Fearsome Farmer Chapter 460: Five-level mending tower

  The pure land without a planned structure is waiting for others to behave as a hooligan.

   Li Siwen believes in this sentence.

   So he planned very carefully.

   Currently, he has two sky patching structure arrays, one core in the Wood Demon Basin and the other in the south of the Chain Canal, each forming a network of structural arrays, but they are not related to each other.

   What Li Siwen has to do now is, for the time being, regardless of Mochizuki City, pull up these two sky-repairing structure arrays to form a whole, which is a very sophisticated study of the structure.

   So in this snowy weather, he turned into a groundhog, with a group of coolies carrying rocks, digging holes everywhere, exploring the direction of the underground structure.

  Of course, the stone caves created are not large, they can only accommodate one person in depth, and with the 5th level patrolling technique, they are not very destructive to the geological structure, and if there are more important structural nodes, he It will also drop a level 1 sky patching tower to stabilize the terrain.

   Fortunately, through the last time he used the enclosing skills, he has roughly spied the geological features of this area, so he also drilled three caves in the frozen Lake Mochizuki, and found one that was hidden deep , The structure of the plot is not easy to analyze.

   To use an analogy, the structural array near the Wood Monster Basin and the Chain Canal is like a bundle of small muscles, and what Li Siwen has found now is a large muscle that traverses things and reaches hundreds of miles.

   Without a word, excavate a stone cave, call the Heavenly Workers’ Value Deposit Machine Shu Ye, and then fetch the ancient ice fragment, two mysterious stones, and 1,000 high-grade stones, activate Level 5 supplement Heavenly skills, two trials and errors in the middle, finally succeeded in the third successful stacking, the effect was 100%, and it took about five hours.

   After the building was successful, Li Siwen was so nervous that he was going to collapse. Don’t look at him now building a 3rd-level sky-repairing tower. It’s okay to close his eyes, but every time you increase the level, the difficulty increases many times.

   He had to rack his brains and do everything he could to get this result.

   But after successfully building it, it feels very good and very proud. After all, this represents the most difficult Sky Patching Tower.

   “It seems that I owe the Snow Mountain Bear King a great favor!”

   Li Siwen murmured to himself, the stacking technology of the Sky Patching Tower, he can get it by himself a few more attempts, but the material is not good enough but it is a flaw.

   So far, he can’t find the core materials to build the 5th-level sky-repairing tower. This time he actually wanted to hit a bit of luck. It’s really not good. The 4th-level sky-repairing tower can also make do, who thought the effect was so good.

   This kind of ancient ice fragments has been out of the category of ice blocks, and I don’t know why. Not only will it not be cold, but it will be like warm jade, which is very rare.

   Of course, Li Siwen also asked Xue Er to check it again to make sure that there were no backers from the Snow Mountain natives hidden inside. Now it seems that the Snow Mountain Bear King is really interesting.

   The total height of this five-level sky-repairing tower is 30 meters, and the base radius is 12 meters. It has injected 5000 points in the natural value alone, and it is now completely integrated with the surrounding rock layers.

   At the moment when this 5th-level Sky Patching Tower was successfully built, he could clearly sense that the earth had an extraordinary stability.

   When he presses his hand on it, he will be able to check the attributes of the sky patching tower immediately.

   Sky Patching Tower: Level 5 (the highest)

   Nature: regular creation (compared to ordinary creation, extraordinary creation, and heavenly creation, it has an irresistible priority)

   Function: Centered on Level 5 Patching Tower, within 20 kilometers in diameter (including underground and sky), it is not affected by a magnitude 10 earthquake. The specific calculation method is directly exempt for earthquakes of magnitude 10 and below, and exemption for earthquakes of magnitude 10 and -10. Within the range of 50 kilometers to 100 kilometers in diameter, it will not be affected by a magnitude 8 earthquake.

   Passive effect: centered on Patchy Tower, the space within 500 kilometers in diameter will remain absolutely stable (that is, it will not be invaded by forced space, such as meteors)

  Features: immovable, but can be destroyed by external forces.

  Additional effect: the balance of the four seasons, which means that since the core of this tower is made of jadeized ancient glacier fragments, it has formed an internal cycle, that is, it releases heat while absorbing cold air, absorbing heat, and releasing chill. It has a good stabilizing effect on changes throughout the year.

   Passive effect: the sky patching tower array, once the sky patching tower is dropped, it will automatically sense the structural force field of the same sky patching tower in the surrounding area. If the structural force fields of each other are highly consistent and can be connected, different levels can be formed The patching tower array, the current sensed force field of the same patching tower structure is—— (click to view)

   Next, Li Siwen focused on checking, and a more expansive star map immediately appeared in his mind.

   In the dark sky, the stars are dotted with stars, covering almost all the 124 sky-repairing towers that Li Siwen smashed in the past period of time.

   Among them, 3 Level 3 Patching Towers are the brightest.

   56 second-level mending towers.

   The rest are all Level 1 Sky Patching Towers.

   In this star chart, the Level 1 Patching Pagoda is almost meaningless, and even the Level 2 Patching Pagoda has no sense of existence.

   This is because the power of Level 5 Patch Sky Tower is too great.

   From the perspective of this sky patching tower, the level 3 sky patching tower in Mochizuki City does not need to exist, and it is directly covered.

   Li Siwen studied carefully at this time and determined that only two lines would be required, one connected to the level 3 sky patching tower in the Wood Demon Basin, and the other connected to the level 3 sky patching tower in the south of the Chain Canal.

