Fearsome Farmer Chapter 393: I am kind.

   The pouring rain fell all night, which is regarded as Snow Mountain Pure Land’s feedback to the creatures of this world.

   You don’t care about the extent of the rain or what will happen next, Li Siwen has been patronizing the flood fighting this night.

   Tree Lord, Xue Er, Xue Da, Xue Lao San, Big Tortoise, Little Tortoise, these are the ice and snow flood fighting detachments.

   Soybeans, the small spines are the giant python flood fighting detachment.

   and Li Siwen brought hundreds of members of the territory such as Xiong Ye, Hou Da, Old Qiao, Niu San, Niu Si, Niu Wu, etc., as the excavator flood fighting detachment.

   One purpose is to keep the Hengjiang Dam.

   torrential floods poured into the river from all directions. The first thing to burst was the dam built by the crow demon. Of course, it might be deliberate, but there is no difference. The rolling flood peak hits in an instant, no matter how strong the soybeans are, it can’t handle it. live.

   At the critical moment, Shuye and Xueer built a 20-meter-high ice dam above the Hengjiang Dam.

   The soybeans and the small thorns can only do their best to direct the floodwater to the west bank of the river, even if the flood reaches the west bank and floods downstream, it has nothing to do with us.

   Li Siwen gave the order to die, and the Hengjiang Dam must be kept.

   So they ran around all night, fought hard, and ran for a whole day, and now they continue to fight, but there is no way.

   It’s not that Li Siwen has to feel sorry for the Hengjiang Dam that was just built, but he knows very well that this wave of gifts from the Pure Land of Snow Mountain is just a gift, so the drought will continue.

  Don’t scold the Pure Land of Snow Mountain, or the rules of the world are too cheating. If you want to take a good gift, it’s not like lying on the bed and stretching out your hand with a comfortable meal.

   You have to be able to catch this gift.

   Now that Li Siwen defends the Hengjiang Dam to death, it is equivalent to driving the flood towards the west bank of the river.

  How barren the land on the west bank of the big river is, it needs rainwater to irrigate it. It is not enough for the rain to penetrate three feet, but it is necessary to make this vast plain to drink and be full!

   Floods will bring a lot of silt, and these fertile silt will become the most needed fertilizer for the land after the flood.

  In the future, this piece of land will start from the Longshou Plateau, go to Bread Mountain in the west, and stretch out thousands of miles to the south. This is Li Siwen’s Longxing basic plate!

   is a weapon against the eastward advance of the Black Desert in the future.

   If there were thousands of miles of fertile fields, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of forests, and the back of the snow mountain, it would be a strange thing if he would lose.

   So there is no need to talk about those who do not seek forever, those who do not seek for a while, those who do not seek the overall situation, or the pretense of not seeking a domain.

   Li Siwen is a low-key person after all, let’s go ahead and act hard.

   At dawn, the rainstorm finally stopped and the flood peak was still there.

   This night, Shuye and Xueer built a fifty-mile ice dam together, and they followed the Chain Canal to the west and carried the flood westward as much as possible.

   This is the order issued by Li Siwen in the second half of the night when the flood peak was found to be under control. As long as the flood enters Xishan Lake, part of it will still spread south, but a large part will be injected into the Bread Mountain Group, which will eventually spread and submerge to the dragon. This area below the first plateau.

   will basically form a scenario where Xiaoyasha will build a dam downstream this spring, which will eventually lead to the diversion of the river.

  As long as the floodwater soaks in this area for an additional hour, it will help alleviate the drought.

   “Master Shu, Xue Er, after breakfast, you can go back to the Miaofeng Fortress.”

   When the sun came out, Li Siwen stood calmly on the ice dam that was about to melt.

   “Lord Lord, do I still need to guard the Miaofeng Fortress?” Xue Er was a little bit reluctant, looking forward to Li Siwen, how lively the hometown is, although they can only sneak out at night, it feels different .

   Li Siwen took a look at Xue Er, and also looked at Xue Da and the three iron quails, which were also very much anticipated. Indeed, now the Snow Mountain Pure Land has regained some of the missing rules, the Snow Mountain Road is basically abandoned, and the indigenous people on the Snow Mountain are also Not thinking about attacking them, the importance of Misty Peak fortress has been greatly diminished with the killing of Qingyun Town.

   However, Xue Er is now a quasi-indigenous recognized by the Pure Land of Snow Mountain. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this advantage.

   Therefore, not only must the fortress of Miaofeng Peak exist, but also the Zhetian Peak must be incorporated into its own territory.

  Don’t forget, there is an important resource like Xuanbing.

   Junzi pear and Kinggrass actually require black ice, but have you forgotten the magical effect of pear nectar and King nectar?

   Now Xuan Bing has only developed so few uses, in case there are more and more powerful uses!

   gave up such a huge, high-quality, almost inexhaustible resource for nothing, Li Siwen has not been so inflated yet.

   “Well… you are allowed to come back for three days off every month, and you can also rotate with Xue Lao San. Then let Lao Song be your favorite pear soup!”

   Li Siwen touched Xue Er’s head. Now Xue Er’s head is almost reaching his chin. If it doesn’t open its mouth, it’s slim, so he can’t help but touch it twice…

  ” In short, work hard, the territory needs more Xuanbing as a reserve. In addition, can you continue to concentrate on a higher level on the basis of Xuanbing? Research this yourself, OK, go, wait for the castle Once it’s built, I’ll set aside my own room for you.”

