Fearsome Farmer Chapter 520: Kill the chicken and the monkey

After discussing with the leaders of the craftsman camp, Li Siwen ate dinner in the city lord’s mansion. Then, with the afterglow of the evening, he rode Dasha to the vicinity of Black Mountain City again in one day.

Because he has to go to Hou Er to deal with the senior prisoners in the territory.

Hou Er is busier now. It is carrying nine half-step legendary prisoners, and 493 lord-level prisoners are undergoing labor reform-well, mainly the tail of the Xishan Lake expansion project, and the Xishan River (referring to the Xishan Lake’s The excavation project of the branch canal from the lake flowing through the No. 3 Bread Mountain Group to the Tianfu Plain) to the branch canal of Heishan City.

Because of the attacks by the demon monarchs, the collapse of snowy mountains and other things, these projects were interrupted. Now the legions are busy training, so the prisoners have to dig the mud.

Not to mention, the work efficiency of these prisoners is extremely high. In only seven days, the tail of the Xishan Lake expansion project has been completed, and now the branch canal from Xishan River to Black Mountain City is about to be excavated.

Li Siwen checked along the way and was very satisfied, especially the expansion project of Xishan Lake.

Xishan Lake can be said to be the most proud of all his territorial infrastructure strategies, because its strategic significance is too important, so it has several consecutive expansions. This last expansion has the largest amount of engineering, directly Two bread mountains were dug out, and the valley between the 15 bread mountains was blocked, and the main area of ​​Xishan Lake reached more than 10,000 square kilometers. If it comes to the flood season, the basin area can even exceed 50,000 square kilometers. .

Such a terrifying water storage capacity can not only lock the water of large rivers, but also water the Tianfu Plain, and finally transform the Great Gobi in the west…

Of course, these all take time and a huge population to develop.

However, under Li Siwen’s plan, everything is being completed step by step.

Follow the Xishan River and pass through the No.3 Bread Mountain Group, and the Tianfu Plain is suddenly enlightened.

The Xishan River bends to the south here, but in the curved part, there is a straight canal that connects to the northwest.

Due to the topography, this canal was dug very deep to ensure that water can flow in. Anyway, it forms an artificial canal directly leading to the city of Montenegro

At this moment, it was getting dark, Li Siwen made Dasha speed up, and he went forward for more than two hundred miles. What he saw was a very lively scene.

The prisoner-of-war labor camp has not yet started work.

I saw a huge red eagle, two gray mountain eagles circling boredly in mid-air, and a black strange bird was conducting air close combat drills with 54 bat warriors and 36 crow shooters.

These are all half-step legendary and lord-level captives. Li Siwen did not let the legions distribute them because their combat effectiveness itself is very strong. What is lacking now is not combat skills, but discipline and recognition. That’s why Hou Er took them to carry out labor reform, and it seems that the effect is good.

It’s worth mentioning that the big red eagle was a captive caught by Dasha, and after being bled dozens of times, it was decisively given up by the black hand behind it.

The two gray mountain eagles and the black strange bird are also half-step legends. Now they are finally given up by the demon behind them. Now I am more happy, but they have left some sequelae. Hou Er froze…

This is a captive of the air unit. They can’t do labor reform, but they have to watch and empathize.

As for the real labor reforms, the tauren savage bull, the wild boar Dachun, the bear samurai sledgehammer, the human assassin Xiaoye, the basalt tortoise, and so on, this basalt tortoise is also forced to empathize here.

Then there are 148 Lord Bear Warriors, 215 Lord Tauren, 18 Lord Wild Boars, and 13 Werewolves.

Finally, there are nine lord-level crow hags, they are also feeling the same…

“Lord Lord!”

Seeing Li Siwen from a distance, Hou Er ran all the way.

“What’s the situation?”

Jumping off from Dasha, Li Siwen asked with a smile, and Dasha was already in the air, shouting triumphantly, passing quickly over all the captives, mainly those air units, showing off and deterring There are many, but it does have confidence. Whether it is the red giant eagle, the two gray mountain eagles, or the strange bird combined, it is not its opponent.

After all, the Dragon Slaying Banquet was not eaten for nothing. Dasha now has only a layer of paper from the legend. As long as Li Siwen nodded, the legend will be captured.

“The situation is generally stable, and it is expected that one day, the work will be completed. This group of guys has the strength to do it too quickly. I think I can take them with them. Go to the oak fortress and build another dam, which will be completed within ten days.”

Hou Er is now completely a dark contractor’s face, and Li Siwen is all laughing.

“Call these nine guys over, I haven’t had a chance to meet them yet.”

Hou Er turned his head and gave a whistle. The giant eagle, two mountain eagles, and a strange bird flew all over. On the river construction site not far away, there were bears stronger than Lord Xiong. The samurai also dropped a shovel the size of a loader shovel and walked over, followed by a female boar who was slightly inferior to Old Qiao, and the third was a tauren who looked indistinguishable from Niu San. When it came over, By the way, he picked up the Xuanwu turtle that was empathizing.

