Fearsome Farmer Chapter 454: Snow spider

   Yunniang’s decision immediately made Li Siwen’s strategic composition a lot more stable. It’s no exaggeration to say that the sense of security can be directly +500 points.

  Because the location of the deadwood forest here is too important!

   To the east is the Pure Land of Snow Mountain, and to the north is Mochizuki Forest.

   Go west for more than a hundred miles, and you will find the Dahe River.

   Further west is the endless pocket mountains.

   If you go further south for almost two hundred miles, it will be a huge plateau fault zone. The terrain will drop hundreds of meters below the river, and then go south, the terrain will continue to drop to thousands of meters.

   So the Yasha Legion’s offense is quite difficult.

   defended the deadwood forest, and the security of the territory became half.

  Because of this, Li Siwen also deliberately added another 300 points to Yunniang’s storage limit for the vitality ball, which cost six points of regularity.

   In this way, as long as Yun Niang’s vitality ball is full, she can release her talent for thundering three times in a row in the battle, and can break the three legendary/half-step legendary domains on the opposite side at once.

   Even if you encounter a powerful enemy here in Oak Fortress, reinforcements can’t arrive in time, and you can support it for a while.

   In addition, Li Siwen informed Dasha to airlift five mountain pioneers (advanced stonemason), and five axe movers built auxiliary fortresses around the oak fortress. This is located on the front line. Li Siwen does not intend to expose For any clues about Jie Shi, they had to be held responsible.

   Fortunately, the auxiliary fortress has a small amount of work and can be done before the winter.

   Li Siwen waited until all the members of the transferred territory were in place, and found a quarry mine near the snow mountain, and then left the oak fortress after everything was in place.

   As for how the fortress needs to be built, he doesn’t need to bother. Yun Niang is better than him.

   Back to the territory, Li Siwen first went to see the Hope Rice. The growth was excellent. At a glance, it was golden. Judging from the farming skills, it was nine mature, and it could be harvested in three days of good weather.

   For this reason, the logistics camp, the inner guard camp, and almost a dozen members of the territory are patrolling almost 24 hours a day, even when Hou Er catches his free time, he has to turn around.

   Not to mention Mr. Xiong and other members of other territories. Every evening, dozens of numbers are surrounded by the rice fields!

   Hope rice, really became hope.

   Li Siwen is the same, paying close attention to the weather. After all, if there is a problem with the rice field at this time, he will really go crazy.

  After patrolling the rice fields, he went to the ice store again, and by the way, he drew some blood from the old lady of the snake man, and the green wolf can also go for bloodletting therapy. Is it true freedom or fake freedom? After eating dancing grass, it is very It will soon reveal its original shape.

   In addition to the blue wolf, there is also a lord-level snow spider in the special ward of the ice store. It is already receiving bloodletting therapy. Hou Er is currently preparing the No. 11 anti-curse potion, which is specifically for spider demons. Jun’s curse.

   From the initial point of view, there is no problem. After all, the curse is the root thing. As long as you grab the specimen and have the immune source, then it is impossible for these demons to refuse.

   In addition, the effect of the golden oak fruit is very good. Li Siwen gave Hou Er a total of 20 fruit. After trying different doses, there are currently seven wild boar heavy infantry and fifty-two elite level soldiers. Snow spiders, five heroic snow spiders are awakened.

   These snow spiders don’t consume much food. As long as they have completed Hou Er’s training, they can be sent to the Miaofeng Fortress. Only a certain amount of Xuanbing can be upgraded.

   But unlike most wild monsters, these snow spiders have a low IQ, and they are basically sure to be unable to learn animal language, but they are much smarter than animals, so there is no problem in completing simple instructions.

  , but the consumption of Miaofeng Peak is not big, it is good to have more snow spiders as watchdogs.

   The most important point is that even if the Spider Demon instigates them, the damage to the territory will not be large, and only three snow trolls can do it.

   came out of the ice store and just met Xue Er who had returned from patrols. These days it is still busy as it should be, and there is no sign of being pulled out of the snow mountain rules. This really makes Li Swen slightly suspicious, never Will it be those glacier conscience discoveries?

   “What’s the matter today?”

   “Lord Lord!” When Xue Er saw Li Siwen, his eyes lit up, and he answered after greeting him.

   “Today’s situation is normal. I patrolled the Bread Mountain Group in the morning, and in the afternoon I dispelled two groups of dark clouds according to your instructions. There was nothing else.”

   “No, do you have any special feelings?” Li Siwen didn’t give up. It has been almost five days since the bear king informed him. That gang of glacier spirits will not release his pigeons, right?

  ”Have you been to Miaofeng Fortress these few days?”

  ” I went there yesterday, everything is normal there, Xuanbing reserves are also accumulating, oh, I also met the Snow Mountain Lion King, it seems to have something to say, hesitate, I ask it , Its expression is dodgy again, as if it has done something wrong!”

  Listening to Xue Er’s words, Li Siwen was amused and laughed!

   He didn’t say anything about Xueer’s snow mountain rules about to be removed, nor did he plan to tell Xueer.

   But now that Xue Er has no feelings, it’s mostly not the glacier spirit conscience discovered, but the snow mountain spirit of the seven generations of monarchs is working.

   This is also more interesting. It is probably this that makes the Snow Mountain Lion King depressed!

   After thinking about it, Li Siwen still said, “There is something, Snow Mountain Pure Land wants to recruit you, do you know?”

   “Me? Recruit!” Xue Er looked dazed, “I don’t understand, Lord Lord, what do you mean?”

   “Recruit! They will give you the position of a king of snow mountains~IndoMTL.com~ as long as you are willing to join them.” Li Siwen explained.

   Xueer was stunned, and after a long time, he whispered in a low voice, “Lord Lord, is it because I look ugly?”

   “Huh? Where did you think of it!” Li Siwen laughed and slapped Xue Er’s head. “It’s the snow mountain that sees your ability to manipulate ice and snow, so I want to draw you over, if you don’t If you agree, pull away from your snow mountain rules, and that pair of wings will no longer be there.”

   Xueer blinked, blinked again, and finally understood this time, “Lord Lord, you have decided. We are not afraid of death even if we are not afraid of death, let alone this kind of thing!”

   “Uh!” Li Siwen was slightly embarrassed and was a villain, but he immediately said with a straight face, “My opinion, of course, is based on our own interests. If those guys in Snow Mountain really can’t Take away the snow mountain rules from you, then don’t give them a chance! But if this thing hurts your body, or even causes you danger, don’t hold on. The only snow mountain rules are not rare for us.”

   “After all, in my eyes, you are the most precious, priceless treasure!”



   “Then, who do we include?” Yukuji asked shyly.

   Li Swen:……


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