   Li Siwen smiled and sent the Ice and Snow team away. Then, he yawned, and handed over the concern about Hongfeng to Dadao, Xiaotong, and returned to the safe house with a group of mud monsters.

   Last night, the more than 800 civilians were all placed in large houses on the surface of the ice store, and some were placed in the rest hall of the safe house, as well as rooms 101 and 102 in area B. Comfortable. It will be comfortable, because the frostbite on their bodies will make them howl all night.

   However, these frostbite are not enough to break their hands or feet, because Li Siwen urgently made a large number of frostbite ointments when he came back yesterday.

  This frostbite ointment is a kind of prescription that he unexpectedly obtained through clinical trials on various herbs through a lot of fragmentation time. After the vitality value is strengthened with skills, the efficacy of the medicine is increased by 50%…

   Anyway, when I came back this morning, these human civilians basically kept their hands, feet, and ears, and they will suffer a few more days of crime.

  ”Boss Li, Boss Li, I think my fire team needs to be expanded!”

  Only when he arrived at the safe house, Old Song stopped Li Siwen. On the one hand, he was really anxious, and on the other hand, he was really anxious to be a filial son. After all, his eldest wife is over forty, why? It is also difficult to be born and raised. There are three so-called unfilial piety.

   Among the 846 commoners of celebrities brought back this time, there are a total of 15 aunts, all in their 20s and 30s, they are in their prime of life, and the muscles on their arms and legs are smashing. …

  Don’t ask why, Li Siwen also wants to ask why?

  , there seem to be a few that look good, but because of the favoritism of Liang Jin and others, the first wave of cursing alienation died…

   “Old Song, let’s not go too far. How would you let the big guys think of you like this?” Li Siwen persuaded him earnestly, Minu, he is also a filial son!

  ”No, no, Li, you want to be crooked, I mean, in this group, there are three cooks. The real cooks, not the cooks, are almost comparable to those I didn’t have advanced lord level before. Strength, besides, many of these people have craftsmanship, and there are few farmers… Boss Li, I mean, we have developed!”

  Old Song shouted solemnly.

  ”Artisan?” Li Siwen was taken aback, then turned around and shouted, “Liang Jin, what’s the matter?”

   Behind a large group of mud monsters, a mud man walked out and knelt on the ground with a snap, “It was because the subordinates were negligent and did not inform the lord in time, who lived in the small town of Qingyun, and Not the bottom farmers, but the craftsmen and soldiers…”

   “Negligence? I think you want to be a dutiful son and want to be crazy, Tiger Lord, after he is well injured, you will draw him ten whips to behave like you!”

   Li Siwen frowned and scolded that such important information was not reported early. If he had known that these were all craftsmen, he had to find a way to bring back more.

   “Subordinates are convicted!” Liang Jin tapped his head and willingly confessed.

   “Get up, those who died on the road, are you good friends or your concubines?” Li Siwen couldn’t help but asked curiously. Since those women died, Liang Jin has been a little thoughtless. , This is magic.

  ”Return to Lord Lord, those few are the Qings of Mingyue Tower. The subordinates have no intention of getting involved. They originally wanted to dedicate to Lord Lord, but they are self-defeating…”

   “Huh, Qing dynasty?” Li Siwen laughed loudly, and when he finished laughing, he greeted Hou Er, “Who else has been in contact with those women before, all stand up and go to the second-level ice room to isolate On the 15th, Hou Er, remember to isolate them separately. What’s special, I have known that these demon monarchs are not easy to mess with, there are too many routines, and it is impossible to prevent them.”

   “But Lord Lord, we have all drunk the No. 7 anti-curse potion.” Xu Wenwu, Zhang Fugui and several other guys were scared for a while. They all suffered from the aunt in the ice store. I heard it, so I really don’t want to know how this miraculous lord will concoct them?

  ”Don’t worry, just in case, it’s okay, you will be released after 15 days. And I think you’re probably okay, only Liang Jin is the one who’s in trouble. You look at him, who is desperate, like a soul Are they all hooked away?”

  Waiting for the two Liang Jin, Xu Wenwu, Zhang Fugui and the others to take away, the remaining members of the territory, including Lao Song, were calm, and they were clamoring for the expansion of the fire head team before, but now I don’t even mention this.

   “Boss Li, do you think there are spies left by the demon king among these human races?”

   When eating breakfast, Old Joe asked very worried ~ IndoMTL.com~ Yes, basically every one is! “

   “Ah!” A bunch of guys almost jumped in shock.

   Li Siwen laughed, “All those who have not broken through the lord level may be spies of the devil, so why do you panic? Don’t be discriminatory, things are not as bad as you think, there is something wrong, I What are the anti-curse potions for you?”

  ”So everyone must supervise each other. The commander of each battle camp, the deputy commander, and the squad leader of each squad must take responsibility. Your subordinates and companions have abnormal conditions. Don’t hesitate to drink an anti-curse first. Medicine, absolutely right.”

   “In addition, once you break through the hero-level strength, it will be much more difficult for the devil to do things on you. If you can take the anti-curse potion in time, then you are basically safe.”

  ”Of course, if any of you have to learn from Liang Jin to die, then don’t think that the lord-level strength is absolutely safe, or that said, you are not afraid of shadows, you are not afraid of bad things, and you are not afraid of ghosts! Like me, upright, upright, upright, kind-hearted, awe-inspiring, and handsome, so a hundred evils will not invade…what’s the matter?”

   The old man Xue in the distance shrank, and couldn’t bear hundreds of gazes, and whispered: “The old lady looks very good today…”

   Li Siwen threw down his job directly and happily went straight to the ice store…

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