The last one is a slender woman wearing a veil. Well, the focus is on women…

These are nine half-step legendary captives. If in the past, Li Siwen would have spent a lot of brains just to look at them, but now only Hou Er can manage it. This is not how awesome Hou Er is. , But the majesty of the real battlefield!

What are nine half-step legends? There are currently thirty-nine half-step legends in Li Siwen’s territory!

To be honest, as long as it is not a crowded tactic, any legion of Li Siwen can defeat twice or even three times more enemies.

“It’s nice to meet you all. My name is Li Scum, and I am the lord of this territory.”

Seeing these nine high-ranking prisoners of war came and stood still, all with a nervous or forced indifferent attitude, Li Siwen smiled and spoke first.

“I think in the past few days, Hou Er has clarified the ins and outs for everyone. About this world, about us, about the demon who once enslaved everyone, I think at the very least, we all have a common , The great goal, that is-to survive.”

“Now, whoever is inconsistent with our goal, can you stand up, I have a half-step legendary cook under my hand, he has a golden dragon knife in his hand, maybe I can ask one of you Fu, have a dragon slaying feast tonight.”

Li Siwen said very casually and very happy. Daha behind him was even more drooling, his eyes fixed on the wild boar Dachun, the evil eyes, the proud wagging tail, deeply Betrayed it…

“I am willing to join the territory, I am willing to serve the lord!” Before the two fighting wild boars called Dachun, the biggest bear, full of domineering sledgehammer, stepped forward. One step, knees and knees, shout loudly, sincerely, and full of tears!

Following the wild boar Dachun also rushed out and shouted, “Lord Lord’s words made me lose my way and make me regret it. Since then, I and the Demon King are not at odds with each other. Lord Lord is my star, and he serves as Lord Lord It is my lifelong wish, saying, who dare not surrender? That is to despise Lord Lord, to insult me ​​Dachun, and to insult the justice of the whole world! I will fight you for life and death!”

This guy’s voice is too loud, and his saliva is too much, Li Siwen is stunned, so passionate? He thought he was going to waste a lot of tongue, he did not hesitate to threaten the dragon banquet, but…

“Long live the lord, my bull can listen to the teachings of the lord in this life, and I feel that this bull is full of fighting spirit. If I can’t follow the lord to kill the monsters and help justice, then what is the meaning of my bull’s life? I am willing to hit and die here! “This is the tauren…

Li Siwen:……

Hou Er:……


Daha: What a pity, what about the Dragon Slaying Banquet…

Red Eagle: Sad and indignant eyes…

Mountain Eagle A and B: We don’t know how to talk, so anxious…

Weird Bird: Look at my sincere eyes…

Xuanwu Turtle: Look, look, look at the eyes…

Female Assassin Xiaoye: From Malgobi, a bunch of trash, is this forcing the old lady to go to bed? ,,?^?,, shame…

“Very well, I can get everyone’s help from Li Scum!” Li Siwen enthusiastically lifted up the sledgehammer who was kneeling a bit taller than him, and patted Dachun’s knee again. The bull shook hands cordially, and finally comforted the red eagle, mountain eagle, strange bird and basalt tortoise who could not speak human words with an encouraging look.

Of course, he wouldn’t be bothered by the female assassin whose eyes are about to explode–

“It is my honor if you are willing to join my territory, Hou Er, it’s not that I said you, how can I arrange for Miss Ye with that rough dredging work? I don’t know where the girl is and where is her hometown. , Why is this difficult? Don’t worry, this will be your home in the future.”

“But, the old saying goes well, there are no rules, no squares, the first rule to join a territory is to have a name, such as Sledgehammer, Dachun, and Barbarian cow names are good, red Eagle, you will be called Dahong from now on, and you two will be called Dahui and Xiaohuihui from now on. From now on, you will be called Dahei and Xuanwu, so you will continue to be called Xuanwu. Xiaoye, of course, will still be called Xiaoye. This name sounds nice.”

“Tonight~IndoMTL.com~I’ll be a guest, let’s start the Dragon Slaying Banquet!”

Li Siwen shouted boldly, if I remember correctly, Lord Xiong has already caught the half-step legendary earth burrower at this time, and it happened to stage a dragon slaying feast in front of these nine senior prisoners…

Li Siwen made a promise here, and Daha over there has already rushed to the Black Mountain Fortress. He is really a clever and good dog.

Next, Li Siwen personally led the nine senior prisoners of war, Dachun, Dahong, Dahui, Dahei, Barbarian Bull, Little Gray Hui, Xuanwu, Xiaoye and all the prisoners to the fortress in Montenegro. , Walking and talking on this road, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Until the bearer who received the letter from Daha personally grabbed the burrower, which was more than a hundred meters long, thick and dark gold in the lotus tank, came out to greet him. This guy is still alive and kicking, half-step legendary. It is revealed.

Then, in front of all the prisoners of war, Lao Zhang carried the Dragon Slaying Knife and rushed up aggressively, breaking it in one blow!

At this moment, the expressions of the prisoners of war are wonderful…

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