the big fat boy, teased a few greedy little buns, and hurriedly went to Wangyue Lake On the opposite side of the unnamed highland, open the institutions here and enter it, and you will see the busy Hou Er and dozens of Hou Er’s apprentices. This is now the base camp of the research institute.

“This is today’s pear nectar. How was Kai Chi yesterday?” Yun Niang handed the Xiao Mi pot to Hou Er, and asked casually.

“The situation yesterday was not bad. A total of nine hoop black snakes successfully opened their minds. Now Xiao Chu is teaching them animal language. It is expected that there will be 50 taels of pear nectar, and the hoop black snakes will reach three Hundreds are enough to form a patrol patrol. Of course, it will take some time for combat effectiveness to be formed.”

“Three hundred are okay. Yesterday, Lord Leopard sent back five harriers and eagles, and forty-eight great **** were also sent from the Pure Land. These are all goals to focus on, so I will only give five more. Two pear nectar.” Yun Niang said calmly, looking at Hou Er taking blood from the iron-ringed black snakes, and then using a series of methods to store the purified natural value into the **** crystal.

This batch of **** crystals is contributed by the **** swallowing sky, and can store 200,000 points of natural work. Nowadays, the artisans in the domain do not need the lord to provide the sky when they build heavy armor weapons and some important mechanical parts. With the value of work, you only need to come to Yun Niang to get a batch of Shen Jing and you can use it yourself.

The modern industrial system that Yun Niang wanted to build has not been completed, but Tiangong has become a special industrial system in the territory, because there are almost no problems that Tiangong cannot solve.

Unfortunately, the wool from Yasha Demon is also this time, so she attaches great importance to the use of every day’s worth of work.

For example, the transport ships, troop carriers, and sea ships built by the Territory Shipyard are all big players using the natural value of work.

Good steel, use it on the blade.

“A total of 50,000 points.”

At this time, Hou Er was busy, and put a hematite box full of crystals in front of Yun Niang. This kind of hematite box was the best thing for storing crystals and could prevent the natural value from dissipating.


Yun Niang nodded, lifted the box and left.

“Sister Yun!”

Xiao Chu’s voice sounded. It rushed out from the depths of the research institute and asked expectantly, “Sister Yun, did Xiao Mao give birth?”

“Born, big fat boy, congratulations, you are becoming an aunt.” Yun Niang smiled. Xiao Chu is a half-step legend who has just advanced not long ago, and he was praised by the lord as a model. Once again, the reason is that while it advanced into the half-step legend, it also opened the third job.

This is very important. To advance a half-step legend does not necessarily start the third round. For example, someone who has not even activated his combat career so far is a half-step legend.

But those who can usually complete Rank 3 combat careers are definitely Half Step Legends.

These are two properties, representing a strong combat effectiveness.

“Wow, that’s great, I’ve been worrying about it. I was worried that Xiaomao would suddenly give birth to a bunch of snakes. It would be miserable. It paid such a high price and sacrificed almost everything. If it were still like this…” Xiao Chu sighed.

“You can check it out when you have time.”

“No, I’m afraid to scare the baby.”

“It’s okay.” Yun Niang patted Xiao Chu before she left. Now everyone in the territory is busy, and everyone knows the urgency, and a certain lord is even more so. Although she was still laughing and joking on the surface, in fact Yun Niang knew how much pressure that fellow was under, and he couldn’t wait to finish everything overnight.

Before in Black Mountain City, he was angry at Lord Tiger, not because Lord Tiger was not doing well enough, but because he lost his attitude.

A few days later, she went to talk with Lord Tiger, but Lord Tiger smiled bitterly. For example, how do they old guys don’t know the seriousness of the matter, how can they not know that the world is at stake, look at the east Flame pit, look at the dark ocean around the continent, can it not understand it?

Fortunately, there is such a lord leading them to support them, so how can they be dissatisfied? It’s right to vent, let the lord calm down, what can it be a bit wronged? Whoever makes it the most prestigious, beating it has the best deterrent effect on other people.

Holding the red iron box, Yun Niang went straight to the shipyard near the Hengjiang Dam without going back to Wangyue City. Today, there will be ships on both sides of the strait launching, so it needs to be strengthened with natural value.

This kind of transport ship is not simple, just to meet the needs of transportation, it can be transformed into a troop carrier and a warship at any time.

