Fearsome Farmer Chapter 18: Green Wolf

   The sun has finally set, and the whole world is not only less cool, but more sultry, like a huge stagnant puddle, the gray clouds in the sky are like the upturned belly of a suffocated fish, revealing a wave of despair .

   The earth is hot, tree trunks are hot, weeds are hot, even the eyes of all people are hot.

   Li Siwen had drunk his water hyacinth a long time ago. He could have insisted on it, but in order to prevent Liu Er, who was already thirsty, from snatching and then affecting his plan, he simply solved the trouble ahead of time.

   But everyone tried their best to suppress the anger and hunger. They were waiting, waiting for the return of the reckless lord, and also waiting for a heavy rain and the final fate.

   The threat of those gray wolves seems to be far away.

   The faint thunder sounded, and they were almost thirsty crazy. The mad people raised their heads and looked at the already dark sky, hoping that the cold rain would fall.

   Now everything is bullshit, they just need water, just cool.

   Only Li Siwen has been sitting in the logging hut, even if his body is soaked with sweat, he still doesn’t move. Next to him is his sharpened iron axe. He is not waiting for rain or ashes. Wolf, he was waiting for the reckless lord, and occasionally murderous intent flashed in his eyes. He must act, at least he must have some initiative.

  If the Lord Bold has not returned yet.


   The sound of thunder approached, and the weather seemed to be cooler. When the wind blew, Li Siwen closed his eyes. Regardless of the sultry surroundings, he was trying to create a strange state similar to last night. Now he knows So, soul addition and soul development can’t be added casually, but need to create a peaceful atmosphere, otherwise there will be great side effects, such as vomiting, dizziness, headaches and the like.

   And now he is trying to increase the soul development to 19%. There are still six soul points in the yellow ball.

  If the Lord of Bold Man does not return, these four soul points are the beginning of his troubles.


   A burst of thunder sounded abruptly, and the gust of wind came from nowhere, tearing and roaring fiercely, most of the branches on the fence were swept away in the day, and among the flying sand and rocks, nothing was seen.

   But suddenly, Li Siwen heard a muffled grunt. The sound was so small that it was insignificant in the gust of wind and the rumbling of thunder. It might not have been audible if he hadn’t been trying to calm himself down.

   At one thought, Li Siwen turned on the natural vision without saying a word.

  In an instant, a sub-soul force field was spread out one after another, and he could see the blades of grass, leaves, stones, and fresh blood flying in the wind.

   even, vaguely can catch the trajectory of the wind.

   The wind is wrong!

  A gray shadow suddenly pounced from the oblique thorn, and jumped directly to the logging hut, but what awaited it was an axe.

   The gray shadow didn’t even have time to howl, the whole head was directly split in half, and the huge force made its body fly away.

   woof, another gray shadow lightning pounced, Li Siwen holding the axe in both hands, still a simple chop to fly it, and then quickly back, let the entrance of the logging hut, the next moment the lumberjack Old Zhao rushed up with blood, and even lost his axe. He was bitten on one of his arms, but it was not critical.

   After he climbed up, the figure of the militiaman Song Hu also rushed towards him, but he was much more powerful. He swung a spear and pushed back the two gray wolves, and then jumped into the logging hut.

   Then, there is no more.

   The old Chen with the potential of a dog-headed military commander, the old oily Cao Da, and the frizzy young Liu Er, all became the source of screams, and were then replaced by torn and chewing.

  The gust of wind gradually ceased, the thunder disappeared, the heavy rain did not come down, but the sky became brighter, Li Siwen finally saw the scene that made him shudder.

   In the evening sky light, a blue giant wolf at least three meters high was surrounded by a dozen gray wolves, strolling like a king, and it could even be seen in its eyes To the wise light that thinks like a human.

   At this moment, Li Siwen, including Lao Zhao, and Song Hu, felt that their heart was being held firmly by an invisible paw. The two battles, sweating like syrup, and no more fighting spirit.

   Even Li Siwen’s talented vision was directly shattered and shattered, and couldn’t bear this level of crushing.

   For a moment, he even had an illusion that he was in contact with the soul of the green wolf. It was like looking at a delicate snack, that kind of pleasure, that kind of pride, that kind of teasing. Really.

   Li Siwen has absolutely no resistance at all.

   It is at this moment that he understands how weak he is in this world, and how dangerous and terrifying this world is! His self-righteous little hole card is not even a splash.

   But at this moment, the earth trembled suddenly, and in the dark sky, an extremely violent aura came like a hurricane, instantly tearing the invisible suppression brought by the green wolf.

   Li Siwen and three of them slumped on the ground, and they could only watch with a stunned look at the raging fires that ignited all over the man’s body. Holding a huge mace, the flames on it were all three or four meters high. The whole person was like the same platform The heavy tank rumbled out of the darkness and out of the jungle, and in an instant it had a head-on with the huge green wolf!

   The green wolf roared, the lord roared, both sides stopped attacking after one blow, and when the overseer Sun Tieshi and two senior soldiers rushed out~IndoMTL.com~ the green wolf finally let out a howl and quickly retreated, just The gaze when it left was very meaningful.

   And when all the gray wolves retreated without a trace, the blatant lord who was covered in flames sat down with a puff, and the flames disappeared strangely, and the whole person was breathing constantly there, seeming to be in a bad state.

   Li Siwen saw all this in his eyes, and quietly threw his axe, restored to the appearance of a quail farmer, and secretly warned himself not to activate the spiritual vision talent easily in the future.

  Because there is no doubt that this invisible secondary soul field released is not invincible, as long as it is strong, it can be sensed and it can be forcibly crushed.

   Lao Zhao’s condition at the moment is the worst. He was injured again, and was suppressed by the aura of the green wolf. In the end, he was even more worried that he would be blamed by the lord of the reckless man. After all, he did not speak badly before, so he I was scared to pee directly.

  Song Hu, the militiaman, is in the best condition. At this moment, he is rushing out, and his excitement is beyond words.

   To be honest, Li Siwen now understands why Song Hu would be so loyal to and confident in the Lord of the Bane. It is indeed the Lord of the Bane is too powerful.

   Fortunately, in the past day and night, although Li Siwen occasionally performed some coincidences and killed a gray wolf in full view, overall it was very low-key, especially there were four loggers. Help him pull the hatred and block the line of sight, otherwise it’s time to pull the list.

   However, looking at the embarrassed look of the Lord of the Bane, not only did he not bring back his prey, he even lost two of the elite soldiers that he had finally accumulated before, three mercenaries, four hunters, and five militiamen all died. I knew how miserable this time was when I was alone. Therefore, facing the territory where there are already three or two big cats and kittens, the ruthless lord probably has no time to ask.

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