   Then, from the Wood Monster Basin, to Mochizuki City, to the Hengjiang Dam, to the Pocket Plain, this line automatically becomes a whole.

   covers an area of ​​nearly 30,000 square kilometers.

   is the natural value of the injection is a bit too much.

   The first line Li Siwen directly consumed 12,000 days’ work value, and the second line was slightly less, and also injected 6,000 points.

   But it’s all worth it.

  ”Huh? This line…”

   Just as Li Siwen was about to withdraw from the field of view of the star map, he suddenly found a hidden line, that is, the geological structure line that is not very bright and requires careful identification.

   This line starts from the 5th-level Sky Patching Pagoda. It does not lead to other Sky Patching Pagodas, but to the southern part of Mochizuki Forest. What does this mean?

   Li Swen thought for a while and got a little excited.

  What is the principle of Patching Sky Tower?

   means to replenish the innate.

   is a bit more popular. It compares the earth to a human body. If the body is injured, it needs to be stitched. The patching tower is the stitch of the stitch, and the suture is the structural line connecting the patching tower.

   In other words, the two mending towers must be connected by structural lines to allow the wounds to merge.

   But now this 5th-level Sky Patching Tower can automatically send out the structure line. This shows a problem. There is a structure similar to the Sky Patching Tower on the opposite side, but it is not formed by nature but is formed by nature.

  The natural patching tower!

   So at this time Li Swenna would hesitate, and directly injected a large amount of natural work value toward this hidden line, and consumed all the natural work value stored in the tree in one breath, and the total amount reached 10,000. At four thousand o’clock, this structural line was finally opened, and the opposite side finally lit up, and looking at the brightness, it was at least equivalent to the 4th-level Sky Patching Tower!

   This is equivalent to a sky patching tower in Bai Piao, and by the way, a sky patching array with at least level 4 structure was also given away!

   has made a lot of money!

   exited the star map view, Li Siwen asked people to quickly bury the 5th-level sky-repairing tower, and then he led people to run to the south of Mochizuki Forest, roughly the position he remembered.

   A few hours later, he smoothly found the natural’Tiantian Pagoda’, a rocky mountain formed by mass movement. This rocky mountain happened to be in the middle of Mochizuki Forest and its height was only 200 meters, so last time I didn’t find it after passing here,

   As for the location of this stone mountain, it is about 100 miles away from Oak Fortress, about 350 miles away from Hengjiang Dam, about 100 miles away from Pocket Mountain, and about 150 miles away from the snow-capped mountains to the east. It is about three hundred miles from the cliff mountain, about three hundred and eighty miles from the Miaofeng Fortress, and about three hundred and seventy miles from the Wood Demon Basin.

   This location is really good!

  With this natural ‘Sky Patching Pagoda’, the entire Mochizuki Forest has really become the possession of the territory.

  Because the secondary barrier skills can only provide a coverage area with a diameter of 200 kilometers, which is a large circle, but considering the boundary effect, the actual controllable range of this pure land area should be about 250 kilometers to 300 kilometers in diameter Big circle.

   Then let’s take a look.

  The distance from the fifth-level patching tower of Wangyue Lake to this natural patching tower is not more than 200 kilometers, so it can be included in the pure land range.

   Wood Demon Basin and Miaofeng Fortress are not more than 200 kilometers here, and they can also be included in the pure land range.

   The Level 3 Patching Tower in the south of the Tiessel Canal is slightly more than 200 kilometers away from here, but that’s not a problem.

   Finally, the Level 3 Patching Tower of the Chain Canal is 200 kilometers away from the Wood Monster Basin and the Miaofeng Fortress.

   At this point, drawing a large circle with a diameter of 250 kilometers in these important nodes is completely fine.

  Although this way, most of the wild boar field, most of the Luyuan, most of the Pocket Plain, and even the West Mountain Lake, the Oak Fortress cannot be included in the pure land range, but there is a pure land backing. What are you afraid of?

   In this pure land, we want forests and forests, plains and plains, rivers and rivers, lakes and lakes, snowy mountains and snowy mountains, and glaciers and glaciers.

   The core patching tower also has the ability to balance the four seasons. Isn’t such a good start?

   To be honest, even if Li Siwen is now using the Level 2 Sealing Skill, it will be no problem.

   advantageous start!

   But ~IndoMTL.com~ He has to consider the crazy counterattack behind the scenes once the Pure Land is established.

  Because compared with the pure land developed by the natives, if his nine generations of kings can successfully establish a pure land, it will be completely different in nature and will inevitably usher in the worst counterattack.

   In this case, he cannot consider the superiority of the geographical location alone.

  Military, diplomacy, people’s livelihood, routines, all have to be used. It can be delayed for a month or a month, and it can be delayed for a day!

   “It is necessary to support the snow mountain natives expedition to Shennv Peak. As long as the pure land of Shennv Peak is established, it will be the biggest cover for me.”

   “Of course, when the Goddess Peak Pure Land pulls most of the hatred value, I should also deploy at least five major military fortresses in order to guard the Pure Land in the future and keep the enemy out of the country!”

   “The Oak Fortress is responsible for guarding the south. A fortress is built on Pocket Mountain to echo the Oak Fortress. The Kabara Fortress and the Wild Boar Fortress echo each other. A fortress, or a water fortress, will also be built on the West Mountain Lake.” /

   “If the fortress increases, you need to expand the battle camp, and then you have to face the food crisis…”

   After thinking about it a lot, Li Siwen could only sigh in the end. If there is another year of development, it would be great!

   can be the most conservative estimate, leaving him only three or four months of development time.

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