Even at critical moments, you can turn into an offshore warship.

It’s not just that Lord Lord who saw the advantages of water transportation. A few days ago, Yunniang divided the navy battle camp into three at once, and turned into three transport fleets. Niu Da leads one and Niu Er. Command one, stone command one.

The three transport fleets can better dispatch materials and accommodate more crews and sailors.

So far, Yun Niang has increased the total number of crew members of these three transport fleets to 3,000. Regardless of whether they are really needed, it is absolutely possible for these soldiers to brush up their skills and proficiency.

The two transport ships, each costing 20,000 points of natural value, left the factory smoothly, and were driven away by Niu Er, who was waiting outside the shipyard, with a smile. Now the transport fleet has really become the territory’s sweet pastry. , But it will not understand what is called an economic artery.

With the well-developed water system and canal, and with the fleet of transport ships that have exploded in capacity, many projects that were previously expensive to complete have become easier and easier. The transport fleet is no longer just used to transport food supplies. Up.

For example, the stones needed for the Great Wall to be built on the southern route cannot be collected on-site at all. It will destroy the geological structure, but they can be mined from the peaks of Goddess Peak that were hollowed out by the demons and then transported by ships. Down the river, very fast.

There is also the greening of the Gobi Desert, and a large amount of soil can also be transported from the Longshou Plateau to the Black Mountain City, and then transported by air.

Now Hu Ye led the Northern Army to garrison training in the Dongshan Lake Fortress, and at the same time it also deploys manpower to expand the Dongshan Lake Canal.

This canal starts from Dongshan Lake in the east and has to go all the way north along the hilly area through Luyuan, and finally connects with the big river. Once the canal is opened, the Dongshan Lake Fortress will be closer to the core area of ​​the territory. contact.

By then, the Great Wall garrison guarding the scum city can also be transferred to the Great Wall on the Eastern Front. (The specific map will be released soon)

In short, the water system in the territory is becoming more and more important. It is like an important meridian, and digging a canal is like opening a meridian.

In fact, Xiaozhi has already suggested opening a canal from the Longshou Plateau to the Gobi Desert, which is more effective than what the Lord Lord is currently doing.

But Yunniang rejected it after personally inspecting it. Without him, the amount of work was too great to almost dig a mountain. In addition, the amount of water in the upper reaches of the river is running low, and the current territory’s transport fleet is only Being able to reach the Scum City, the river can still maintain a normal fleet sailing, all of which is supplemented by the water resources melted by the pure snow of Yinshan Mountain.

There is also an imminent thing here, that is, the territorial freshwater resources have become less and less, and the internal circulation alone is not enough. There is an urgent need to purify and evaporate seawater.

Of course, it is possible to develop groundwater, but it is not a long-term solution after all.

This matter cannot be decided by Yun Niang and Xiaozhi~ IndoMTL.com~ Lord Lord must decide by himself.

Returning to Mochizuki City from the shipyard, Yun Niang went to the training ground in the north of the city again. The Mochizuki Corps is carrying out a large-scale training. Today, the total strength of the Mochizuki Corps is more than 14,000, most of which are recruits.

All these recruits are ranged units. Among them, there are about 2,000 suitable archers, and the rest are all crossbowmen.

In fact, the realm’s current technical strength and accumulation can completely build flintlocks, but even Yun Niang would not recommend this. The reason is simple. The development of new weapons requires recognition by the world rules. This process will The rules of the world are attrition to a large extent.

For example, the rules of long guns and cannons will eliminate the rules of crossbows. This loss is not worth the loss.

In addition, the rules of bows and crossbows have actually been well developed.

Professional changes like bows and crossbows are actually a manifestation of the rules of the world.

For example, a three-turned Benlei shooter, in this world, under the support of the rules of the world, can play the field skills of Benlei. The crossbow arrow can even reach four times the speed of sound and can turn.

This can only be done under the support of the rules of the world.

But if you change to Yunniang’s hometown, where there is no rule of crossbow support, a three-turned Penlei shooter is at best a world champion.

So this is why all these 10,000 recruits are built as long-range units, because so far, long-range occupations are the most favored by the rules of the world, or the most complete, which is why crossbowmen can be batched For advanced three ranks, other melee soldiers have at most one or two ranks.

It is the advantage of the right time and place.

But from this point of view, we can know that world rules also require careful management and perfect management.

“Others are farming, we are the world!”

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