Fanatic Divine Cultivator Chapter 18: Training~2 more, the fastest update of the latest chapters of madman cultivation!

Under the cover of low grass and trees, Xu Xuan’s prostrate body moved forward a little bit, not daring to make the slightest noise. Of course, if he rushed directly up, he still had the confidence to kill This striped tiger, but doing so will obviously waste a lot of time and strength. He intends to use the least strength to solve this striped tiger!

The striped tiger deserves to be a fourth-level monster. It is huge and majestic. If an ordinary person takes a look, it is estimated that the soul will be frightened by half. It had just finished eating the Xuanfeng Pig, and was lying very leisurely in a clearing basking in the sun, squinting his eyes, and looked very enjoyable. However, it did not know that a huge danger was slowly approaching it!

Soon, Xu Xuan came to a position only about two meters away from it, which made Xu Xuan’s mind more tense, because the position he was lurking was right in front of the zebra tiger.

Xu Xuan quietly waited for the best time to take action. He didn’t dare to make any changes. He knew that the dagger in his hand was very sharp and could easily pierce the head of the animal in front of him. There is no doubt that he will die soon.

Suddenly, the unsuspecting zebra tiger twisted his head and looked in a direction to the right. At this moment, Xu Xuan, who had been lurking, suddenly moved.

He had already gathered the profound energy on his legs. At this moment, his legs violently kicked, and his whole person flew towards the striped tiger like a cannonball.

The distance of two meters is not far, almost in the blink of an eye. At this time, the Zebra Tiger also seemed to feel the danger approaching him, and immediately turned his head back as a conditioned reflex.

But, it’s too late. The distance of two meters plus Xu Xuan’s use of profound energy to help him jump is too fast. As soon as the striped tiger turned his head, the dagger over there was already straight. Inserted into the center of its head.

Xu Xuan did not relax his vigilance. He slammed his head against the striped tiger. The whole person immediately bounced back. The sharp dagger was pulled out, bringing out a mist of blood in the air. There are some white substances.


The striped tiger looked at Xu Xuan, and the body that stood up couldn’t help but let out a roar. Extreme anger flashed in its eyes, and it was about to rush over, but there was blood constantly coming out of its head. The long hair on its head was dyed red.

Even if he saw the tiger’s breath getting weaker and weaker, Xu Xuan was still shocked by the roar. This was the first time it had killed a monster, and it was a level four monster. It is inevitable that my heart cannot be completely at peace.

The streaked tiger stood up to about three meters tall. In contrast, Xu Xuan’s figure appeared to be much thinner. After the streaked tiger roared at Xu Xuan, he opened his **** mouth and charged towards Xu Xuan. Then, there was blood flowing out of that mouth.

Xu Xuan was taken aback. He didn’t think that the zebra tiger was so tenacious, and he didn’t die immediately. His figure slammed away to the left, just avoiding the zebra tiger.


The huge streaked tiger fell to the ground with a bang, and finally couldn’t stand up anymore. After struggling for a few times, it stopped moving.

Xu Xuan on the side finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, this blow was very powerful, and he directly killed the zebra tiger. If he didn’t attack like this, he directly pierced the animal’s head. , Then I don’t know how long it will take to succeed!

He quickly took off the tiger skin and the tiger claws, two valuable things, and took out the bag and put it in: “Sure enough, such an assassination is the least time-consuming method. You are unlucky today!”

Said to the corpse of the zebra tiger, and tied the bag to his waist. Xu Xuan was about to leave, but soon there was a burst of applause on his right hand, making him The pace just about to leave stopped immediately, his face could not help showing a solemn color.

“Wonderful! Very wonderful lore! One hit is deadly, in the middle of the point, and the weapon is also good, made with the best materials? Tsk tsk, the kid is good!”

Along with this applause came the rough voice of a middle-aged man. Although these words were full of praise, Xu Xuan didn’t think the people who appeared at this time would be any good people.

This mysterious forest is a cemetery for many people. Many people will kill others in order to fight and **** others’ things. But at the same time, this forest is also a paradise for some wicked people, because here they can act unscrupulously. Killing, you can lick blood on the tip of the knife.

The people who enter this forest are mixed with dragons and snakes. There are all kinds of snakes, insects, rats and ants. There are hunting teams that enter at random, and there are wicked people who are chased and killed alone to escape from the limelight. Some are to earn energy. Dan and the small family who came here, Xu Xuan immediately became vigilant.

Xu Xuan turned his head and looked over. There were five people who appeared. They appeared in the same direction that the Zebra Tiger had turned his head before he attacked the Zebra Tiger just now. Obviously, it is very likely that these people had already hid at that time. There, maybe the Zebra Tiger found something, and then took a look there, creating a great opportunity for himself.

But it’s not important anymore. Xu Xuan glanced at the five people who appeared. He didn’t know why, but he was able to see through their cultivation level. This made him slightly startled. I don’t know if it was because he was fused with Hong Sha. The soul and spiritual power are stronger than others, or his cultivation method is too unique, or even the help of the nine swallows **** jade, but he has truly seen through the other’s cultivation.

The man who spoke was standing in the forefront, with a hideous scar on his left face. He looked extremely horrible. Wearing a blue suit, his cultivation is the highest of the five, he is profound energy. In the late sixth stage, and the other four, three ordinary-looking middle-aged men are all in the early stage of the sixth stage of Xuanqi, and a woman who seems to be about twenty years old is in the late stage of the fifth stage of Xuanqi. This power is really not low.

Of course, if there were only the four people behind, Xu Xuan might not care that much. With the purity of the profound energy in his body, at least there was still a fight, but the scarred man in the front made him feel Some headaches, after breaking through to the sixth stage of profound energy, he hasn’t fully tried his own combat power, so I don’t know if he can compete with this guy.

He looked at the other party, his thoughts kept flickering. The other party didn’t act immediately. Obviously, he shouldn’t be able to see his cultivation level, and the other party is now staring at him closely, half wanting to see if he is not nervous. , Once nervous, the other party must feel that his cultivation level is not high, maybe he will do it immediately.

Therefore, Xu Xuan smiled at the other party, with a plain expression: “Thank you for the compliment, it’s not worth mentioning!”

After speaking, Xu Xuan turned around and moved forward without any haste. But Scarface frowned behind him. From Xu Xuan’s expression and answer, he could not see any flaws.

But in the end, when Xu Xuan had already taken more than a dozen steps, he couldn’t help but say loudly: “The little brother is decisive and has extraordinary strength. But the zebra tiger that the little brother killed just now is my Xiao Lang’s. Prey, so please leave things behind before you can leave!”

After Xiao Lang finished speaking, he slowly walked towards Xu Xuan. He thought about it carefully. Although he could not see Xu Xuan’s cultivation base, Xu Xuan was only fifteen or six years old, and he still carried It was kind of immature, and there was no one in Yuncheng who was fifteen or six years old who could cultivate a level higher than the seventh stage of the profound energy.

One more thing, Xu Xuan’s clothes are in tatters and blood is stained on them. He looks a little embarrassed. He must have a low cultivation base to make it like this. In addition to the large number of them, he is even more so. There is more confidence.

It can be said that this Xiao Lang is an extremely delicate person. Although he looks like a big man, he can lead these people to make a certain name in this forest, so naturally he is not the younger generation.

So, Xiao Lang quickly judged that Xu Xuan’s cultivation level was not high. Just now was cautious. It was also shocked by Xu Xuan’s sharp aura that killed the striped tiger just now. Is a master.

“Xiao Lang?” Hearing these two words, Xu Xuan couldn’t help clenching his fist! A fierce flash of eyes flashed back suddenly.

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